Chapter 245
Title: "The rest of my life is so long, you are the most unforgettable"


Outside the operating room, he advocated keeping the big but not the small.

She thought that he finally had a place for her in his heart.

In the end, however, she understood that all he wanted was her heart, the heart that could save the life of the woman he loved.

001 Keep Big or Keep Young
Gu Weiwei was lying on the hospital bed covered in blood and unconscious, watching the door of the operating room being slowly opened, and it was dark inside, which made her tremble all over.

I only heard this sentence when I was dying of consciousness.

"The patient had a car accident and was pregnant. The situation is critical. Whether to protect the child or not, the family members need to make a quick decision."

No, it can't be decided by Fu Jingchen.

Fu Jingchen doesn't love her at all. He hates her to death. The child is nine months old. How can he protect her?

After she died, he would marry that woman and go home, let his child call that woman mother, and maybe that woman would abuse his child.

Gu Weiwei was terrified. She grabbed Fu Jingchen's slender hand tightly, as if grabbing the last straw, and begged: "Jingchen, Jingchen, help me? You can definitely find it The doctor saved our mother and child, right?!"

Fu Jingchen broke her bloody fingers from his wrist one by one, and looked down at her with cold eyes.

"Mrs. Fu, have you forgotten who was the one who drugged my wine that night, trying to use a child to lock me up for the rest of my life?"

He sneered, with a cruel smile on his thin lips: "You have to bear the responsibility for your own stupidity! Now the doctor has said that only one child can be saved. I see, since you want this child so much, then I will give it to you." Complete you!"

Gu Weiwei's face was pale, and the hair at the temples was wet with sweat and tears.

Does he want to die by himself? !

She shook her head with all her strength: "Jingchen, I beg you, please help me, you can find the best doctor, if the child can't be born, there will be no mother, please, for the child."

"Gu Weiwei," Fu Jingchen's voice was as sharp as a knife, slashing one after another on her heart, "The child is mine, and I will decide who will be the mother! If you hadn't been a bitch back then, the current Mrs. Fu would be Hui Ya You also know that she has a heart disease and can't bear children, so the child will be born by you, and you owe her this!"

Gu Weiwei's face was pale and emotional, her lower body began to bleed, and her voice became intermittent, barely audible: "Help me, Mom, Jingchen, help..."

Everything in front of her eyes gradually blurred, Gu Weiwei only felt that her life was fading away little by little like the fresh blood flowing out of her body.

And the husband who has been married for three years - Fu Jingchen, is getting farther and farther away from him.

After all, is it the person who can't get him, and can't get even a small corner of his heart?
In a daze, Gu Weiwei put her hands on her protruding belly, tears streaming down one after another, dear baby, you are nine months old, forgive mom for not being able to walk with you, but mom loves you.

When entering the eyes, there is a snow-white ceiling, and the nose is filled with the unique smell of disinfectant in hospitals.The sunlight outside the window is so dazzling, and the pain in the abdomen is so real.

Gu Weiwei felt unbelievable, the moment she opened her eyes, tears burst out of her eyes involuntarily.

Alive, she is alive, she is not dead.

But she reacted all of a sudden: "My child, where is my child?"

Seeing that she was awake, Aunt Zhang, the servant at home, immediately walked to the bed and greeted happily: "Madam, you are awake."

Gu Weiwei had long since ignored all this, and asked eagerly, "Aunt Zhang, where is my child?"

Aunt Zhang felt a little regretful, and comforted her with kind words: "Madam, it's okay, you and your husband are still young, and there will be children."

Gu Weiwei's heart was ashamed. She was sent to the hospital in a car accident, and the child was not kept. She walked through the gate of hell, and when she woke up, she didn't even see Fu Jingchen in the ward. How could there be any relationship between them? child.

"No, we won't have a child anymore, he wants me to die." Gu Weiwei murmured, burying her face in the pillow.

"What is your wife talking about? The child and the wife can only keep one. Mr. Fu had to abandon the child. It's all for the sake of keeping his wife and your future."

Gu Weiwei was taken aback for a moment, yes, he chose himself in the end after all!

002 Divorce after acquiring Gu's
Gu Weiwei seemed to have a little bit of comfort in her heart. Fu Jingchen chose her between the child and her.

Does this mean... There is a place for her in his heart?
She struggled to sit up, dragging the incision on her abdomen, and let out a low hiss.

