Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 102 You find one and I break one

Chapter 102 You find one and I break one

After Sheng Lan finished washing, Zhao Qiaosheng's takeaway arrived.

The two ate unhurriedly, Zhao Qiaosheng glanced at Sheng Lan, "You don't need to go to the set?"

Sheng Lan misunderstood what Zhao Qiaosheng meant, and smiled silently, "Do you want to go with me?"

Zhao Qiaosheng shook his head, "I don't want to."

His eyes paused, Sheng Lan bit his chopsticks, "Okay, I'll take you there tonight."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "???"

"I didn't say I was going."

"I know." Sheng Lan hooked the corners of his mouth and said confidently: "Women usually say that, but if I really don't take you there, I guess I won't even be able to find my house at night."


"Don't ask me how I know, it's always done like this in movies and TV dramas." Sheng Lan shook his head, smiling dotingly and helplessly.

Zhao Qiaosheng was inexplicably guilty, did she really think so?
"Just go, who is afraid of whom?" Zhao Qiaosheng snorted, "But the premise is that I am really curious about the life of the crew, not because of you."

With a smile in his eyes, Sheng Lan nodded calmly, "Well, good, Sheng Bao is just really curious about the life of the crew, and has no bad intentions for me."


Obviously, what Sheng Lan said sounded nothing wrong, but the more calm and calm he was, the more grass grew in Zhao Qiaosheng's heart.

I became more guilty.

In the second half, Zhao Qiaosheng kept her head buried in eating, and she ate as soon as Sheng Lan brought her food, and she kept picking at the white rice in the bowl without eating much.

"Eat more, it's not that I can't afford you because I don't have money." The voice was muffled and warm, and Sheng Lan frowned displeasedly.

Zhao Qiaosheng ate too little!

Zhao Qiaosheng raised his eyelids at him, and said calmly, "I bought this meal."

Sheng Lan: "."

After a pause, he asked, "I can understand that... are you acting like a baby to me?"

Zhao Qiaosheng: "???"

The corner of her mouth twitched, "I think your reading comprehension is not very good?"

Sheng Lan said "Hmm", crossed his hands and put his fingers under his chin, smiled between his brows, and his gaze fell on Zhao Qiaosheng motionlessly, "I never said that my reading comprehension was taught by a Chinese teacher."

Zhao Qiaosheng stared, "What do you mean?"

Sheng Lan: "I've already memorized those answers by heart, and I'm even better than blue."

Do you read comprehension?
Zhao Qiaosheng blinked her eyes. She seemed to copy the answers a lot when she was in school. What the teacher said was one thing, and the answer was another way, without delaying each other.

"Hehe." Zhao Qiaosheng sneered, "You are so outstanding."

Hearing this, Sheng Lan's brows moved slightly, "It's okay, so-so."


"However." Changing the subject, Sheng Lan looked directly at Zhao Qiaosheng, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "My Shengbao deserves better."

For some reason, after listening to Sheng Lan's words, Zhao Qiaosheng thought of another meaning, and she couldn't help laughing, "Then you want me to kick you and find a better one?"

Sheng Lan:? ? ?
This is what he means?
Is this human?

"Zhao Qiaosheng, how dare you!"

Sheng Lan's face instantly became gloomy and dark, his overlapping fingers creaked, the muscle lines on his arms were obvious, and the light blue blood vessels were visible.

Gritting her teeth, Sheng Lan said in a deep voice, her eyes filled with coldness and sternness, "If you dare to look for it, you can find one and I'll break the other, at worst, we will die together!"

Realizing that the joke was over, looking at the angry man, his Ruifeng eyes became extraordinarily sharp, Zhao Qiaosheng tried to comfort Sheng Lan's hand, but Sheng Lan refused to let her touch it, and hid aside.

His forehead was tightly knit, and he couldn't melt it away.

This little woman is really capable of pissing him off!

He should teach her a good lesson and let her know that he is not so easy to get!
 Lan Bao got angry and refused to let Sheng Sheng touch his hands!
  o(T ヘ To)
(End of this chapter)

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