Chapter 103 I'm Yours

"What are you doing, I'll just say it casually." Zhao Qiaosheng bit the corner of his lips, imitating Sheng Lan's aggrieved appearance.

A pair of almond eyes are clear and clear.

The corners of Sheng Lan's brows were furrowed, somewhere in his heart seemed to be scratched, and then scratched again, itching.

His face was a little stiff, "You, cough, don't act like a spoiled child to me."

Blinking his eyes vigorously, Zhao Qiaosheng pretended not to understand, said "Oh", and his cheeks bulged slightly.

Sheng Lan: "."

Taking two deep breaths back and forth, Sheng Lang's Adam's apple slid up and down once or twice, he cleared his throat, his jaw tightened, and he said unnaturally: "I'm angry, so you have to coax me."

Continuing to pretend to be wronged, Zhao Qiaosheng said "Oh" in a ignorant manner, "Then how can I coax you?"

Sheng Lan gritted his teeth angrily, what he said before was in vain!
"I don't know, you think for yourself." Sheng Lan raised his hand and put down the bowls and chopsticks, his face was depressed, his eyelashes were half down, and his gaze swept across the person opposite from time to time.

Zhao Qiaosheng just remained unmoved, with a pure and innocent face, and every time he looked at Sheng Lan, he was so angry that he wanted to get up and leave.

But if he thought about leaving, he had no reason to come back, so he didn't leave!
Even Lai has to come here!

The change of expression on the man's face was really wonderful, Zhao Qiaosheng had a hard time holding back his smile.

But he couldn't keep this tsundere kid angry all the time, Zhao Qiaosheng rolled his eyes slightly, as if thinking of something.

With a sound of "Bo", Zhao Qiaosheng moved very quickly. She quickly stood up and sat down quickly, pinching the corner of her skirt with her fingertips, but her face was extremely calm.

Sheng Lan paused for a moment before realizing something, he raised his hand to touch it, there was nothing on the forehead, but it was so real, everything seemed to happen too fast, like a gust of wind blowing by.

"Zhao Qiaosheng, you are perfunctory!"

"I'm not, I don't." Zhao Qiaosheng pursed his lips.

Sheng Lan opened his mouth and looked deflated, he snorted angrily, his chest heaved a bit.

Zhao Qiaosheng didn't care about him, anyway, she really kissed her, and she still had a voice!
Didn't he feel that he blamed her?
There was a heavy breath in his chest, and Sheng Lan couldn't sit still after sitting quietly for a few seconds. He got up straight away, stepped over with his long legs, and walked directly behind Zhao Qiaosheng, holding the person's arm and walking towards the room.

The door was slammed shut, Sheng Lan gritted his teeth, his eyes flushed.

Zhao Qiaosheng was frightened by his appearance, and his expression was a little dull.

With his back against the cold wall, the man's panting voice sprayed on his neck, Sheng Lan gritted his teeth, "I mean, you deserve better, and I will try my best to become that better, the best person come to love you."


"Zhao Qiaosheng, I'm not that easy to get, but if you are willing to take one more step towards me, I will be yours."

After talking about it, Sheng Lan put his head on Zhao Qiaosheng's shoulder, and took a low breath, "Do you understand?"

The fundus of his eyes was red, and his black pupils showed half or six points of abjection, and the eyelashes just hung on the eyelids, hiding the color below, and there was silence.

Zhao Qiaosheng's heart froze for a few times. Hearing Sheng Lan's hoarse voice, her breathing became chaotic, and her heart missed a beat.

She thought. He just wanted to take advantage of her, and didn't think so much.

But at this moment, Zhao Qiaosheng suddenly felt that he was a little sorry for Sheng Lan.

".I.I understand."

She whispered, her voice was thin and weak, and it was infinitely amplified in the empty room.

Gently, it tapped on the man's eardrum.

Like a drop of water, the sinking heart is awakened again.

 "I mean, you deserve better, and I will try to be the better, the best person to love you."

  "Zhao Qiaosheng, I'm not that easy to get, but if you are willing to take one more step towards me, I will be yours."

  In a few days, we will be on the boutique and wind vane, everyone should go to the book circle to be active, and try to get into the bronze circle or something.

  Ps: I have been thinking about doing activities, and the management lady also mentioned it, because no one participated last time, it was miserable and embarrassing.

  That's it for this time, if you want to participate, just leave a message below, if there are more people, we will hold it! ! !

  Give you a chance to get me - give me a ticket つ_つ

(End of this chapter)

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