Aunt Zhang hurriedly stuffed a pillow behind her waist, and said coldly and warmly: "Madam, drink some water. If you want to drink some soup, I'll go back and cook it."

Gu Weiwei drank a few sips of water with Aunt Zhang's hand, and asked without answering her question, "Where's him? Where's Jing Chen?"

"Mr. Fu..." As soon as Fu Jingchen was mentioned, Aunt Zhang began to hesitate.

When Gu Weiwei saw Aunt Zhang like this, she couldn't help feeling a little panicked, her slender fingers tightly grasped the snow-white bed sheet, and said in a low voice, "You say, it's okay, I can bear it."

Aunt Zhang squeezed out a smile uglier than crying: "That Miss Lu, she is also in this hospital."


After Gu Weiwei was stunned for a few seconds, she suddenly laughed like a maniac, and she said, she had a car accident, how could Fu Jingchen appear in the hospital so soon, in front of her eyes.

It turned out that his beloved woman was in this hospital, and he came to see him, just to make a decision on whether to keep the older or younger, playing with the life and death of her and the child between applause.

Gu Weiwei felt a chill rushing out of her heart, and forced a pale smile: "Lu Yahui, where is her ward?"

"Ma'am, don't go, it's the business to take good care of your body."

Aunt Zhang was worried that Gu Weiwei was going to quarrel with that Miss Lu, so she quickly advised: "No matter what happens to that Miss Lu outside, your body is still yours."

Aunt Zhang spoke earnestly, she really cared for Gu Weiwei as her own child.

Gu Weiwei's eyes were flushed, now in this family, Aunt Zhang is the only one who is willing to talk to her and really cares about her.

She sighed softly, "Aunt Zhang, I want to drink chicken soup, can you cook it for me?"

"Oh," Aunt Zhang agreed, "Okay, I'll go back right away."

Gu Weiwei was the only one left in the ward for a moment, she lost two of her three souls, turned her head, but saw a familiar figure walking towards this side.

With a tall and straight figure and handsome facial features, Fu Jingchen is walking in the corridor of the hospital with big strides, which makes the corridor look cramped.And his slender and beautiful right hand is also carrying a thermos bucket.

Gu Weiwei didn't dare to think that the food in the thermos was for him, he was going to find his treasure, the tip of his heart!

She sat on the bed in a daze for a while, with mixed emotions in her heart, gritted her teeth extremely unwillingly, pulled out the needle in her hand, and chased out regardless of the pain from the incision in her abdomen.

She has seen Fu Jingchen's back countless times, and it has been deeply engraved in her heart. She found him in the crowd at a glance.Follow him from a distance until you see him enter the VIP luxury ward area.

When seeing the scene of "with love" inside, Gu Weiwei's tears fell silently.

That's right, it's Lu Yahui, the woman on his heart.

Her heart hurts so badly, that's why President Fu, who has a lot of things to do every day, will always have endless meetings, so he doesn't even care about his wife who just escaped from the ghost gate, and personally carries soup to love her, and pours the soup spoon by spoon Blow it cold and send it to her small cherry mouth.

If this is the case, why did you protect her Gu Weiwei just now? Was it to drive her to death again?

Lu Yahui's voice was as gentle and sweet as ever: "Jing Chen, I heard that you and her child are gone."

"It's okay," Fu Jingchen rubbed the top of the woman's hair fondly. "In the future, we can find someone else to be a surrogate. You can choose the one you like."

"Then when will you divorce her?" Lu Yahui gently leaned into Fu Jingchen's chest, the forbidden place that Gu Weiwei was not allowed to touch.

"When I buy Gu's, I won't have any worries anymore."

Heh, trampled on her, humiliated her, abandoned her like a bag, and in the end, actually wanted to hit her with Mrs. Gu...

003 You are the third party!
Gu Weiwei finally couldn't bear it anymore, pushed the door open and entered, crying and complaining to that ruthless man,
"Fu Jingchen, do you have any heart? How could you do this? When your Fu family was in crisis, if I hadn't married you with 10% of Gu's shares, why would you turn the situation around and hold Fu tightly in your hands? inside!"

Obviously, Fu Jingchen and Lu Yahui didn't expect such a yelling crazy woman to suddenly break into the VIP ward.

Lu Yahui was even more frightened. She exaggeratedly covered her heart and leaned into Fu Jingchen's arms panting.

