Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 115 Is Sheng Lan's Sweetheart!

Chapter 115 Is Sheng Lan's Sweetheart!
"Master Sheng hasn't answered the phone all the time, and I can't help you this time either." After making the tenth call, Lin Jingyue also quit, and she threw the phone on the table.

Chen Yi has been crying with her all night, but Sheng Lan doesn't answer the phone, Lin Jingyue can't even speak, what can she do?
"Okay, anyway, you have been with me for more than two years. It shouldn't be too bad after you go out. You take the money and treat it as the last thing I can give you."

As Lin Jingyue said, she pushed a bank card in front of Chen Yi, "The money is not much, you should find a job as soon as possible in these two months."

"Sister Yue."

"I want to keep you too, but if it's the person you offended, or the person who offended Master Sheng, how can I protect you?"


At first, Lin Jingyue only knew that Chen Yi broke Sheng Lang's assistant's cell phone, but later when she saw Sheng Lang protecting Zhao Qiaosheng, she immediately understood that this offended was not ordinary people, but Sheng Lang's sweetheart!

It's no wonder Sheng Lan loses his temper so much.

The police were called on the spot, with no regard for his public image.

The last time I was in the hospital, and the lessons I posted on Weibo after that, were vivid in my memory, Lin Jingyue couldn't help but sweat for Chen Yi.

Chen Yi lingered here, and Lin Jingyue couldn't do anything about her for a while, but after thinking about it, wouldn't this be a good opportunity?
For a person like Sheng Lan, if he announces his relationship, the publicity on the Internet will immediately flood the sky and cover the sky. At that time, Sheng Lan will have to give up Zhao Qiaosheng even if he wants to keep his fans.

"If you really want to stay by my side, there is no way out." Lin Jingyue said, "The woman you offended is Master Sheng's assistant. I think Master Sheng cares about her quite a bit. If you want to ask Master Sheng to forgive you, it's better to directly Go ask that assistant for forgiveness, so that she will say something nice for you when the time comes, huh?"

"That assistant, Mr. Sheng, was still holding her!"

Suddenly recalling that scene, Chen Yi's brain went numb for a while, and she almost couldn't control herself and yelled out.

Lin Jingyue felt like covering her mouth, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"No, Sister Yue, the way Master Sheng looked at her at that time. It was so pampering, so gentle, and I fell deeply in it."

The more she recalled that scene, Chen Yi felt her brain was stimulated, and her temples throbbed abruptly.

No, Sheng Lan belongs to her, Chen Yi's!

How could it be that assistant who is nothing!

No, absolutely not hers!

"You calm down!"

Seeing that Chen Yi's complexion is getting more and more wrong, although Lin Jingyue's goal has been achieved, she doesn't want to make things big yet.

"Chen Yi, she is just Master Sheng's assistant, do you need this?!"

"You have to rely on her to ask Master Sheng to forgive you, do you want to screw things up again?!"

"Why should I rely on an assistant to ask for Master Sheng's forgiveness?!" Panting heavily, Chen Yi waited for Lin Jingyue, her face flushed, and she also realized her emotional agitation after saying this.

"Woooooo, I just like Master Sheng. I want to be with him. What's wrong with me? Woooooo."

While talking, Chen Yi suddenly started crying again.

Standing beside her, Lin Jingyue rolled her eyes several times.

A person like Chen Yi, with an average figure and fair looks, who gave you the confidence!
Although she thought so in her heart, Lin Jingyue still didn't say it out loud.

She sighed softly, "Okay, let's just let this matter go. The most important thing for you now is to preserve your image in Master Sheng's heart. This is the most important thing and what you should do now."

"Woooooo, Sister Yue, you are so kind to me!"

Stepping forward, Chen Yi was about to hug Lin Jingyue, but Lin Jingyue gave her a pack of tissues in disgust, "Wipe your tears first."

(End of this chapter)

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