Chapter 110 This is not over!

"She's just a little assistant, you can't do this to her!"

Chen Yi shouted, nearly breaking down.

How could Sheng Lan hug another woman in front of her?
What's more, this woman is his assistant!
Chen Yi shook her head, she rushed forward with a burst of heat, grabbed Zhao Qiaosheng's arm and pulled it aside violently.


Someone pulled his hair, and Zhao Qiaosheng's scalp shuddered in pain.

Sheng Lan realized something, he subconsciously turned around, and after seeing clearly what Chen Yi had done, he couldn't calm down anymore.

Holding down Chen Yi's wrist, Sheng Lan exerted force with his hands, and directly pulled him over.

Chen Yi put her hands behind her back, and was pressed against the wall by Sheng Lang's backhand. She struggled a few times, but was held down by Sheng Lang on both sides, and she simply stopped moving.

"Master Sheng, you press me so well. Ahh!!!"

Before Chen Yi finished speaking, there was a burst of screams that resounded throughout the dressing room.

Sheng Lan's complexion was as usual, but the area between his brows was a little more frightening. With his hands, Chen Yi was in so much pain that cold sweat broke out on his forehead instantly.

"Who told you to touch her? Who gave you the courage to touch her?!"

The man's low growl was like the bite of a wild beast, hitting her auditory nerves forcefully.

Sheng Lan almost went crazy, his eyes were bloodshot, his mind was full of Zhao Qiaosheng crying just now, and her painful expression, he almost couldn't bear it.

Director Chen Qifeng was terrified by Sheng Lan's appearance when he arrived, and he immediately asked someone to block the news.

Zhong Shuo arrived later. Knowing that so many things had happened during his absence, and almost injured Zhao Qiaosheng, he immediately went to Sheng Lan to admit his mistake.

"Grandpa, I was wrong."

Without paying too much attention to him, Sheng Lan waved his hand and glanced at the person sitting on the sofa, "You take her back to the hotel first, and I'll take care of the rest."

"My lord, are you handling it yourself?" Zhong Shuo asked in surprise.

She gave him a look that she could experience by herself, the corners of Sheng Lan's mouth moved, and the anger in her eyes didn't go away, "Otherwise?"

His voice was cold, and Zhong Shuo trembled all over.

"Oh." After dawdling in front of Zhao Qiaosheng, Zhong Shuo first apologized and said, "Doctor Zhao, let's go then."

The worry just now is gone. Zhao Qiaosheng is a little worried about Sheng Lan now. She has always known about the existence of illegitimate fans. At that time, she saw other celebrities being entangled in illegitimate fans on the Internet. She didn't pay much attention to it and just regarded it as a The social incident has passed, and I didn't expect such a thing to happen to me one day.

Zhao Qiaosheng's heart is quite complicated.

Walking over, Zhao Qiaosheng stood in front of Sheng Lan. Because she cried just now, her eyes are still red and a little sore and swollen.

Zhao Qiaosheng didn't say anything, Sheng Lan squinted, and only opened his arms to her, with a faint smile on his face.

Taking two steps forward, Zhao Qiaosheng leaned against Sheng Lan's arms, his voice muffled, "Are you really alright?"

"Really" Sheng Lan said calmly, he freed a hand to touch the top of Zhao Qiaosheng's head, and said warmly, "Go back and take a hot bath, go to bed early."

"how about you?"

".It will be too late for me to go back, and I will disturb you."


Sheng Lan didn't want to let this matter go, if he was bullied, this matter would never end!
He called the police on the spot, and the police arrived as soon as he was informed and brought Chen Yi under control.

Zhao Qiaosheng vaguely knew what Sheng Lan was going to do tonight, and she also knew that what he did was right, he just wanted to protect her.

"Then I'll wait for you to go back?"

Looking up, Zhao Qiaosheng's eyebrows and eyes were slightly bent, and the light above her head reflected in her eyes, like two dazzling gemstones.

She smiled calmly, and her words made it difficult to refuse.

Normally, Sheng Lan would have hugged Zhao Qiaosheng and kissed him, but at this moment he didn't, he just nodded at Zhao Qiaosheng, "Okay, I'll try my best."

On the way back, Zhong Shuo was driving, and buildings passed by outside the window. Zhao Qiaosheng's eyes were indifferent, and he blinked his eyelashes from time to time.

Zhao Qiaosheng felt that he would never forget it no matter what. At that moment, he broke through the endless darkness and came towards the light.

Just for her.

 Zhao Qiaosheng felt that he would never forget it no matter what. At that moment, he broke through the endless darkness and came towards the light.

  Just for her.

(End of this chapter)

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