Chapter 181
Bai Xiaoyuan handed him the phone, "Who is this, so mysterious?"

Tang Yuanyun saw it with his own eyes and felt like getting an electric shock. He quickly picked it up and pressed the mute button.

Bai Xiaoyuan in this plane is so smart, she immediately sensed something was wrong, she thought for a while, and said, "You never asked me about Gu Ci before. So I won't ask you either, but we must be loyal to each other."

Tang Yuan hugged her, "I know, I cherish you Yuanyuan very much."

After hugging Bai Xiaoyuan for a while, Tang Yuan freed up a hand and rubbed his forehead.

"What's the matter, are you uncomfortable?" Bai Xiaoyuan pressed the other side for him.

Tang Yuan pulled her hand and kissed her, got out of bed and walked to the table in front of the window, opened the drawer, took out a small bottle, poured out a tablet in his palm, and swallowed it with the medicine.

Bai Xiaoyuan looked at his back, hesitated to speak.

After washing, Bai Xiaoyuan dressed again.

Wrapped in a bath towel, Tang Yuan blocked her way at the door, "Can't you just leave?"

Bai Xiaoyuan rubbed some oil on his chest, smiled and shook her head, "No, I'm going to change places with the group soon, I have to go back to shoot a night scene tonight."

"Going to turn again, where to go, how long?" Tang Yuan held Bai Xiaoyuan in his arms, "I don't like to live a life where there is less gathering and more separation."

Bai Xiaoyuan gently stroked his back, "I don't know the details, I'll ask my assistant when I get back and I'll tell you. By the way, I'm really hungry. I'll go back when I'm full from you."

She acted like a baby, "I didn't even feed me when I was asleep."

Tang Yuan listened, tapped her on the head, and hooked her nose again, "Okay, Sister Yuan said that I am the same, I will make you a golden egg fried rice."

"Yeah!" Bai Xiaoyuan pushed Tang Yuan out, "I'll lie down and play games for a while."

As soon as Tang Yuan left, Bai Xiaoyuan immediately went to find the plastic bottle from his desk drawer, the packaging was vitamin C packaging, but she still kept an eye on it, took a piece of paper and stuffed it into her bag .

Tang Yuan is not in the mission, it is Bai Xiaoyuan's mission to win various awards in filming and filming.

Although she intends to spend more time with Tang Yuan, she still can't beat the time.

The era of online hacking has not passed, but her works have come out one after another. The TV series "The Wind and Cloud of the Tang Dynasty" and the movie "Flying Eagles" received rave reviews once they were broadcast.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that she was soft-handed when receiving the show. The whole person was like a wheel, rolling forward non-stop for a moment, without any sign of stopping.

The last time I saw Tang Yuan was on a variety show. As one of the guests, she entered the studio and found out that Tang Yuan was there.

She greeted the other staff around and asked everyone to help to keep quiet, and she planned to walk behind him and give him a surprise
Tang Yuan was holding the phone, and he didn't know what he was doing. Bai Xiaoyuan was still worried that he was sending a message to him, so he immediately turned his phone to silent, and then tiptoed over.

Then she found out.

Tang Yuan was texting with Remark Z's number.

The content posted by Z was explicit and ambiguous, and although Tang Yuan didn't respond, he didn't refuse either, either replying with 'um' or 'oh'

Bai Xiaoyuan wanted to cough dryly and make some noise to start the conversation, but found that his throat was extremely dry.

She had no choice but to reach out and pat Tang Yuan's shoulder, showing a bright smile, "Hi, Brother Yuan."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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