Chapter 19

Brother Hao, is he okay?Will he think of her occasionally, will he miss her like she misses him? !
Yu Lian stood on the top of the mountain facing the wind, looking over the town below her feet, and cast her eyes in a distant direction.There, there is someone she is obsessed with!
From the lament at the beginning, to the expectation later, to the sadness today, she didn't know how long she could last!He chose to leave because he was sad, because he was angry, or it was a bet she made, and the chip was his love for her!If he comes to chase her, then she is willing to go back with him, and then forget everything about the past and start over again, so she looks forward to it until she is gradually disappointed!
Time passed day by day, and my thoughts about him increased day by day, and the pain also increased day by day!If time could be turned back, then she would definitely not choose to leave that day, she would definitely be willing to give Brother Hao a chance to explain, she would definitely...

Oh, it's late!It's too late!Looking back now, Brother Hao's back was so sad when he left that day, revealing deep sorrow, why didn't she notice it then? !Brother Hao must have decided to give up, otherwise why didn't he come to her?Everything, maybe there is no room for redemption!

The tears were blown away by the wind, but the pain in her heart could not be blown away.She misses him, misses him so much, misses him so much, but... thinking of her brother, thinking of her dead parents, she can't take the steps to go back, she can only look at this small hill day after day!
If... If there was no blood between them, no helplessness, just two people in love, how good would it be? !It's a pity...they probably won't be together in this life! ... My heart is almost numb from the pain, I don't know if there will be a day when my tears will run dry!If possible, let her forget all of this, including love and pain, joy and sorrow, maybe then she can live purely!


Sometimes people really can't be too kind!Against the biting cold wind, Ling Bin, who was struggling to walk, once again expressed emotion.If given a choice, she would rather sleep in bed!It's really bad enough! ...

The sound of pleasant music interrupted her cursing.While taking out her mobile phone to answer the call, she found a sheltered place to hide. She sincerely hoped that there was good news, otherwise...

"Bin, where are you?"

"What happened?" She vaguely felt that her friend's tone was a bit heavy.

"There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Habitually brushing the hair on her forehead, she doesn't think this choice is meaningful, and she doesn't have to know whether it's good or bad? ! "Say it!"

"..." The other end was silent for a while, as if it was considering that it would be better to say that first. "We have found Ji Yulian and Ruan Yi,..."

Sensing his friend's hesitation, Ling Bin frowned slightly, "Has something happened to Yu Lian?"

"It's not counted! It's just that I closed myself up."

"What do you mean?" Don't be what she thinks, there is already one who "keeps silent", don't come with a second one, then she is still playing a fart!
"It's just...she has autism."

"Autism?! Well, why did she suddenly get that strange disease?! Could it be that Ruan Yi didn't take good care of her?!" If that's the case, she must make him pay the price!

"No, Ruan Yi is very kind to her. I'm not too clear about the specific situation. I think it's better for you to go there yourself!"

Going to visit Yulian shouldn't be considered a breach of promise, right?If something really happened..."Okay, give me the address." Looking at the address provided by her friend, Ling Bin suddenly had a bad feeling, and I hope it's just that she was worrying too much!

Pulling on the windbreaker, Ling Bin, who was walking in the wind again, was no longer as impetuous as before, and a faint sadness filled her heart inexplicably.

Why is everyone's emotional road so difficult?Is this love really more precious?Since God has arranged the other half for everyone at birth, why do they have to add so many hardships to them?Thinking of the tortuous love stories of her older brothers in the past and the distraught elder brother and Yu Lian, she suddenly felt glad that she hadn't met anyone who could be sad.Physical injuries can be healed, but heart injuries are not so easy, especially when faced with the choice of love or not love, it is even more unbearable!

Walking quickly to the company, at least one person must be settled before leaving, otherwise how can she rest assured?Alas, it's hard for my sister these days!
As soon as she stepped into the company, a low pressure hit her face, and all the staff who saw her along the way showed pleading eyes, almost worshiping her as a god.It seems that they have indeed been under a lot of pressure these days. If the alarm is not lifted, some people may resign.

well!Ling Bin no longer knew that this was the first time she had sighed. Since when did she become attached to sighing? !Shaking her head, a faint wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Hello, Special Assistant Ouyang!" Seeing her walk in, the eldest brother's secretary got up quickly, with a relieved smile on his face.

At the beginning, because she insisted not to be in charge of the company's department, the eldest brother had no choice but to give her a job as a special assistant to the president. I didn't expect that after a few years, she would really be worthy of the name. "Special" don't help "help" "fire fighting" - special help!Enough majesty!

"Miss Lin, it's hard for you again!" Fortunately, Miss Lin is big enough, otherwise the company's "uncertain time bombs" would have gone away in anger.

"It's okay! But... please persuade the president, several senior executives are afraid to go in and report."

She waved her hand to show her understanding, and she had no choice but to walk towards her eldest brother's office.One "fire-breathing dragon" in the company is enough, but she didn't expect to have another one now, and she had a hunch that this was much more difficult to deal with than the simple-minded guy with well-developed limbs of the third brother!well!She sighed again!

Without knocking on the door, Ling Bin walked in directly.Out of the corner of her eye, she seemed to see Secretary Lin making an "Amen" gesture. It seemed that she was really frightened.After all, it is difficult enough to have a vice president who acts on impulse and ignores the role of a secretary, and now there is another boss... Heh, it is enough for her!
(End of this chapter)

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