Chapter 114

Walking slowly, Sheng Lan took Zhao Qiaosheng to the bedroom.

Speaking of it, it was fate. The hotel Zhao Qiaosheng booked was a single room with only one bed.

Being put on the bed, Zhao Qiaosheng's legs curled up, and she retreated a certain distance.

After all, it was too late and a little tired, Sheng Lan just wanted to sleep with her in his arms.But now seeing the heroic appearance of his little wife, he has a little thought of teasing her.

"Hide what?"

Unbuttoning his jacket, Sheng Lan walked towards the bed step by step, and knelt down on it.

"Didn't you say that I am a god?"


"Aren't you tired?"

"Not tired~"

With a blank face, Sheng Lan spoke softly, as if stating a fact, he continued to unbutton his buttons.

Zhao Qiaosheng rolled his eyes, "Aren't you filming?"

Sheng Lan: "Tonight's show has been moved to tomorrow night."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

So it can't be avoided?

Who knows, the moment Zhao Qiaosheng was in a daze, Sheng Lan laughed.

"Go to sleep, I'm really tired."


After Sheng Lan finished speaking, he saw Zhao Qiaosheng still looking at him without moving, "What's wrong? Are you not sleeping?"

Zhao Qiaosheng: ".Sleep."

"Still staring at me while sleeping?" Sheng Lan frowned, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face instantly, "Sheng Bao, do you want to do something with me before going to bed?"

Zhao Qiaosheng:! ! !


Zhao Qiaosheng was so frightened that she immediately came back to her senses. Her mind was a little unconscious, and she turned over and fell on the bed with her eyes closed, motionless.

The action is quite fast.

Sheng Lan raised her eyebrows, but said nothing.

Turn off the lights and sleep.

At six o'clock in the morning, before Zhao Qiaosheng and Sheng Lan woke up, Sheng Lan's cell phone started ringing.

Chen Qifeng hit two, Lin Jingyue five, and Zhong Shuo one.

"your phone"

Pushing the person next to the pillow, Zhao Qiaosheng snorted, looking a little impatient.

After 1 minute, the man went to the living room outside with a cold face.

"what's up?"

Sheng Lan ignored the first two and called Zhong Shuo instead.

"Master, both Director Chen and Lin Jingyue have called me, why don't you find time to call them back?"


How did you agree so quickly?
Zhong Shuo said "Oh". Hearing Sheng Lan's hoarse voice and unclear tone, he seemed to understand something and came over quickly, "Master, did I bother you? Are you with Dr. Zhao?"

"What do you think?" Sheng Lan rolled his eyelids, and with the urge to curse, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

There are a little red blood on the white eyeballs, which looks a little scary.

He blushed for a while, although he didn't see Sheng Lan, Zhong Shuo still felt the pressure of compulsion, "Why don't you catch up on some sleep, sir, I slipped away!"

"Go away," Sheng Lan said ruthlessly, and Sheng Lan hung up the phone first.

Going back to the room again, Sheng Lan was completely relieved of sleepiness.

Zhao Qiaosheng hadn't woken up yet, a corner of the quilt was kicked off, exposing the woman's fair ankles, which were glowing with luster.

Sheng Lan only looked at it for a second before walking over to tuck Zhao Qiaosheng in the quilt.

When the palm touched her ankle, Zhao Qiaosheng flinched reflexively, his brows furrowed instantly, accompanied by a muffled hum.

Sheng Lan paused, when did his little wife become so sensitive?

Continue to tuck Zhao Qiaosheng's quilt, and Sheng Lan also lay back.

 good evening!

(End of this chapter)

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