Alternative parenting tricks for lazy moms

Chapter 4 3-6 months, "Yi Ya Yi Ya" is super cute

Chapter 4 3-6 months, "Yi Ya Yi Ya" is super cute (1)
the baby will laugh,
Mom teased him,

He immediately sends you a sweet smile,
Make a happy "Yiyi Yaya" sound.

Two small eyes nimbly stare at "moving" objects.

Hehe, why are you so curious!

Spot the traps hidden in the crib

understand baby's cry
Can you understand a baby crying?Ever get dizzy from all the crying?Is the most depressing thing than that the baby likes to cry at night?That's right, babies often cry every few hours. Only when they understand the crying sound will they not increase their troubles in vain!

Here's how to decipher your baby's cries.

they can't replace mom
Envy, jealousy, hatred... I really regret it, I wish I hadn't invited her here!
Who are they?The child's grandma, the child's grandma, and the confinement wife invited by the family.

My goodness, they're about to take your place!
From the birth of a baby, maternal love should always be regarded as the most important factor in a child's growth!Whatever the reason for reducing the baby's enjoyment of mother's love, he or she is bound to have many obstacles of one kind or another in the process of growing up in the future.

In other words, whether a child is good or bad, whether he is physically and mentally healthy, whether his IQ and EQ are high, and whether he can become a talent after independence are all closely related to your nurturing (feeding) and training (education). The impact is very important and significant, starting from the first day after he (she) was born!How can others replace you? !

TIPS: Return the baby to the baby

① They should be positioned as: assisting you to do some rough work, helping you to do things that are inconvenient to do.

②They are only supporting roles, they cannot raise the baby for you, and you cannot let them take the lead.

③ A baby who fully communicates with his mother is a reasonable, humane, and caring child.

beautiful hair, sleep out
Don't want your baby to sleep with a "big flat head"?Worried about sleeping position affecting organ development?Are there any sleeping positions that are undesirable?Cough, in fact, you just want to ask, which sleeping position will make the baby more beautiful in the future, right?

Haha, let me tell you, there are no more than three sleeping positions for babies: supine, side and prone.

The prone position is what is often called "sleeping on the stomach" - first pass!Babies are small and cannot change their sleeping positions to protect themselves, and the prone position can easily cause "sudden death in sleep".In addition, the weight of the whole body is all on the internal organs, which is not conducive to growth and development.

The supine position, which is often referred to as "sleeping on your back", is a better sleeping position.After the baby falls asleep, the muscles of the whole body are relaxed, and the internal organs are basically not under pressure.The only downside is that people who have been sleeping like this since childhood usually have a "big flat head"!Then try another -

The side position is often referred to as "sleeping on one side".If you alternate with the supine position (change the baby's sleeping position every 2 to 3 hours), that is, "alternate lying on the side", the baby's head shape will not only be beautiful, but also the body development will not be affected!

"Lazy Skills" Open - 1 way to sleep on your side and become more stable
The magic of "sleeping alone"

"Sleeping alone" does not mean letting the baby sleep in a room alone, but means that the baby under 1 year old and his parents "same room and different bed".The beauty is:
The small bed is placed next to the big bed - the baby is not alone, and it is convenient to take care of it at night
Pull up the curtain to divide the two sides - the site is separated, and the happiness is not diminished

Supplies storage under the small bed - the territory belongs to oneself since childhood
Night Care Cheats Revealed
I want to sleep, and the baby needs to be taken care of, so I can only wear two panda eyes, drowsy with the bottle in the left hand and the diaper in the right, and lead the yawning child and his father to rescue the emergency... Sleep is precious, and the baby is even more precious, How is this good?
In fact, if you can arrange the necessities of nursing your baby at night reasonably and orderly in advance, you can act calmly and satisfy or deal with it as quickly as possible.

Baby needs that may occur at night:
① hunger, thirst

②Change the diaper

③ Discomfort in bedding, room temperature or clothing

④Mosquito bites

⑤Need to adjust sleeping position

⑥ Sudden illness

There is a unified principle for parents to prepare in advance - clean and sterile, appropriate location, and easy access.

① Keep the indoor temperature and humidity suitable for sleeping.

② Do not let the baby sleep naked, do not cover too thick quilt.

③ Wear breathable cotton long-sleeved underwear for the baby.

④ Insist on breastfeeding.