"She... isn't she lying on the hospital bed? Why did she come here? Her eyes are so fierce. What does she want to do, Jingchen?"

Fu Jingchen hurriedly gathered his arms, hugged Lu Yahui tightly, kissed her on the forehead, and said pitifully, "don't be afraid, I'm here."

The eyes looking at Gu Weiwei are as cold as ice.

Gu Weiwei sees how they look like glue and glue, but their heart is bleeding.

After so many years of marriage, Fu Jingchen never cared about his own feelings and thoughts. He had already disdained to pretend to dislike him, so he flirted with another woman in front of his own face just after he had a miscarriage? !

The knife edge on the lower abdomen seemed to be split open, and the blue and white striped hospital clothes were stained red. She frowned in pain, but said nothing, gritted her teeth: "Fu Jingchen! What about your conscience, are you right for me? ?”

Since she broke in until now, Fu Jingchen was finally willing to give her a response. He gouged her out with full hatred.

After settling down with his beloved woman, he walked towards Gu Weiwei with long legs.

Due to exhaustion, Gu Weiwei leaned against the wall and tended to slide down slightly.

And he, without mercy, grabbed her by the collar and pulled her up,
"Gu Weiwei, tell me your conscience? What did you do the night I proposed to Yahui? You cried, made trouble, hanged yourself in front of the old lady, and even committed suicide by cutting your wrists, crying and begging to marry me! I drugged my wine and made my woman wait for me all night in the ice and snow! How dare you ask me if I am sorry for you!"

Gu Weiwei has no strength left. If Fu Jingchen hadn't picked her up, she might have fallen to the ground already.

She opened her pale lips and explained with difficulty: "Jing Chen, I didn't know that you had already proposed to her at that time, and I cut my wrist to force my father. I married you, I did it to help you, I love..."


Fu Jingchen severely interrupted her unspoken confession.

"Gu Weiwei, if you're really doing it for my own good, then disappear from my sight and get as far away as possible, because when I see you, I feel—disgusted!"

Those two words came out from the man's handsome lips, but they were like two sharp knives, piercing into Gu Weiwei's heart fiercely!

The pain was unbearable, tears blurred her eyes, she bit her lip stubbornly, and murmured in a low voice: "I just love you, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

She turned her head to look at Lu Yahui: "We are already married, why should she still occupy you."

"Because you are the third party!"

Fu Jingchen drank in a low voice, and his hand holding Gu Weiwei's collar became tighter and tighter. It seemed that in the next second, he was going to use his hands to strangle this disgusting woman to death with his own hands.

Seeing this, Lu Yahui rushed over immediately, hugged Fu Jingchen's arm, and shouted hypocritically: "Jingchen, don't be so excited, let her go first, she just lost her child, and she still has a knife on her body."

She stretched out another weak and boneless hand, and stroked Fu Jingchen's chest.

Gu Weiwei's eyes were red, and she gave Lu Yahui a hard look: "Don't pretend to be kind! What are you! You're just a shady mistress, at least I'm the one who bears Mrs. Fu's reputation now!"

Fu Jingchen was furious, and almost at the moment Gu Weiwei spoke, he slapped her hard on the mouth.

"Bitch! You are the least qualified to say that!"

Gu Weiwei was stunned by the beating, and her whole body followed the force of the man and fell hard against the wall. Suddenly, she seemed to see the smug smile on the corner of Lu Yahui's mouth.

Dizzy, watching Fu Jingchen still protecting that woman.

She murmured with a smile: "Fu Jingchen You will regret it..."

004 Sign, divorce, get out!

When I woke up again, it was already three days later.

In the old house of the Fu family.

Seeing the familiar room and furnishings, Gu Weiwei couldn't help asking: "Aunt Zhang, why am I at home?"

Seeing that she was awake, Aunt Zhang went to open the curtains, and said with a smile, "It's not because there are so many people in the hospital. How can you rest comfortably at home? The doctor said, ma'am, you need to rest now. Mr. Fu loves you so much." , so I took you back."

Raising his hand to cover his face, recalling the slap on his face before he fell into a coma, he even felt a dull pain now.But it was the chest that hurt more than the face.

Gu Weiwei smiled bitterly: "Aunt Zhang, don't lie to me, how is this possible?"

"She's really lying to you, because it's impossible."

Before Aunt Zhang had time to continue writing, a third person's voice sounded in the room.

That familiar, cold, emotionless voice.

It's him, Fu Jingchen is back.

