Chapter 108
The cat went to the refrigerator, and Zhao Qiaosheng opened the door of the refrigerator. There were various snacks, drinks, and fruit plates in it.

Taking out a bag of yogurt, Zhao Qiaosheng held it in the corner of his mouth, didn't rush to drink it, and continued to search for something.

Zhong Shuo went back and forth, "Doctor Zhao, Master Sheng said that the food he ordered has arrived, I'll go outside."

Zhao Qiaosheng nodded, "Well, good."

After choosing a bag of seaweed-flavored potato chips, Zhao Qiaosheng sat on the sofa.

I got a little bored, originally I wanted to follow along to see how to film, but now it's fine, I can only wait in the dressing room, and I can't run around.

The sound of the TV was turned on very loudly, Zhao Qiaosheng almost fell asleep, his eyelids were clenched.

Faintly, she seemed to hear someone knocking on the door.

"Excuse me, is Master Sheng there?"


this sound.
One second, two seconds, three seconds.
Zhao Qiaosheng's eyes opened suddenly, she sat up like a conditioned reflex, and saw the person standing at the door.

The woman was wearing a light purple floral ancient costume with a white ribbon on her chest. As she looked left and right, the tassels on her head swayed back and forth.

The makeup on the face is exquisite and beautiful.

Zhao Qiaosheng licked the corner of his mouth, "You are... Are you looking for Sheng Lan?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, probably because she didn't expect Zhao Qiaosheng to call Sheng Lan directly by name, she paused and nodded, "Well, you are Master Sheng's assistant?"

Chen Yi had met Ruan Jiang, but hadn't met Zhao Qiaosheng, so she naturally transferred Zhao Qiaosheng directly to Assistant Sheng Lan.

Zhao Qiaosheng followed her words, "Ah, yes, I am Mr. Sheng's assistant. May I ask what you can do with him?"

"My Lord Sheng said that one of his props was left behind, and I'll help you find it."

"Shouldn't props go to the prop teacher?"

Zhao Qiaosheng wondered, although it was her first time coming, she didn't know anything. The crew had a dedicated Fu Hua Dao teacher, so the props should be the props teacher.

"I was a little anxious to finish work last night. Master Sheng took it away without returning it." Chen Yi said, she had already entered, and she went to the dressing table to look around.

"Well, do you want to look for it later?"

Seeing the woman in front of him rummaging around, Zhao Qiaosheng was a little confused, saying that he didn't believe her words were true, but it was very strange just looking at her actions like this.

"It's okay, I'll be fine soon."

The woman in front of her was talking, looking through things in a hurry.

Such a reaction strengthened Zhao Qiaosheng's inner thoughts. Stepping forward, Zhao Qiaosheng grabbed the woman's arm without saying a word, "Please calm down, what you are looking at is someone else's personal belongings."

"What happened to my looking through his personal belongings?!"

Being interrupted all the time, as if being pinched by the tail, Chen Yi couldn't stand it all of a sudden, and her face showed ferociousness.

The sudden loud shock made Zhao Qiaosheng's eardrums tremble, and she was startled.

Chen Yi ruthlessly shook off Zhao Qiaosheng's pull, and continued to lower her head, making her movements even crazier.

It wasn't until now that Zhao Qiaosheng realized that something was wrong. Not only was the woman in front of her lying, but more, she might be Sheng Lan's illegitimate meal!
His thoughts stopped, and Zhao Qiaosheng thought of something, so he quickly called Sheng Lan with his mobile phone.

However, Chen Yi found out before the call was connected.

The ear-piercing bells kept ringing, stimulating people's brain nerves.

Chen Yi frowned, with a surprised and fierce look on her face, "Who are you calling?"


The heart beat violently, Zhao Qiaosheng's chest heaved up and down, his heart was flustered, and even his palms were sweating.

"I asked who you called!"

Chen Yi growled and kept approaching.

Keeping back, Zhao Qiaosheng staggered and knocked directly on the coffee table behind him.

The moment he fell backwards, the mobile phone in his hand was also connected, but it was cut off suddenly in less than two seconds.

Sheng Lan's voice stopped abruptly, he didn't even finish the word "Sheng".

 good afternoon
(End of this chapter)

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