Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 107 You Continue Playing

Chapter 107 You Continue Playing
"Yeah." Without expression, Sheng Lan raised his hand to take the soy milk from Zhong Shuo's hand, put a straw on Zhao Qiaosheng and handed it to his mouth, "Taste it."

It turned out to be for her!

Zhao Qiaosheng was stunned for a moment, then directly opened his mouth and bit the straw, taking a small sip.

The warm milk scent is very light, not sweet and not greasy, Zhao Qiaosheng greedily took another sip.

As if no one was around, Sheng Lan held the cup and bottle for Zhao Qiaosheng.

You can't hide liking someone and loving someone. No matter what the other person does, you will think that is the cutest thing in the world.

Sheng Lan tilted his head slightly, with a smile in his dark eyes.

Pursing his lips, Zhong Shuo found a corner for himself to sit and play with his mobile phone.

"I'll do it myself," Zhao Qiaosheng said.

She realized belatedly that it was Sheng Lan who had been holding the bottle for her, and felt a little embarrassed.

"En", Sheng Lan reminded Zhao Qiaosheng: "Be careful of the heat."

Zhao Qiaosheng was nestling in a corner of the sofa with his mobile phone in his arms, and a bottle of soy milk in his hand, while Sheng Lan was sitting on the other side of the sofa, reading the script seriously.

The whole dressing room is very quiet.

About half an hour later, someone knocked on the door outside, Zhong Shuo stood up and went to open the door. It was the makeup teacher who had arrived.

Zhao Qiaosheng raised her hand and yawned, when she saw three or five people standing at the door, her eyes froze for a moment, and then she became a little at a loss.

Without taking any cover measures, Zhao Qiaosheng's appearance was exposed to everyone's eyes and was seen all over.

At the door, several teachers who were about to come in to do Sheng Lan's makeup were shocked, their eyes widened, thinking that they had gone to the wrong room.

They looked at each other for a few moments, then noticed the person who had been sitting on the other side of the sofa.

Sheng Lan was wearing a black casual attire, and was staring at them without blinking at the moment, with layers of thinness in his eyes and sharp brows.

A handsome face was covered with frost at this moment.

Everyone swallowed their saliva in unison, as if they hadn't seen anything, entered the room neatly, and locked the door.

Looking at the actions of these people, Sheng Lan couldn't say whether he was satisfied or not. He glanced at Zhao Qiaosheng, his eyebrows frowned, "It's just a few makeup teachers, you continue to play, it's okay."

The voice was so gentle that it was carved down to the bone. Sheng Lan slowly got up and sat down in front of the dressing table.

With the straight up and down mirror, Sheng Lan could see the person sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone at a glance, he curled his lips and smiled, "Let's get started."

Several makeup artists looked at each other again, feeling like a dream.

It can't be said that the person in front of him is not Sheng Lan, it can only be said that it is Sheng Lan that they have never seen before.

So gentle, and so smiling.

Sheng Lan said nothing happened, so Zhao Qiaosheng really took it for granted.

Because of the need to wear a headgear, Sheng Lan spent two and a half hours putting on makeup, and Zhao Qiaosheng had already finished his bottle of soy milk.

Before leaving, Sheng Lan walked over and bent over and whispered to Zhao Qiaosheng: "There is food and drink in the refrigerator, if it's too cold, go to Zhong Shuo and ask him to warm it up for you."

Zhao Qiaosheng rolled his eyelids, "Got it."

Everyone was shocked again, is this really the same person?
Is it the actor Sheng they know?

He really wanted to say something, but Zhong Shuo didn't know how to say it. If he said too much, he was wrong, and the more he described, the darker he was, so he had better not say anything.

You can guess whatever you want, anyway, the result is almost the same.

Looking at the back of Sheng Lan going out, Zhao Qiaosheng suddenly had a feeling that her husband went out to work hard and earn money to support the family, while his wife stayed at home alone in the vacant room.

Quite strange.

After thinking for a while, the thoughts in her mind were suddenly thrown out by her.

 good noon
  I have seen everyone's votes and comments, hahahahaha, Aining! ! !

  Erhe is working hard to code ing
  []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
(End of this chapter)

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