Chapter 174
Bai Xiaoyuan thought that Tang Yuan had reached the 86th floor before her.

The moment they walked out of the elevator door, Zhou Shu and the others were already waiting at the elevator entrance.

Joyce was also waiting at the door. Seeing that Bai Xiaoyuan was the only one coming out, she couldn't help feeling puzzled, "Why are you alone, where is our Tang Yuan?"

"I don't know, he wasn't with me." Bai Xiaoyuan replied politely, feeling strange in his heart.

"Okay then, let's go there first." Zhou Shu smiled smugly at Joyce, and led Bai Xiaoyuan to the east hall.

After only a few steps, Joyce asked sharply, "Oh my God, what's wrong with your eyes? Hurry up, put on your sunglasses."

Bai Xiaoyuan turned around and saw Tang Yuan wearing sunglasses.

It's just that they separated for a short while, why did he turn into panda eyes.

However, Gu Ci was not much better that day.

He also came to participate in the press conference of "Youth with Nowhere to Place", and he also attended with sunglasses.

Zhou Shu saw Bai Xiaoyuan watching the press conference of "Youth" on his mobile phone, "I didn't watch the press conference of my new drama, but I watched someone else's. Why, are you still worried about it?"

"No." Bai Xiaoyuan touched Tang Yuan who was wearing sunglasses on the screen, "I just felt strange, did you think Tang Yuan had a fight that day, why did his eye sockets suddenly look like that?"

"You have such a rich imagination, just who can he find to fight at that moment, maybe suddenly pink eye disease or something."

Bai Xiaoyuan was crooked on the sofa with her mobile phone in her arms, smiling very brightly, hahaha, pink eye disease.

The filming of "The Wind and Cloud of the Tang Dynasty" took place day and night. This drama is full of fire, family and country righteousness, love and hatred, and soul-stirring. The heroine's character is very full. The modeling and makeup are also very powerful.

The makeup photo has just been released, and the fans excitedly made a Q version of the figure, and organized several visits in an orderly manner to send warmth to Bai Xiaoyuan and the crew.

Seeing the increasing number of Weibo fans, Bai Xiaoyuan's meals are particularly delicious.

After finally having a free day, Bai Xiaoyuan called Tang Yuan, planning him to go out for a seafood feast.

Tang Yuan just got off the show, and took the phone from his assistant, "Don't go out, didn't you say you want to try my craft last time, come to my house."

"Okay." The two agreed on a time, and Bai Xiaoyuan hung up the phone.

The phone screen went black all of a sudden, and she looked at herself in the screen, smiling.

There was no Bai Xiaoyuan scene today, so she and the crew asked for leave and left the filming base.

Came to Tang Yuan's house with ease.

Unlike last time, she came this time without any other purpose.

When Tang Yuan came to open the door for her, he was still wearing an apron, just like a good man at home.

Bai Xiaoyuan followed him to the kitchen, "Wow, this lobster is as long as my arm, so big."

"Yeah." Tang Yuan replied calmly, "It was airlifted from Australia. Let me go."

As he said, he grabbed the prawns, put them in the pot and cooked them, then quickly submerged them in cold water, picked them up and put them on the cutting board, fixed the prawns with a chopstick skillfully, and scratched the prawns a few times with a knife. With the knife, the dexterous ten fingers can peel off the whole prawn in less than 5 minutes.

The series of movements were as smooth as flowing water, and Bai Xiaoyuan was a little dumbfounded.

"I didn't expect you to have such divine skills."

Tang Yuan rushed, turned around and scratched Bai Xiaoyuan's nose, "If you live with me, you will find that I know a lot more."

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(End of this chapter)

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