Chapter 109

Wearing earphones, Zhong Shuo was walking slowly on the side of the road when Sheng Lan called.

"Where are you?"

The man's voice is heavy.

"I'm outside, take it." The word "takeaway" was not spoken, and the phone was hung up.

Staring at the blacked-out phone screen, Zhong Shuo frowned, and continued to walk forward slowly.

"Hey, Master Sheng—"

"Master Sheng, where are you going?!"

The filming was about to start, Sheng Lan suddenly ran out without hesitation, the people present were in a state of bewilderment, and there were quite a few spectators.

It is impossible for Zhao Qiaosheng to take the initiative to call him for no reason. Even if he calls, he must have something to say. He will definitely not hang up without saying a word like now.

With a hurried expression, Sheng Lan quickly ran towards the dressing room.

In the dressing room, Zhao Qiaosheng's cell phone had been smashed. Chen Yi stepped on it like crazy, and the broken glass shards of the cell phone screen splashed everywhere.

I can no longer see that it is a mobile phone.

Every time Chen Yi stepped on Zhao Qiaosheng, she shrank in fear.

Growing up so big, it was the first time she had seen someone so crazy.

It can only be said that she was too well protected before.

Huddled between the sofa and the coffee table, Zhao Qiaosheng didn't dare to take a breath. She hugged herself into a ball and didn't dare to move. She was really worried that the crazy woman in front of her would hurt herself.

As time passed, Chen Yi's sound of stepping on the floor gradually became smaller, and she calmed down a lot.

"Let me tell you, Sheng Lan is mine, no one can take him away from me!"

After saying this viciously, Chen Yi turned around and continued to search for things in front of Sheng Lan's dressing table.

Suddenly, with a "bang", the door was kicked open with great force.

It scared Chen Yi, and also scared Zhao Qiaosheng.

Sheng Lan stood at the door, his chest heaving obviously.

He is really in a hurry.

There was endless blackness behind him, but Zhao Qiaosheng felt that he saw light, very bright.

The bottom of the twinkling eyes jumped vividly, and a sense of grievance overflowed in his heart instantly, and Zhao Qiaosheng couldn't help but sore his nose.

With just one glance, Sheng Lan saw the person huddled on the floor, Zhao Qiaosheng huddled there, such a small one.

On the floor are rotten, out-of-the-ordinary phones.

The already frowning eyebrows were even more frowning, and Sheng Lan strode in.

Chen Yi was stunned for a moment, and immediately stopped her, but Sheng Lan mercilessly pushed her away, and she fell to the floor.

"Sheng Sheng!"

Kneeling on the ground with one knee, her voice almost trembling, Sheng Lan called out to Zhao Qiaosheng softly.

With this sound, Zhao Qiaosheng couldn't bear it anymore, she hugged Sheng Lan, her arms wrapped around his neck, and her face was buried in Sheng Lan's chest.

He didn't make a sound, but his shoulders trembled, and even his whole body trembled slightly.

A burst of damp heat slid across his chest, hot and scorching.

Sheng Lan's breath was stagnant, and his fingers on Zhao Qiaosheng's back slowly tightened, his eyes showed extreme restraint, and his face was stained fiercely, like Shura who came out of hell, the blood in his eyes gradually faded away. obvious.

"I'm here, it's okay, nothing will happen"

The low voice gently soothed a trembling heart. At first, Zhao Qiaosheng was still sobbing and choking, but hearing Sheng Lan's voice couldn't hold back anymore, she cried directly, more and more Many tears rolled down.

".You. Why did you come here?"

"I'm not good, Sheng Bao don't cry, huh?"

Sheng Lan comforted in a low voice, Zhao Qiaosheng leaned on his shoulder, and nodded lightly, ""

Zhao Qiaosheng's crying and complaining like no one else, in Chen Yi's view, is hypocritical and playing tricks with Sheng Lan.

"Master Sheng, this woman can only cry, what can she do for you!"

 good morning~

(End of this chapter)

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