Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 247 This Zombie Prince’s Late Stage of Disease 4

Chapter 247 This Zombie Prince’s Late Stage of Disease 4
In the second half of the night, Bai Xiaoyuan couldn't sleep.

When it was Xu Xiaojing's turn, she took the initiative to replace her.

Xiao Hei woke up after a nap, no more drowsiness, turned sideways, saw that Bai Xiaoyuan was still on duty at night, just lying on his side quietly staring at her for a long, long time, about half an hour, before holding the gun, getting up Get up.

He quietly sat down beside Bai Xiaoyuan, Bai Xiaoyuan reacted quickly, and immediately put a knife between his eyebrows.

He was not afraid at all. He was dressed in black, black pants, black hair, and a pair of dark eyes that were bottomless. He was motionless and almost merged with the night.

Seeing that it was him, Bai Xiaoyuan returned the knife steadily, "Why don't you sleep?"

Knowing that if she asked him, he wouldn't answer, but she just wanted to talk to someone right now.

When I opened my eyes and saw the end of the world, all I received was the monotonous, bloody and disgusting memory of the original owner, and there was a rancid smell everywhere, which really made people feel depressed and suffocated.

"Mu Feng has been broadcasting along the way calling for the gathering of living people. He said that the dam is safe, but I don't believe it. He was the first batch of people infected by the virus. I really don't know what happened to him. He actually It can also have an independent consciousness, which is completely different from other zombies."

"..." Xiao Hei stared at her tightly without sending a glance.

"Do you know, I'm actually not afraid of these walking corpses at all. What I fear most are people. You said that we went west all the way, how many gangs of people cannibals we met on the road, and there are very few people who can survive in the last days. To kill each other."

"..." Xiao Hei continued to remain silent persistently.

"But why not myself? I also have the same kind of blood in my hand." Bai Xiaoyuan opened her palm and curled her lips in a self-deprecating manner. She suddenly turned her head and touched Xiao Hei's head. This one is only 19 years old. When she picked him up, he was just a shivering autistic boy hiding in a closet.

"Go and rest."

Xiao Hei stared at her stubbornly, refusing to leave. After a long time, two words popped out of his mouth, "Boss."

'Boss' is what Lu Juncai called her. Liu Xiao always called her by the code name 'White Eagle', Xu Xiaojing always called her Sister Xiaobai, and Zhang Laowu directly called her Xiaobai.

When did the big taciturn boy call her 'Boss'?Does he want to give himself spiritual support?
Bai Xiaoyuan nodded gratefully, "Okay, I'm not unhappy, and I won't complain about myself, just go and rest."

She was just about to pull Xiao Hei up, but suddenly heard a sound in the thatch of the factory building behind her, and immediately shouted, "Who is it!"

After that, she held a flashlight in one hand and a gun in the other, and started to sweep back and forth in the grass.

Xiao Hei immediately picked up his sniper rifle and stepped back to find a stronghold.When passing Liu Xiao, he raised his foot and kicked him.

Liu Xiao slept lightly and woke up suddenly. He didn't make a sound, and immediately drew his gun and trot to Bai Xiaoyuan's side, asking in a low voice, "What happened?"


Liu Xiao glanced quickly, "It's so dark, I can't see it clearly, could it be a zombie?"

"Impossible," Bai Xiaoyuan said categorically, "It's impossible for the zombies to listen to me and stop."

"Maybe it's a small animal?" Liu Xiao narrowed his eyes and looked ahead. There was no wind at this time, but the thatch was indeed moving. He couldn't help feeling a little worried, "How many people are there?"

Bai Xiaoyuan lowered his voice and said in a deep voice, "I'm not sure. But what is certain is that the other party is not as many as us, otherwise there is no need to be such a shrinking turtle."

As soon as she finished speaking, the thatch that was as tall as a person in front of her rustled again, and then there was a cold hum, the tone was flat, without cadence or setback, "Who do you call a coward."

 Da da, the hero of this world has come out
(End of this chapter)

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