⑤Keep diapers, paper towels, feeding bottles, water cups and other items away from the crib to avoid accidentally injuring or frightening the baby.

⑥ Prepare a few clean baby clothes for changing at any time.

⑦The lighting in the bedroom is too bright, it is easy to irritate the baby's eyes, use a desk lamp with soft light

⑧ Commonly used medicines and thermometers are placed in a fixed place.

Baby don't be "quiet"

What kind of sound does the baby like?It's quiet in the room, okay?Why does the baby "cry" when it hears a little movement?
This time we answer these questions backwards.

It's normal for a baby to start crying at the slightest sound.First of all, the hearing is OK.The reason why you cry in fright is that the baby is too young to understand "where the sound comes from" and can't distinguish different sounds. This reaction is only an instinctive, one of the physiological phenomena of neural reflex - a simple "startle reflex" .

Let's talk about the room.

It's really not good to be quiet in the room!You need to give the baby a "sound" environment and let him rely on his own strength to practice gradually distinguishing the ability of different sounds.These sounds include: the sound of water, the sound of cooking, the sound of walking, the sound of conversation, the noise of the outside world, the sound of opening the door, the sound of things falling, and so on.Some gentle and rhythmic music can also be played appropriately for the baby, but the time of playing music should not be too long.

After all, what your baby likes most is your "sound of nature"!
It is best for you and your family to talk to your baby in an affectionate and warm tone, because the baby likes soft, slow, pure voices when it is new, and hates sharp voices.Your voice just meets all the above requirements, the most important thing - your voice conveys to the baby the feeling of "as long as the mother is there, the baby is at ease" - a sense of security.

Hold your baby's "biological clock" in your hand
Babies are governed by a "biological clock" just like us.

Sleep time is not a "one cut cut"

The baby's biological clock is regular, but there is no established law for sleep.

Some people say that there are "three major things" for a newborn baby to open the door-feeding, sleeping and excreting.

Very incisive, you are right!Babies at this stage seem to be like this, sleep when they are full, eat when they are full, and pull BB when they are full.

More sleep time is mainly because the baby's brain is not yet fully developed, and it is easy to fatigue and fall asleep quickly.Sufficient sleep time allows the various organs and tissues of the body to take the opportunity to develop and mature, otherwise it will be detrimental to growth and development.

How long should a newborn baby sleep?
There is no uniform standard, because the length of sleep time is determined by each baby's individual, which varies greatly.

Some babies sleep for a long time at a time, while others sleep more and wake up more often. Premature babies have lower brain maturity and need the longest sleep time.As the months get older, most of the sleep time will gradually shorten.

"Lazy Skills" Open - A Quick Checklist of Baby's Sleep Time

You don't have to strictly follow this table to "card" your baby's sleep time, it's really tiring and unnecessary to do that.As long as the baby eats and drinks well, is in a good mental state, excretes normally, and does not "slump" from morning to night, even if the sleep time is a little different, what kind of problem is it?
Sleeping faces "talking"

I guess, I guess, I guess... It's not hungry, it's not thirsty, other people's babies don't seem to be like this, I really don't understand what these abnormal sleeping appearances of babies mean? !

The normal state of a baby's sleep should be quiet, breathing evenly, and looking comfortable.Anything other than this is for a reason.

Look at hidden health risks from 8 sleeping positions
Sleep Phase 1: Nighttime irritability before going to bed

Easy to wake up after falling asleep, flushed face, shortness of breath, rapid pulse, even exceeding 110 beats/minute, is the performance of impending fever.

Observe whether the baby has a cold, runny nose, sneezing, diarrhea, etc., and drink plenty of warm boiled water for the baby.Use sterile cotton dipped in diluted alcohol to wipe the body to physically cool down the baby who has already had a fever.

Sleep phase 2: Crying and fussing while sleeping
From time to time, he kicked the quilt, shook his head and scratched his ears, his face was flushed, and his body temperature was slightly high.

Symptoms of eczema or otitis media.

Check the baby's ear canal for swelling, red spots on the skin?If so, send treasure in time
Bao went to the hospital for treatment.

Sleeping Phase 3: Occasional shaking of limbs when falling asleep

It's like a cramp.

Being overtired or frightened.

Avoid the baby playing for a long time during the day, and adults should not scare the baby.

Sleeping phase 4: The mouth is "dishonest" after falling asleep

Chew and grind your teeth constantly.

Manifestations of ascariasis or indigestion.