He stood at the door, his well-tailored trousers wrapped his slender thighs, and the cuff buttons on his wrists were shining in the sunlight. He silently waved his hand to Aunt Zhang, signaling her to go out.

Then he walked to the head of the bed.

Gu Weiwei noticed that he was holding a file bag in his hand.

He first hummed a single syllable from his nose, then raised the corners of his lips, and asked her casually: "Do you know why you were asked to go back to Fu's old house?"

Gu Weiwei stared at him motionlessly, the muscles on her face twitched slightly: "You are afraid that I will trouble Lu Yahui again, so you don't even care about my body, right?"

"Hey," Fu Jingchen suddenly raised his hand and pinched Gu Weiwei's chin, squinting at her, "Sometimes you think about it, you're not stupid."

He threw her face away again in disgust: "But you only guessed one of the reasons correctly, and the other reason is that I need you to go back to Fu's house to pack your trash, and then, get out!"

As Fu Jingchen said, he threw the document tape in Gu Weiwei's face.

Gu Weiwei tightly closed her eyes: "What is this?"

"The divorce agreement. Go away obediently, and I can return you the 10% of Gu's shares you hold."

Gu Weiwei squeezed the corner of the file bag: "Then what if I disagree?"

Hearing this, Fu Jingchen squinted at her, and then his frown spread out: "you might as well make a phone call to greet your family. Don't you think it's strange that none of them came to see you after your child died?"

Gu Weiwei groaned, and suddenly shouted: "Aunt Zhang, Aunt Zhang, bring my mobile phone here."

Fu Jingchen didn't have time to listen to her parents' gossip, and he didn't want to see her endless tears, which would make him feel extremely irritated, so he left very impatiently with only one sentence of "you can do it yourself".

In the empty room, Gu Weiwei dialed the phone number at home, and immediately got a bad news.

Stepmother Wu Jinxiu scolded: "Gu Weiwei, you still have the nerve to call back! Your dad was so angry that he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage, and he is now hospitalized! Fu Jingchen, that white-eyed wolf! He bought your dad's company at a low price. I have pity on your dad's previous tricks." The money that went into the stock market is gone, how can I pay off my debts, how can I live! Are you going to help Fu De to force your father to die! "

Gu Weiwei panicked all of a sudden!
Dad is in the hospital!
What did Fu Jingchen do behind her back!
She didn't even bother to put on her shoes, she just went to the ground barefoot, caught up with the man who was about to leave, grabbed his sleeve tightly, and asked tremblingly: "You did it, didn't you?! You forced my dad Hospitalized?! Fu Jingchen, what do you want?!"

"Ha ha……"

The man looked at her evilly, and his slender fingers pushed her fingers away one by one.

He said nonchalantly: "Gu Weiwei, what do you think I want to do?! I want to get back every penny of the debt you owed back then! If you don't get a divorce, I will ruin your Gu family!"

"Fu Jingchen!"

Gu Weiwei looked at him with wide eyes in disbelief!
She thought he just hated her, but she didn't expect that he was jealous of what happened three years ago until now!
Was it all for that woman? !

Gu Weiwei suddenly laughed.

With tears in his eyes, he looked at him viciously: "Well, you Fu Jingchen, you drove my Gu family into a desperate situation, and now you want to divorce me and get rid of me?! Let me tell you, there is no way!"

"I just don't want a divorce, I just want to appear in front of you all the time, hang around in front of you and your beloved woman, hate you, and disgust you to death! Even if I occupy your wife's reputation and become rotten, I will never Will let go! You give me this heart! I just can't see Lu Yahui climbing on my head! Want to replace me?! Dreaming!"

She grabbed the divorce agreement she was still holding in her hand, frantically tore it into countless pieces, and ruthlessly threw it into the air.

005 You are just a lost dog

Fu Jingchen looked down at the scraps of paper under his feet, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He walked up and pinched Gu Weiwei's cheeks: "Bitch, you are humiliating yourself. Before long, you will Glue the pieces together, kneel before me, and beg for my signature."

"Fu Jingchen! Don't even think about it!" Gu Weiwei growled helplessly, "I'm having a hard time, so don't you too!"

"Hey, Gu Weiwei, you should look in the mirror and see how hysterical you look now. You really look like a crazy woman, which makes people sick." Fu Jingchen sneered, without hiding the contempt and disgust on his face.

