Chapter 161
Xiao Rui turned his back to Bai Xiaoyuan.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the river.

He was dressed in a neat black suit, his slender figure almost blended with the huge blue glass and the orange sunset.

Bai Xiaoyuan raised his eyebrows, um, the male lead has a lot of halo, really handsome!

"Mr. Xiao." She greeted politely.

This Xiao Rui didn't like her, she had personal experience, so there was absolutely no need to please him, no need to flatter him, no need to emit hormones.

Seeing that she had been 'disinfected', Xiao Rui didn't respond to her, and went straight to his desk and sat down.

"Please sit down." Xiao Rui said coldly.

Bai Xiaoyuan sat down in front of him indifferently, looking at his appearance, he was not like what Li Ya said, he was here to give himself a role.

"What did Boss Xiao want me for?"

Only then did Xiao Rui look up at her, then he pulled out a card from the drawer and pushed it to Bai Xiaoyuan.

Bai Xiaoyuan glanced at it, it turned out to be a bank card, what is he trying to do?
She was very puzzled, "What does Mr. Xiao mean?"

Xiao Rui's eyes as sharp as a knife's edge swept towards her, "There is one hundred thousand in it, I bought your Weibo account, and you earned it."

Bai Xiaoyuan still kept a smile on his face, but his heart was turbulent.

Does Xiao Rui know that he is 'My Goddess Liya'?

But judging by his appearance, he is very unkind. Why did he buy his own Weibo account for no reason?
She didn't pretend to be stupid, and opened the skylight to speak bluntly, "It turns out that Mr. Xiao knows about it, but this trumpet is harmless. Why did Mr. Xiao buy this?"

Xiao Rui's voice became colder, "Bai Xiaoyuan, don't think that I don't know who is behind Hei Liya, don't you think it's ironic for you to use that small nickname? Don't dirty those words."

Bai Xiaoyuan withdrew the smile on his face, "Hei Liya's person is Xu Mier, how did Xu Mier treat Liya in the crew, how did he send Mr. Xiao to deliver the medicine? I still have a video here. Do you want Mr. Xiao to watch it?" one look?"

"Enough!" Xiao Rui snorted coldly, "It's because I know that I'm lenient with you. Otherwise, do you think you still have the chance to face me face to face?"

Bai Xiaoyuan thought about it, as long as he was still in Victoria, he couldn't offend Xiao Rui.Xu Mier has such a wide network of contacts, Xiao Rui will fuck her whenever he says he wants to fuck her, she doesn't even have the power to fight back.His current status in the circle is not as good as Xu Mier's one finger, so naturally he won't hit a stone with a pebble.

"As for you begging me to give you the role, I don't have the right resources here. If Liya asks, you just say that the role I give is too small and you don't want to play it." Xiao Rui looked at Bai Xiaoyuan mockingly, "You can do it, right? ?”

Bai Xiaoyuan nodded, "Of course, here, no one expects Mr. Xiao and Liya to have a harmonious relationship with Li Ya more than me."

She spoke with sincerity, as if it were real.

Xiao Rui narrowed his eyes and added, "Also, you'd better stay away from her. The farther you are from her, the farther you are from me. I can't see what you want to do. in spite of."

He sees himself as a dog's skin plaster, wishing to take it off quickly.

Okay, this world will go on without Riya. She, Bai Xiaoyuan, is completely out of sight and out of mind when she leaves Riya. As long as the two of them can be together well, she will burn incense.

But it was too easy to just agree, and the boss sitting across from him might not feel at ease.

Anyway, it's all out of the way, and it's only reasonable for the lion to open his mouth wide.

Bai Xiaoyuan stretched out his slender hand, pushed the bank card in front of him, and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, this is not as simple as buying a small size. If there is no one million, how can it be enough?"

Haha, Yuanyuan, let me play tricks on you!Ask for a recommendation ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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