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Chapter 278 This Zombie Prince’s Late Stage of Disease 36

Chapter 278 This Zombie Prince’s Late Stage of Disease 36
When Bai Xiaoyuan heard the words, he lowered his head in a half-smile.

She turned around and looked at X seriously, "Everyone who is alive here today, our only mission is to deliver you to the doctor."

"Regardless of life or death?" X hooked the corner of his mouth.

"Of course you must ensure that you are alive, able to move, and able to think!"

X sneered, "All you want is my brain, take a look, what's the difference between you and those zombies?"

"Excessive words!" Bai Xiaoyuan seemed to have heard something, raised his index finger to his lips, and walked towards the west.

X walked behind her, stepping on her shadow, and suddenly asked her, "What about our agreement?"

Bai Xiaoyuan paused and took a breath.

She shook her head and rubbed her forehead, "I also hope that I can live to go to the laboratory to be your research subject."

Knowing what she had discovered, X walked to her side in two steps, took a look, raised his eyebrows, and curled his lips, "I told you, this is a good place."

"You are so yin and yang." Bai Xiaoyuan sighed, "Whether you can wait here for another day is a problem, and how to land the doctor's plane is also a problem."

Yes, these are questions.

Because the canyon they were in was not a thousand-meter deep canyon with steep terrain, but a small canyon on the edge of the basin, about ten meters in size.

The doctor's plane also planned to land on this wide basin.

But now the situation is very bad. On the other side of the canyon, there are unimaginable numbers of zombies coming from nowhere, like sandstorms, like tornadoes, walking blindly, and falling into the canyon without looking back.

I don't know how many batches of zombies came before and after, and how many pieces of meatloaf were broken into. Anyway, the zombies have piled up now, and it is estimated that within a few hours, the pile of losses will be equal to that of the canyon.

This also means that later zombies walking in this canyon will feel like they are walking on the ground.

These zombies were as numerous as the sand in the desert, and to the living people in the squad, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Bai Xiaoyuan turned around, intending to return immediately, and asked Lu Jun to find a way to contact the doctor to change places. After running a few steps, X stood still.

He turned back and grabbed him, "What are you doing, let's go!"

Presumably Liu Xiao and Zhang Laowu also noticed the movement here, and ran over, "Hurry up, you can't stay here! There are too many zombies!"

A group of people packed their bags and began to retreat to the outside.

"Lu Jun, have you contacted the doctor yet?"

Lu Jun held the locator in his hand, "According to the GPS navigation display, the plane is about to arrive, which is sent by a fixed signal. The mobile signal cannot be contacted temporarily, and it may not be realistic to change places."

"Then how long do you estimate the plane will be able to land!"

"It will take an hour or two at the earliest."

"Maybe it's too late. I've seen it. The canyon over there will be scaled in an hour or two at the earliest! It's not just one or two that will come!"

"Then what should we do? The doctor said that planes are not easy to get. It took a long time to find one..." At this point, Lu Jun was stunned. There were seven of them."

Lu Jun was a little uneasy and looked at Bai Xiaoyuan.

Bai Xiaoyuan lowered her hands on her hips, ordered some guns and ammunition in her bag, and finally said, "You all go, X and I are waiting for the helicopter here."

"It's too dangerous, let's retreat together!" Liu Xiao immediately vetoed it, and even Xiao Hei rushed to Bai Xiaoyuan's side immediately.

Bai Xiaoyuan touched Xiao Hei's head, "I don't want to abandon you either, but this is the end of the world. Being alive is more important than anything else. Only one more living person will give humanity more hope."

(End of this chapter)

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