Chapter 20

"It seems that I should consider revoking your privilege to come in and out at will." Ji Haotian knew who was coming in without looking up, and no one in the company except Ling Bin had the right to come in and out freely, especially walking into his office without hindrance.

"Okay, it's best to get rid of me from the company, that's the solution once and for all." Anyway, she has had enough of these men, she looks very mature, and when she encounters relationship problems, she becomes an idiot child!

Ji Haotian knew that as long as she was there, he would never have a peaceful space, so he had to put down the work in hand, straightened up and looked at her. "I hope you remember the original promise." Now he just wants to live quietly by himself, and feelings... are not important to him anymore!But, my heart still hurts inexplicably!

"Of course I remember." Ling Bin gave him a big roll of eyes helplessly.These men think she has amnesia, really!

"That's the best!"

Seeing the calm expression on his face without any ups and downs, Ling Bin suddenly had the urge to tear off his disguise mask, and she was doing it too. "Something happened to Yu Lian." I couldn't believe how much he could hold on!
Ji Haotian stood up abruptly, but sat down slumped when his eager eyes caught sight of the white envelope on the table.She is no longer his baby, she no longer needs him!But... I really want to know her condition, what kind of pain she is enduring now, and whether she is being taken care of by someone... I hold my hand tightly, and then let go, hoping to calm my mood.

"What's wrong with her?" I still asked, even if his Lian'er let go, how could he be happy? !

Satisfied with his flustered and painful expression, Ling Bin decided to give him one last blow. "She suffers from autism." It would be the best if he could be stimulated to give up what he has and what he doesn't have, and run to chase his lover back.

sky!how come? !Ji Haotian slowly buried his face in his hands, not wanting Ling Bin to see the sadness and despair on his face.

He has taken care of his baby for 15 years. He thought letting her go was the best decision. He thought that she would live a better and happier life from now on, but...she unexpectedly...God!Why do you treat his Lian'er like this? !Why give her so much suffering? !And he couldn't help at all!He is willing to put all the misfortunes on him, just to let her and his baby go!
Walking over gently, hugging his stiff body, I suddenly felt that I was cruel, trying to uncover the wounds hidden in others' hearts, bloody, and exposed to the sun to burn!

"Brother, I'm going to see Yulian. No matter what, she is our eternal sister. No one and nothing can change this."

There is nothing that can replace or change a relationship. The 15-year relationship cannot be forgotten just by forgetting it. I believe Yulian must think so.They believed in the personality of the eldest brother, and believed that there must be a misunderstanding about what happened back then. Yu Lian has been with the eldest brother for 15 years, and she will not fail to understand what kind of person the eldest brother is. She just needs an explanation, why the eldest brother just doesn't understand? !

"Okay, but...don't force her to come back." It's not that she doesn't understand what Ling Bin said,'s not that simple.The last thing he wants to face is Lian'er's hatred, which will make him lose the courage to live.Forget it like this, as long as she lives happily, what else is there to worry about?He only hoped that she could live happily!

Looking at his head that has never been raised, Ling Bin felt a deep sense of powerlessness.Is it true that no matter how strong people are in the face of love, they will become deserters, unwilling to accept the facts, or even choose to give up and not fight for it because they are afraid of being hurt? !Oh, love, what is it? !

Gently patted the elder brother's trembling shoulder, "I know. But...will she really be happy without you? Then, why does she suffer from autism? You can't make decisions for her , even if the intention is good, but you are not her after all!" It shouldn't be said, but she couldn't bear to see these two people who were clearly in love, sad in different places for inexplicable reasons!
The strength on his body gradually loosened, and after a faint sigh, the door opened and closed again.

Ji Haotian knew that Ling Bin had left.She came and said these words to tell him what he knew very well, but...he couldn't do it, really!

15 years is enough for a little girl to grow up and fall in love with someone.Lian'er said that if she loves him, then he is willing to believe her.And his love for her is unquestionable, but he doesn't know whether Lian'er's love for him is deep enough to be willing to face what happened back then for him!Some things were ugly and real, including him, including her memories of childhood happiness, and he wasn't sure she was willing to face it!What is especially uncertain is whether his love is Lian'er's last and only home!She has been kept by his selfish side all the time, and has no chance to know more people. Her love for him may be just a momentary infatuation or admiration in the end!He didn't want to have to face her regret and hatred one day, and hoped that she would be happy forever!

...Perhaps in the final analysis, he is still selfish, but loves her too much, so he is afraid of facing a breakup. This kind of separation has exhausted him physically and mentally. He can't imagine that one day he will have to face her hatred! !
Maybe one day, when Lian'er figured it out, when she was sure that she loved him, she would be willing to come back, not for anything else, just for him!Well, he'd tell her everything, including his desperate love! ... Yes, there will be such a day, and he is willing to guard his life for this!
Slowly raising his head, his eyes fell on the white envelope again. It was the only thing Lian'er left behind, and he never had the courage to open it to read.

There was no seal on the envelope, and when it was gently opened, there was a thick letter inside.

(End of this chapter)

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