However, at this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

He gouged out Gu Weiwei's eyes, let go of the restraint on her, turned around and took two steps, picked up the phone, and said in a gentle and pampering tone: "Well, okay, it's all up to your baby, good boy, eat on time, get off I'll go back to accompany you after work."

Afterwards, he left the house without looking back, unwilling to give her even a glance.

In the house opposite to Fu's house, a pair of white and slender hands are holding a dark telescope. After seeing Fu Jingchen leave, they put down the telescope slowly.

While drawing the curtains, she acted like a baby to the person on the other end of the phone through the microphone: "Well, I understand, I love you, and you should also pay attention to your body."

After hanging up the phone, he turned his head and said to himself in the direction of Fu's family: "Huh, this bitch, without a child and a mother's family, dares to hold on to Jing Chen."

Sitting in front of the dressing table, Gu Weiwei looked at her unkempt and haggard self in the mirror, tears rolling down silently.

That woman will always be a treasure, and she will always be a crazy woman.

My stepmother called just now.Dad woke up, and he didn't say anything else, he just told himself to take good care of his health, and he didn't need to go to the hospital to see him.

But the stepmother was over there anxiously telling her to take back 10% of Gu's shares, scolding Fu Jingchen for being a white-eyed wolf, and scolding her for turning her elbows outward. The continuous cursing sound was finally caught by the hospital bed Dad on the board interrupted.

Gu Weiwei knows that her father has always loved her the most.

Although she was unwilling to divorce Fu Jingchen, she couldn't just sit back and watch her father suffer.

She dug out several of her bank cards and a passbook from the drawer, and packed all the jewelry that Fu's family gave her when she got engaged and married, and was going to go to a pawn shop to exchange money.

However, when her eyes fell on the diamond ring on her left ring finger, she hesitated.

This ring has small diamonds and a regular shape. Although there is nothing special about it, it is the only thing that Fu Jingchen personally bought for her.

Speaking of which, the size of this ring is not suitable, it is a bit too big, Gu Weiwei wrapped a thick circle of red thread around the ring to barely fit it on her ring finger, she has worn this ring for three years, and the circle of red thread has long been worn out Hairy.

She closed her eyes, and slowly grasped the ring with the thumb and index finger of her right hand, pulling it out bit by bit.

She tried her best to think about Fu Jingchen, but she couldn't find any trace of the love between the two of them. Her mind was so chaotic that she didn't even notice the strange footsteps coming from the corridor.

Until the ring that he was reluctant to take off was pulled hard and thrown out of the window.

Gu Weiwei just opened her eyes, looking at the woman in front of her in disbelief, trembling with anger: "Lu Yahui, why are you here! This is my home! Get the hell out of here right now! Now!"

Lu Yahui smiled disdainfully, waved the key in her hand triumphantly, and said provocatively: "Miss Gu, the titular Mrs. Fu, take care, this is the key Jing Chen gave me, this home has never belonged to you, soon, Everything here is mine! And you, will become a lost dog, crawling at my feet and begging for mercy!"

006 because your heart matches mine
"You are the lost dog! You are!" Gu Weiwei's eyes were red as if she was about to bleed, her uncontrollable anger made her almost burn, she rushed over and knocked out the key in Lu Yahui's hand, and scuffled with her up.

But she just woke up from a coma today, her body has not recovered yet, she is not Lu Yahui's opponent at all.

Lu Yahui slapped her across the face, then shoved her hard, pushing her to the ground.

Gu Weiwei fell down on the carpet, the incision on her lower abdomen was also aching at this moment, her ink-like black hair was ruffled by Lu Yahui, scattered randomly, and her slap-sized face was bloodless. His breathing was also heavy.

Just after winning the battle, Lu Yahui's breath was also a little unstable. She took a long breath, took out a document from the bag she was carrying, and threw it at Gu Weiwei's feet, "The divorce agreement, sign it. You can save yourself a few slaps by signing."

Gu Weiwei lowered her head, without looking at Lu Yahui, and squeezed out a complete sentence from between her teeth, "You don't hesitate to take turns, isn't it just to force me to divorce? Since you want me to divorce so much, how can I do that?" Your wish has been granted! I tell you!"

Speaking of this, Gu Weiwei suddenly raised her head, with a deadly smile hanging from the corner of her mouth, "Even if I die! I won't get a divorce! I want you to be a shameless mistress forever! Even if you can give birth, it can only be an illegitimate child! You can't give birth, it's better!"

