Chapter 180
"You help her, then who will help me?" JOYCE was very annoyed.

"Don't get excited, I'll take care of it." Tang Yuan comforted him patiently.

JOYCE was furious, "Since she appeared in your life, everything has changed. I think life will belong to life in the future. You should not take the initiative to interact with her at work."

Tang Yuan paused, "I said, I will deal with it, and I told you too, I should help my girlfriend."

"Tang Yuan!" JOYCE roared, "You are disregarding the interests of the company. If you don't want to make money, I can let others make it."

Tang Yuan took a deep breath, with a restrained smile on the corner of his mouth, "JOYCE, I don't mind changing managers."

Bai Xiaoyuan finally got in touch with Tang Yuan.

"You can answer the phone, you should have seen the news, right?"


Bai Xiaoyuan kicked the pebbles under his feet, "You know what, I really want to thank you very much, thank you for everything you have done for me."

Tang Yuan nodded. The assistant had something to do with him, but he interrupted him by raising his hand.

Bai Xiaoyuan continued, "I'm sorry."

"Why do you say I'm sorry?" Tang Yuan said indifferently.

Bai Xiaoyuan felt apologetic, "I swear that after I was with you, I never did anything to be sorry for you, but although I didn't cuckold you, it seems that some black fans are cuckolding you."

To be honest, Tang Yuan felt depressed, and he really felt uncomfortable hearing her admit that Gu Ci was her first man, and it was also in the whole network.

But today's phone call made him unable to get angry no matter what. He only felt that he was unable to protect her well.

He took a deep breath, "Wait for me to go back."

Bai Xiaoyuan hummed, "You have to take care of yourself over there, and I'll pick you up when you come back."

Tang Yuan said hello.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Xiaoyuan felt that he seemed a little cold today, but he didn't see his face, so he didn't know if he was angry with him.

But in less than 10 minutes, his latest Weibo appeared on the popular headlines.

He posted a Weibo: Brother is wearing a golden crown and a sword in his arms, okay?

The accompanying picture is a picture of him wearing a crown when he was taking a photo shoot, but he had a 'remnant blood sword' in his arms (the role played by Bai Xiaoyuan in "Three Realms")
Bai Xiaoyuan nodded silently.

Although the truth of the story is restored.

But because Gu Ci refused to let go, Bai Xiaoyuan is still in the stage of hacking the whole network.

But the enemy's enemy is his friend. Xiao Rui treated Bai Xiaoyuan much better than before.

He had a talk with Bai Xiaoyuan on purpose, of course he despised her fiercely in a mocking way, laughing at how stupid she wanted to rely on the gossip and Tang Yuan to gain power.

Bai Xiaoyuan took the opportunity to play a trick on him, and the two reached a bet.

Xiao Rui promised to provide Bai Xiaoyuan with fair resources, and Bai Xiaoyuan had to win the Best Actress trophy within one year, otherwise, she would disappear from Xiao Rui's eyes.

Tang Yuan's "Youth" finished, and Bai Xiaoyuan picked him up at the airport as agreed.

The two showed off their love in a high-profile manner.

They returned to Tang Yuan's home.

"Tired? If you're tired, I'll leave tonight." Bai Xiaoyuan sat on Tang Yuan's lap, hugged his head, and looked at him teasingly.

Tang Yuan didn't answer, he held her waist and pressed her under him.

They haven't seen each other for several months, and they are happy with each other. All the kissing, touching, and blending are so natural.

Tonight Tang Yuan was so violent that Bai Xiaoyuan's leg slipped off his shoulder several times.

Bai Xiaoyuan half-closed his eyes, and saw Tang Yuan's cell phone screen lit up by the bedside, as if someone had been calling him.

Tang Yuan saw that she was distracted, so he simply swept the phone on the ground, and by the way, even Bai Xiaoyuan's phone also suffered.

After the lingering, there was a long period of satisfaction and weakness, Bai Xiaoyuan rolled over from Tang Yuan and rolled to the outside of the bed.He picked up two identical mobile phones that had fallen on the carpet.

Tang Yuan's mobile phone has another incoming call, and the display name only has one letter Z
 Ask for a recommendation ticket! ——from my draft box


(End of this chapter)

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