Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 104 Bewitched by a Pig...

Chapter 104 I got kicked by a pig
Sheng Lan was a little excited, he leaned over to hug Zhao Qiaosheng, but his chest trembled violently, his heart almost overflowed.

Zhao Qiaosheng could clearly feel the man's emotional changes.

It turned out that what he wanted was so simple.

"I understand." Zhao Qiaosheng repeated what he said just now.

"Understood that you are still mad at me!"

Angrily, Sheng Lan lowered her head and bit Zhao Qiaosheng hard on the back of the neck.

"Hiss, it hurts." Zhao Qiaosheng pushed him, "Are you a rabbit?"

Know how to bite her every day!

Sheng Lan: "I'm a pig."

The voice was muffled, with the slightest bit of gritted teeth.

Zhao Qiaosheng twitched her eyebrows, not knowing whether she should laugh at him, but her body had already responded honestly and inappropriately, "Then I was kicked by a pig?"

"Zhao Qiaosheng!"

"I was wrong" surrendered, Zhao Qiaosheng begged for mercy.

Sheng Lan seemed to be really angry, her short hair, which was neither hard nor soft, rubbed against Zhao Qiaosheng's neck, itching and numb.

Zhao Qiaosheng avoided him, but Sheng Lan refused to let him go. He blocked him in a corner and fought secretly.

"I was really wrong, I was wrong"

Zhao Qiaosheng couldn't laugh or cry, Sheng Lan held her wrist with one hand and directly touched her head, "What's wrong?"

"I'm not a pig, okay?"


"I was really wrong, really wrong about me. Ah."

What Zhao Qiaosheng said was completely different from what she wanted to express, at least it sounded like this to Sheng Lan.

He directly hugged him horizontally, and carried him onto the bed. Zhao Qiaosheng exclaimed, and was thrown onto the bed. The soft mattress was very elastic, and Zhao Qiaosheng bounced on it.

She was about to crawl away, Sheng Lan bent over and grabbed her ankle, and pulled her back with a little force between her wrists.

Zhao Qiaosheng is like a doll at the mercy of others.

Someone touched the sensitive point of her ankle, and a tingling sensation hit her whole body. Zhao Qiaosheng laughed and cried and begged for mercy.

The corner of his mouth was grinning, and there was a smirk on Sheng Lan's face. He just didn't let go, and rubbed his fingertips on it. Zhao Qiaosheng kicked and kicked anxiously, with tears in his eyes, looking very pitiful.

"Husband, I was wrong"

Maybe it was subconscious, Zhao Qiaosheng didn't know what he yelled, but he wanted Sheng Lan to let go of him.

All of a sudden, a voice flashed in Sheng Lan's mind, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his movements stopped, "What do you call me?"

Panting, the corners of Zhao Qiaosheng's eyes turned red, she parted her lips, and said with humiliation, "...husband."

Well, the attitude of admitting mistakes is quite positive.

Also know to call him husband.

Leaning his eyes, Sheng Lan's gaze fell on the corner of Zhao Qiaosheng's reddened eyes, and a drop of clear tears just fell on his temples, crystal clear and clean.

Sheng Lan's Adam's apple rolled up and down, he narrowed his eyes, and patted Zhao Qiaosheng's leg with his palm, not lightly but not hard, "Do you know why pigs like to push cabbage?"

Zhao Qiaosheng looked at him and shook his head, "I don't know."

Sheng Lan smiled slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Because cabbage is delicious."


"Otherwise, why do you think?"


Zhao Qiaosheng felt that she understood what he said, but she chose to remain silent.

Because she is really speechless.

When Sheng Lan got up in the morning, he started to talk flirtatiously, and Zhao Qiaosheng felt that he was being attacked by others, so he was very upset.

She lay sleepily on the bedside, motionless, Sheng Lan ignored her, he got up and went to the living room to pack up the leftovers from the morning meal.

 The big speechless incident, when I wrote my personal design, I really didn't expect that the year of 95 was actually a pig. I checked the calendar today and found out that it really is.

  Just. Whatever, I lay flat.

(End of this chapter)

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