For ascariasis, use baby-specific anthelmintics; if you have indigestion, you should re-arrange your baby's diet reasonably, and you can find out by going to the hospital for an examination.

Sleeping phase 5: Fingers or toes twitch after falling asleep, and a little swollen
Mosquito bites, or fiber entanglements.

There should be traces of mosquito bites, and special ointment should be applied to the baby immediately to prevent infection; tiny silk threads and hair can wrap around the baby's fingers or toes, and remove them after finding them.

Sleep phase 6: restless sleep

Tossing and turning, always turning the body.

Indigestion or hot body, do not rule out the possibility of fever.

Don't let the baby eat too much before going to bed, wear thin cotton pajamas for the baby to sleep, and don't cover the quilt with too thick.

Sleeping phase 7: Often crying out loud after falling asleep

The baby has "night terrors".

Avoid bad stimuli during the day and maintain a peaceful mood.

Sleeping phase 8: Always wake up and cry for a while before falling asleep

Gastrointestinal circulation disturbance.

If you have diarrhea, vomiting, or irregular eating, you should go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.

Why do babies like to kick the quilt

This pair of little feet and calves are almost non-stop, even when they are sleeping, they have to kick here and there, and it will be troublesome to catch a cold.Hey~~~ I'm so sad!Why do babies prefer to "kick the quilt" so much?

It's not that the baby is mischievous for no reason, there is always a reason for it.If there is a reason, we must find a countermeasure!

"Anti-kick" keeps warm without delay
Caught in Dafa
The clamp is a clamp with a ring.The clips clamp the corners of the quilt, and the rings are fixed on the bedposts. In this way, the baby will not kick the quilt away even with great strength.

Tips: The clamp should not be too tight, otherwise the baby will be "sentenced", and it will be too uncomfortable to sleep.

Rubber band method

In summer, the quilt is thin, and rubber bands are used, and in winter, elastic bands are used.A total of 4 pieces are needed, which are sewed on the 4 corners of the quilt, 2 are sewed together with the pillow, and the other 2 are fixed at the proper position of the bed rail.The elastic bands and elastics are so flexible that they "pull back" the comforter even if baby kicks it off.

Tips: The 2 sewing widths connected with the pillow should be the same as the pillow.

sleeping bag method
The sleeping bag with detachable sleeves can be converted into a "vest-style sleeping bag" at any time, suitable for babies who kick the quilt "all-weather".

Tips: Buy a sleeping bag with a small pad around the neckline to cover the zipper, so as not to scratch the baby's skin with the zipper.

Pillows defend Dafa
Put a few small pillows against the bed rails for the baby. If the space is small, the baby cannot spin + somersault as he likes, and the quilt is not easy to be kicked thoroughly.

Tips: You have to take extra care to check the position of the pillows, don't let them hinder the baby's normal breathing.

Little feet showing Dafa

It's better to simply let the little feet out of the quilt, there is nothing to kick, so naturally I don't kick.

Tips: Barefoot is definitely not good, remember to put thick socks on your baby.

Turn on the air conditioner
Don't be afraid of electricity consumption, turn on the air conditioner to sleep at night, the temperature will be higher, even if you kick the quilt, you won't be afraid!
Tips: Moisturize when the air conditioner is turned on, otherwise the baby's skin will become very dry, and a humidifier should be turned on at the same time.

Choose baby underwear correctly

Make dressing and undressing easier (Undressing)
The newborn baby has such a tender body, and his limbs are "stubbornly" bent... Oops, it seems that he can't match his parents' dressing and undressing at all, he simply refuses!

Dressing and undressing your baby may seem difficult, but is it really that difficult?

Unless you admit that you're utterly stupid...

Most babies don’t like to take off their clothes. First, they have to be exposed to cold air when they take off their warm clothes. Babies hate the stimulation of cold air. Second, their arms and legs will be squeezed if they don’t keep their clothes straight. It hurts!
So, you want to minimize the discomfort of undressing your baby, and do so gently and quickly.

Make dressing and undressing easier (dressing)
3-step bottle selection

The baby bottle full of bears looks very beautiful; the soft baby bottle must be very comfortable to hold; the special-shaped baby bottle must be very "cool" to use...

Stop, stop, stop~~~ The gaudy appearance does not mean that this is a good feeding bottle!

At present, there are three main types of feeding bottles on the market from the production materials.


