Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 126 Lin Jingyue Takes Advantage!

Chapter 126 Lin Jingyue Takes Advantage!

In the water, Lin Jingyue struggled for a while, Sheng Lan had already swam over and grabbed Lin Jingyue's arm.

On the pavilion in the middle of the lake, several photographers were lying on it and taking pictures in the water.

Security personnel waited in the water a few meters away, ready to rush to the rescue.

".His Majesty"

Choking on saliva, Lin Jingyue was swam towards the shore by Sheng Lan.

Under the water, the man's hand maintained the most basic protective gesture, which didn't take advantage of Lin Jingyue.

Both of them were soaked through.

"Okay, Ka—"

"Every department rests—"

Not far away, Chen Qifeng's voice inevitably seemed a bit abrupt, followed by the board laid down by the recorder.

When the scene ended, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The field staff has prepared towels and other wipes on the shore.

"Grandpa, this!"

Waving to Sheng Lan, Zhong Shuo walked over to give him a hand.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jingyue was sent ashore by the security personnel in the water, and Xu Hao put a towel on her.

"The two teachers have worked hard!"

Chen Qifeng stepped forward with a smile, originally thinking of shaking hands with Sheng Lan, but seeing this master's complexion was abnormally dark, as if he had been provoked by someone, the warmth in the scene just now was gone.

The outstretched hand shook stiffly in mid-air, Chen Qifeng smiled to hide his embarrassment.

Lin Jingyue came up later, covered her chest with one hand and coughed a few times, Chen Qifeng went up to say hello, and said a few polite words.

Not far away, Sheng Lan's figure quickly disappeared into the night.

He walked so fast that Lin Jingyue disappeared without even looking at him.

Gritting her teeth secretly, Lin Jingyue was so angry that she almost stomped her feet.

"Okay, everyone is here!"

Xu Haohao reminded her loudly, twisting her body, Lin Jingyue went back into the RV angrily.

His face was heavy and his steps were windy, Zhong Shuo could hardly keep up with Sheng Lan.

He thought that his legs were not short, so he realized the abnormality of his grandfather's aura belatedly.

The door of the dressing room was slammed so hard that the door frame was almost thrown out.

Along with it, Zhong Shuo was locked out of the door.

Shutting himself in the dressing room, Sheng Lan's first action was to take off his clothes. Apart from being soaked, it was more because he was taken advantage of by Lin Jingyue in the water just now!
When he dragged her to the shore, Lin Jingyue took the opportunity to hug his waist!
If it wasn't for a one-off, Sheng Lan would have dumped him on the spot.

Thinking of the scene just now, Sheng Lan's already ugly face became even uglier.

The drenched clothes were stripped off one by one, and Sheng Lan casually put them on the back of the chair.

He bent down and searched for a long time on the dressing table, and found a pack of wet wipes and a pack of makeup remover cotton.

Regardless of 21, these two things are all used on myself.

The waist and abdomen were all rubbed red, but Sheng Lan still felt that it wasn't enough, and he didn't have any strength left in his hands, so he rubbed so hard that his skin was almost worn out before he stopped.

After being soaked in water, his body was somewhat uncomfortable, Sheng Lan only wiped his whole body with a wet towel, and then quickly changed into clean clothes.

He hasn't forgotten what to do tonight.

Counting the hour of waiting for Lin Jingyue, the time when the filming started just now, and now the time to change clothes.
Outside the door, Zhong Shuo had already received a WeChat message from Zhao Qiaosheng, asking when they would arrive. If it was too late, she could just go back by herself.

【Doctor Zhao, we've finished filming. Mr. Sheng is changing clothes and will be there in a while. 】

【That. Grandpa Sheng seems to be angry. It may be that something unpleasant happened during filming just now. Dr. Zhao, please be careful when you speak later / Please please please please】

After replying the message to Zhao Qiaosheng, a certain master in the dressing room hadn't come out yet, Zhong Shuo waited very anxiously.

 Good evening, I wish you a happy reading~
(End of this chapter)

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