With a sound of 'pa', Lu Yahui was furious, and slapped Gu Weiwei again.

Then he suddenly leaned forward and grabbed Gu Weiwei's hair tightly, "Gu Weiwei, there is something that Jing Chen must have never told you. If you see him, he won't look at you, let alone talk to you."

Lu Yahui tightened her hands again, forcing Gu Weiwei to get closer to her, "You said, Jingchen hates you so much, but don't you think it's strange that he appeared so timely when you entered the operating room? Also, he Why do you want to protect you? Don't you want to know the truth?"

Gu Weiwei gritted her teeth bitterly, "Bitch, don't sow discord, I don't want to hear a single word you say!"

"I don't think you dare!" Lu Yahui pushed Gu Weiwei hard, and sat cross-legged in front of her dressing table, trying on her jewelry one by one, "Are you afraid to follow me?" Hearing the unprecedented truth from your mouth, you still have a little thought about Jing Chen, don't you?"

Gu Weiwei's hands were trembling, she didn't dare to think deeply about what this woman said, because... because...

"Let me tell you with compassion and kindness. You know that I have a heart attack, but there is still hope....Hey, what's wrong with you, why are you so pale and sweating."

Lu Yahui hurriedly put down the pearl bracelet in her hand, took out a piece of paper on the table, and went to wipe Gu Weiwei's sweat.

"Go away!" Gu Weiwei slapped her hand away, "Don't touch me."

Lu Yahui snorted coldly, crumpled the paper and threw it on Gu Weiwei's head, "Okay, okay, don't touch it if you say you don't want to touch it, what's wrong, the wound has opened again, doesn't it hurt? Oh, what should I do? Well, I can't put your life in danger, and Jing Chen won't let your life in danger either. Do you know why? "

Lu Yahui laughed, "Because your heart matches mine exactly. If you die now, where can I find a matching heart when I have surgery? Haha"

This woman smiled ferociously. Gu Weiwei's heart felt as if it had fallen into an ice cellar. She hesitated for a long time before she spoke. She didn't know whether she was asking Lu Yahui or talking to herself, "Is Fu Jingchen a devil?"

"Scared, to be honest, I also feel scared when I think of exchanging your heart for mine. I actually want to exchange someone else's heart."

Lu Yahui squatted down next to Gu Weiwei, and tapped the divorce agreement with her fingertips, "So hurry up and sign it, and then stay away from me and Jing Chen, then your heart will still be in yours." throbbing in the chest."

She took out another pen from her bag, took off the cap, and handed it to Gu Weiwei: "No, sign here, sign your name, and everything will be over."

A pen was stuffed into Gu Weiwei's hand. She pressed the pen on the agreement and remained motionless. Suddenly, she began to scribble randomly.

"Heh." A drop of tear fell on the divorce agreement and fainted, Gu Weiwei squeezed the paper tightly, "Lu Yahui, even if I die and burn to a pile of ashes, I won't donate my heart to you." , Get out! Get out! Aunt Zhang! Aunt Zhang!"

Aunt Zhang heard Gu Weiwei's call, and entered the bedroom not long after. When she saw Lu Yahui, she was shocked. When did this Miss Lu come in? Just now she was drying the quilt on the balcony, and she didn't notice at all.

Gu Weiwei didn't allow Aunt Zhang to be stunned on the spot, and quickly glanced at her, "Send off the guests!"

Aunt Zhang reacted, and immediately said: "Miss Lu, please come out with me, my wife is going to rest."

Lu Yahui flicked her face, "If you don't eat the toast, you'll have to pay the penalty!"

When Aunt Zhang returned to her bedroom, Gu Weiwei was already sitting on the bed.

Aunt Zhang tentatively persuaded: "Madam, otherwise, you can call Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu. They even asked about the child a few days ago."

Aunt Zhang's voice became smaller and smaller, Gu Weiwei just shed tears.

She couldn't believe what Lu Yahui said, did Fu Jingchen really want to join hands with her to take away his heart?That woman is alive, but she, Gu Weiwei, is about to die.

Lu Yahui's life is fate, so is Gu Weiwei's life worthless?
No, no matter what, the only ones who can help me and the Gu family are my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu are nearly [-] years old. The male lead is their old son. After handing over the family business to the male lead a few years ago, they moved to Singapore with their daughter.Usually contact by phone, occasionally they will

(End of this chapter)

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