Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 125 I thought you would understand

Chapter 125 I thought you would understand
Half an hour later, when everyone was getting a little impatient, Lin Jingyue walked towards this side slowly, Xu Hao followed behind.

"Director Chen, I'm really sorry. You said that when we went out, we suddenly found that our makeup was a bit messy. Don't mind." Xu Hao said, and distributed a bottle of water to everyone to apologize, "Come on, let everyone stay for a long time." Sorry for the wait, everyone, please forgive me.”

"These water should be regarded as a compensation for everyone, and please forgive me."

Be a human being, especially in a place that relies on connections like the entertainment industry, it is enough for everyone to give it to the past, and there are not too many people who care about it.

Zhong Shuo took two bottles of water from Xu Hao, unscrewed one bottle himself, and handed the other bottle to Sheng Lan.

Sheng Lan lowered her eyes and closed her eyelids, and said in a cold tone: "You drink."

Directly and automatically ignore the existence of that bottle of water.

Zhong Shuo was inexplicably choked, he coughed twice, and then consciously put down the bottle of water he had taken two sips of.

Zhong Shuo could see that his father held a grudge.



Scoreboard The slate is laid down, and the filming begins.

Lin Jingyue sat alone on the pavilion in the middle of the lake in the lotus pond, holding a fan in her hand, on which was a picture of a lady, lifelike.

Chen Qifeng gave a close-up shot here. In the picture, Lin Jingyue's eyes were full of affection, and the brows were stained with melancholy. His eyes moved slightly from time to time, and he stared wistfully at the lake in front of him.

The screen gradually zoomed out, and Sheng Lan began to enter the screen.

He stood behind her for a long time.

"It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?"

With a simple and warm sentence, Sheng Lan took a few steps forward.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jingyue turned her head.

The close-ups of the two were interspersed, and photographers from several cameras quickly captured them.

A cold full moon is in the sky, and the whole picture has an artistic conception in an instant.

"Isn't Your Majesty still up?" Lin Jingyue asked back, raising her eyes to glance at Sheng Lan at the right time.

"Still angry with me?" Sheng Lan took another step forward and lowered his voice.

The photographer behind him followed closely, capturing the subtle movements.

"No, my concubine dare not be angry with His Majesty." Lin Jingyue tilted her head and looked away.

It looked like he was making a fool of himself.

Sheng Lan raised her eyebrows a few times, "If you're not angry, then go back."

Lin Jingyue: "The concubine doesn't want to sleep yet. If your majesty is tired, go back by yourself."

Sheng Lan: "."

The full moon was in the sky, and the figures of the two were illuminated in a desolate way.

"I said you in public today to protect you. Rather than let Concubine Zhang say it, which one do you prefer?"


"Your Majesty keeps saying that it's for the sake of the concubines, but it's really disgraceful to the concubines. The concubines can't afford the kindness of Your Majesty."

With tears in her eyes, Lin Jingyue closed her eyes, and there was a slight slip between her neck.

Sheng Lan: "I thought you would understand."

Lin Jingyue: "The concubine once thought she understood, but recently, she feels more and more that she doesn't understand."


"The distance between the concubine and His Majesty is getting farther and farther."


After a few seconds of silence, Sheng Lan turned and left, and the photographer took a fixed shot.

At the same time, Lin Jingyue looked at Sheng Lan's receding back, turned around abruptly, and jumped down.

In an instant, huge water splashed everywhere.

Those who walked away looked back and knew what had happened.

Sheng Lan's face darkened, and he ran back with big strides, and jumped down afterward.

 good evening~
(End of this chapter)

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