No matter what material the baby bottle is made of, it should first be a product of a regular manufacturer, and secondly, those with high quality should:
4 o'clock pick the pacifier
Pacifiers are divided into "round" and "thumb-shaped" in shape.The thumb-shaped pacifier is flat and round. It is designed according to the shape of the mother's nipple after being sucked into the baby's mouth and put pressure on it. It is very realistic and the baby's acceptance of it is higher than that of the round pacifier.

Nipple hole size is divided into three types: S, M, and L:

The round hole type is a common type, and the milk will flow out automatically after a little sucking. It is suitable for babies who cannot control the amount of milk flow.

The cross shape controls the flow of milk according to the baby's sucking force, and it is not easy to leak milk.

The Y-shaped nipple is not sunken, the flow is stable, and the suction hole will not crack even under hard sucking.

quick clean bottle

To wash the bottle:
To wash the pacifier:
Quickly sterilize feeding bottles
Sterilize the bottle:

"Lazy skills" revealed - how to deal with the coagulated milk stains?

It's very simple, soak the pacifier in hot water for a while, and then use a pacifier brush to remove the milk stains after softening.In fact, the most trouble-free way is to wash the baby immediately after drinking milk!
Be wary of "overfeeding with milk powder"

After the baby enters 3 months, his body develops very rapidly, his appetite increases greatly, and he always seems to be "not full".But it is very wrong to give milk as soon as you cry, and you may not understand it-overfeeding.

Overfeeding is a very troublesome thing, and the direct consequence is - obesity in infancy.

The chubby baby looks cute, but secretly there are many hidden dangers waiting for him: high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer!Overfeeding can also easily make the baby "anorexic".

If you are overfed with milk powder, your baby's liver and kidney metabolism will be overwhelmed.This is not alarmist talk, you should pay attention to the amount of feeding should be controlled, the reference standard is as follows: the total daily requirement is generally 900-1000 ml, and the number of feedings per day is ≤6 times.Babies with small appetites should feed 140ml each time, and babies with large appetites should feed 180ml each time, not more than 200ml.

In addition, babies need a lot of water every day.Water feeding is carried out between two feedings, and the amount of water for each feeding is about half of the amount of milk per meal. The specific reference values ​​are as follows:
It is necessary to mention that although breastfeeding will not increase the burden on the liver and kidneys, the troubles caused by simple obesity have been clearly explained above.Well, breastfeeding, 20 minutes at a time, feeding 5 times a day is enough!
With these reference standards, will you still turn your baby into a "little chubby boy"?

It is easy to identify a good can of milk powder
Looking at the dazzling array of bottles on the supermarket shelves... Looking at the various formula tables... Thinking about N's many fancy nouns... Hey~~~ It's really hard not to get dizzy!
"Lazy skills" made public - 3 sentences to distinguish a can of "good" milk powder

① There are roughly two types of milk powder.

One is "whole milk powder" which is spray-dried from fresh milk; the other is "formula milk powder", which uses breast milk as the standard to completely transform milk so that its nutritional components are as close as possible to breast milk.Note: The ratio of calcium to phosphorus in breast milk is 2:1, and the calcium absorption rate is high, and the baby is not prone to rickets; while the calcium to phosphorus ratio of milk powder made from milk is 1.2:1, the calcium absorption rate is low.Therefore, children under 2 years old should not drink whole milk powder.

② vitamin content is not the higher the better.

Nutritional intake should first be "balanced". Excessive consumption of certain nutrients for a long time will cause toxicity in the baby's body.Such as causing skin diseases or adverse reactions such as headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

③ Judging the quality of milk powder simply by price is not feasible.

The price is man-made, of course it is possible for a 10 yuan item to be priced at more than [-] yuan, right?It’s better to look at the nutrient composition list of milk powder, and pay attention to the parameters of calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

④Purchase according to the age of the baby.


Tell you what is "mixed" in formula milk powder

Special infant formula is developed for babies with special circumstances, "special circumstances" meaning that the "physiological condition" of such babies is relatively special.Whether your baby needs it is not up to you to decide, it needs to be judged by a doctor before eating.

Special infant formula is divided into:

① Lactose-free milk powder: suitable for babies who are lactose intolerant.

② Partially hydrolyzed milk powder: suitable for babies with mild diarrhea or allergies.

③Fully hydrolyzed milk powder: suitable for babies with severe diarrhea or allergies or short bowel syndrome.

(End of this chapter)

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