Chapter 21

Brother Hao:

I don't know when you will open this letter, maybe never, but I still want to write you something.

I know that my leaving means betrayal to you, it means parting with the past 15 years, but... I have no choice!I believe you can understand my mood at this time, but I dare not expect your forgiveness, just like I can't forgive the past, and you!


It's cruel!For you, for me!But the fact is that, none of us can choose, let alone pretend that nothing happened.Maybe I should thank you, because you let me forget 15 years, simply live in the world you gave me, just smile and be happy!

do you know?When you hugged me that day, what kind of emotion was surging in my heart, it seemed to be the emotion I have been longing for all my life!I really waited a long, long time, and sometimes I even gave up, thinking I couldn't wait anymore!However, you tell me with your actions that you love me!I cried because I was moved, because I got what I wanted!

I really want to cook for you with my own hands, and then watch you finish it, but unfortunately I never had the chance!Maybe... I'm not qualified, I just want to understand this way, at least I can ignore your evasion!Yes, I know you're avoiding me because you don't know how to tell me about 15 years ago, do you?

I remember what happened when I was six years old. I remember how my father and mother fell beside me and how they guarded me with their lives!They love me, and I love them too, but they are gone!I don't know what kind of role you played at that time, and I don't want to know, so I can only choose to leave, because I can't face you, mine, and our past!sorry!
My brother said, I should be myself.But, which one is me?Rain?Or love?Both are me, how should I choose, you tell me!How nice it would be if I could stop loving you!In that way, there will be no choice, no tears, and no heartache!However, just thinking about it will make my heart hurt, I can't do it!

Brother Hao, I love you, really!However, God seems to have destined us not to be together, and our existence is a kind of harm to each other!Why does God use such a method to let us know each other and love each other? !I just want to be able to love you, cook for you, wash clothes for you, bear children for you, live a simple and ordinary life, but I can't!

Brother Hao, I'm leaving!Maybe we will disappear in each other's life from now on, and we will never see each other again, but I still want to hear you whisper in my ear, you love me!It's just that this wish may never come true in this life!If, one day you meet a good girl, then please forget about me, seize the happiness that belongs to you, and don't let go!

I hope you are having a great time!

Goodbye, Brother Hao!I love you, so, I will never learn to hate you!

love you lianer

Ji Haotian's eye sockets were a little moist, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.A strong pain swept over him, almost suffocating him!
Lian'er, do you know that only you are my happiness in this world, only you can bring me happiness!When you decided to leave, you already took my heart and my love away! ... Please, please come back, please don't give up loving me, don't!

Deep sorrow filled his heart, entangled as if to tear his body apart, and he couldn't control it.He could only lean back on the chair softly, letting the heartache come again and again!


The wind is blowing gently, and the flowers in early spring are tired of the severe cold, quietly revealing their buds.The tender green grass is struggling to pass through the withered and yellow protection of the "predecessors", eager to see the new world.Oh, spring is here, it's great!

Yu Lian sat quietly in front of the window with a faint smile on his lips.Dressed in white, she looks like an angel who has fallen into the world, as if she will fly away if she is not careful.

Looking at her expression as calm as a newborn baby with distress, Ruan Yi didn't know if this was good for her or not!Perhaps, she can only find happiness in that closed world, but it makes people who care about her feel sad and reluctant!I just received a call from Ouyang Lingbin, saying that she is coming to treat Yu Lian, and there is no need to explain other than that.It is undeniable that he is a little happy. He has been with Ji Haotian for many years, and he knows Ouyang Lingbin's medical skills very well, but he can't forget Yulian's emaciated appearance and endless tears before he fell ill. She is not happy!

Patting Ruan Yi on the shoulder, Lin Chen could understand the hesitation in his heart, "She is only 21 years old, we can't let her live her life in illusion from now on, that would be the real cruelty to her! She still has a great life to come." However, I believe that after this time, she will become strong!" Moreover, Longxiang Group will not allow her self-imposed exile, otherwise they will not send people here.Of course, he didn't tell Ruan Yi this sentence.

He was not very clear about the grievances between Ruan Yi and Longxiang Group, but when Yu Lian appeared in front of him, hoping that he could "take in" her for a while, he was very happy.Yu Lian has always been the goddess in his heart during his study abroad, and now that the goddess has finally entered his life, why isn't he overjoyed!But Yu Lian changed, she lost her charming smile, she hid away and wept all day long, no matter what he and Ruan Yi tried, they couldn't make her happy.Finally one day, she fell silent and quietly hid in a world that none of them could touch. She had a simple smile again, but it was even more heartbreaking!It wasn't until he received a call from Longxiang Group that he realized that Yu Lian was different from him. She was the eldest lady of Longxiang Group, not an ordinary person like him!

Such a noble her, such an ordinary him, maybe God has already doomed them to miss each other in this way!I hope she is happy, but it seems that happiness is not what he can give, or...forget it!

(End of this chapter)

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