Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 277 This Zombie Prince’s Late Stage of Disease 35

Chapter 277 This Zombie Prince’s Late Stage of Disease 35
Mu Yun could not wait for Bai Xiaoyuan to make a move, she had already died of natural causes.

A few hours ago, she looked like a middle-aged woman who still had charm, but now she has become a crooked old woman.

X opened the glass cage, and nodded his chin towards Mu Feng.

After thinking about it, Bai Xiaoyuan replaced the dagger with a gun. She didn't want Mu Feng's blood to splash on her face later.

She pressed the muzzle of the black gun between Mu Feng's eyebrows, "You are the initiator of this world, I have received an order, if I meet you, I will execute you on the spot regardless of life or death!"

Mu Feng was imprisoned for half a month, he raised his head with some difficulty, twitched the corner of his mouth, and looked at X viciously, but the words in his mouth were meant for Bai Xiaoyuan, "You will regret it."

Bai Xiaoyuan frowned, "What do you mean? Make it clear!"

Mu Feng sneered, "Shoot, this world has nothing to do with me."

The corner of his mouth twitched, "What are you waiting for? X! Let her do it!"

The corner of X's mouth curled up, and he reached out to hold Bai Xiaoyuan's hand, and pulled the trigger together with her, "Yeah, what are you waiting for. Major, carry out your mission."


There was a sound of an explosion, and the flames were all behind him. The power station of the large dam was blown up, and the whole city fell into darkness in an instant.

Lu Jun limped to Bai Xiaoyuan, "Boss, I received a message from the doctor while you were inside. It's good news!"

"Very good!" A big dam was blown up just now, and many strange people died. Bai Xiaoyuan felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. The good news came at the right time, "Come and share it with us!"

"The doctor will send a helicopter to take us back to the capital."

"Great job, Lu! This is really good news!" Zhang Laowu patted Lu Jun on the shoulder, "My old bones have fallen apart several times along the way, and this time I finally don't have to walk back. !"

"That's it!" Lu Jun was also very excited, and began to look forward to it, "You said that the reorganization of the last days, if we open up a new era, are we the founders of the dynasty?"

"You kid can really think, and you can't be a president!"

"Why not, Xiangche BMW and the beauty!" Lu Jun held the communicator YY, glanced back at Xu Xiaojing, and immediately changed his words, "As long as Xiangche BMW and a beauty are enough."

Xu Xiaojing rolled her eyes and ignored him.

X, who had been silent on the side, snorted, "Greedy human."

Bai Xiaoyuan didn't want to see the internal strife, so he interrupted Lu Jun, "Don't dream, where are the coordinates?"

"Hey, I've written it down." Lu Jun handed over a small note.

X glanced at it, and said calmly, "Well, it's a good location to pass through a grand canyon."

Bai Xiaoyuan: "..."

Liu Xiao moved his shoulders, and his bones creaked, "This road is really difficult."

Zombies kept coming along the way, and he met desperadoes with evil intentions. Lu Jun's leg healed, but his arm was injured again.

After walking for half a month, we finally arrived at our destination.

But they were a day earlier than the agreed time.

After the group found a stronghold, Bai Xiaoyuan explored the terrain.

She went alone, but someone followed behind her.

After being together for almost a month, Bai Xiaoyuan could already hear who the footsteps belonged to.

Without turning her head, she asked, "Why don't you rest?"

"I'm running out of ammunition and food. Your doctor will definitely not fly a passenger plane. If the helicopter can only take two people away, what are you going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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