Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 246 This Zombie Prince’s Late Stage of Disease 3

Chapter 246 This Zombie Prince’s Late Stage of Disease 3
Thinking of those retching images, Bai Xiaoyuan felt a pain in his head.

She glanced at the wound on her shoulder, tried to move her arm, and found that the trauma was not serious, but she had a little fever due to wound infection.

Fortunately, now that the fever has subsided, she immediately got up to 12 points and began to look around.

They are now outside an abandoned factory building in the suburbs.

The large outer iron gate of the factory building was firmly locked and locked, and there were three locks in total.The crooked 'Danger!Zombie powerhouse! 'A few large characters.

Looking forward, Fang Yan saw a field that had been barren for a long time. A few zombies occasionally swayed in the distance, with rotting flesh dripping from their mouths, while making rough low growls.

"Bang", with a gunshot, a zombie that was about to cross the safe distance fell down.

Looking in the direction of the sound, Bai Xiaoyuan saw only a black muzzle.

She walked over quickly, patted the perfectly camouflaged little Hei on the shoulder, and gave him a thumbs up, "How about it, this sniper rifle is not difficult to learn."

Xiao Hei is an autistic teenager she picked up in a mental hospital halfway, and he rarely speaks.

This time, he still kept silent, but quickly curled his lips, and there seemed to be a flash of light in his eyes.

However, when he is not speaking, he looks very indifferent, like an ice sculpture, beautiful and fragile.

Xiao Hei quickly turned his attention to the sight, Bai Xiaoyuan reached out and patted him on the shoulder lightly, and then walked back.

She looked around but didn't see the other two team members, so she turned around and asked Xu Xiaojing, "Where are Liu Xiao and Fifth Master?"

Xu Xiaojing reloaded the remaining few bullets into the magazine, and said, "They are looking for food, they have been away for a while, and they should be back soon."

Bai Xiaoyuan looked at the setting sun, nodded, and asked Lu Jun, "How many bullets do you have?"

Lu Jun shook his head, "There are only ten rounds left. If we can't find supplies tomorrow, the situation will be a bit bad."

Oh, Lu Jun is the handsome guy with gentle glasses that Bai Xiaoyuan saw when he just woke up. He used to be an IT programmer, and later became the technical consultant of this group as a matter of course. Keep in touch with Dr.

Apart from this abandoned factory, there are no other buildings in this area, so the view is very wide.

From a distance, Bai Xiaoyuan saw Liu Xiao and Zhang Laowu walking back with the spoils in their hands, so he called Xu Xiaojing to come over and start a fire together.

Before the apocalypse came, Zhang Laowu was a forest guard and old hunter. Although he was over 50 years old, he was very strong and strong, and his skills were only a little worse than Liu Xiao, who was a criminal policeman. There.

When the two of them walked over with the field mouse, Bai Xiaoyuan had already lit the fire.

Xu Xiaojing used to be a rich and beautiful woman. Although she worked as a doctor, she entered the pediatrics department. If it weren't for the situation, she would not eat the thing Liu Xiao held in her hand if she was killed.

Liu Xiao strung the skinned voles on a branch and put them on the fire. His dull voice was mixed with a hint of joy, "I'm lucky today. These voles are very fat."

Bai Xiaoyuan smiled, and took out a small packet of cumin from his pocket, "Look, I have something good here."

When Zhang Laowu saw it, his face was wrinkled with a smile, he took it, and waved his hand in Xiao Hei's direction, "Oh, boy, don't take aim, come over to eat barbecue."

OK, the team members are assembled!

(End of this chapter)

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