Chapter 173
"I was also at fault. I shouldn't be so eager for quick success. But it doesn't matter. Look, haven't I also got a hot IP heroine now?"

Bai Xiaoyuan reached out and patted Tang Yuan's shoulder, "Let's not worry about anything now, just wait for the seafood feast."

As soon as she said this, the elevator door opened slowly. Someone pressed the up button on the 8th floor, so the elevator stopped here.

In such a split second, what Bai Xiaoyuan said was heard by the people waiting at the elevator entrance.

That person is Gu Ci.

He was wearing a well-crafted dark blue suit. Although the color was a bit flamboyant, but with his figure and appearance, only one word handsome and two words temperament could describe him.Even standing in front of the recognized perfect male god Tang Yuan, he won't lose a bit.

Gu Ci stepped into the elevator with his long legs.

He heard what Bai Xiaoyuan said just now.

He first took a look at Tang Yuan, and then stood on Bai Xiaoyuan's left, and the two of them sandwiched her between one left and one right.

Gu Ci turned his head to ask Bai Xiaoyuan, "Bai Xiaoyuan, long time no see, do you remember me?"

Tang Yuan squinted his eyes, and pulled Bai Xiaoyuan towards him.

Seeing that Tang Yuan dared to touch Bai Xiaoyuan's arm, Gu Ci immediately pulled hard and pulled Bai Xiaoyuan over.

"Did Mr. Gu not take his medicine when he went out?" Bai Xiaoyuan staggered and scolded Gu Ci.

Tang Yuan then added, "Mr. Gu, please respect yourself."

Gu Ci glanced sharply at the two of them, "Your name is Tang Yuan, right? Are you also her guest of honor?"

Tang Yuan squinted at Gu Ci.

Gu Ci loosened his cuff buttons, "Why, are you surprised to hear I use the word 'also'? That's right, when I got along with her, I didn't have anything to do with you."

Bai Xiaoyuan glanced at the number displayed by the elevator, and found that he had only reached the 16th floor, and there was still a century-long distance from the 86th floor.

Seeing that Bai Xiaoyuan didn't even bother to talk to Gu Ci, Tang Yuan kept silent.

Gu Ci continued, "The heroine of the project "The Wind and Cloud of the Tang Dynasty" was originally decided to be an artist from Gu's Media. I heard that Ms. Bai had dinner with Mr. Wang, the investor of "The Wind and Cloud of the Tang Dynasty". Just got it?"

He changed the subject, and his eyes contained a murderous look, "Who gave you the courage! Don't you think it's dirty to send it to your door to be a cheap man!"

Bai Xiaoyuan's chest was up and down, and she calmed down for a long time before she said slowly, "After leaving Gu's, I went smoothly and got my role with my own efforts. If it wasn't for Mr. I became popular when I was in "Peerless. Love. Concubine". Mr. Gu saw that I was now accepting "Da Tang Feng Yun" and regretted not keeping me? Is Mr. Gu going to blackmail me next, or pay a high price? Digging me back?"

Gu Ci didn't care what was there or not, he clung to the dinner that night, "Tell me, did you sleep with that man?"

"Crazy!" Bai Xiaoyuan didn't want to continue to entangle with him, so she pressed the nearest 20th floor, and when the elevator door opened, she walked out.

After stepping out of the elevator, she turned around and glanced at Tang Yuan, she thought Tang Yuan would come down with her.

But he didn't.

Bai Xiaoyuan brushed his hair, Tang Yuan probably felt that he was cheap too, for taking the role, he even gave up his face.

That's right, the black female supporting role, for the sake of the actress, she has to do whatever she can.

(End of this chapter)

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