Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 127 A little bit of loss

Chapter 127 A Little Lost

Zhao Qiaosheng: [Why are you angry again? 】

Isn't filming a one-way thing?

It should be easy.

Zhong Shuo: [Eh, Dr. Zhao, you don’t know, Master Sheng has a scene of getting into the water tonight, and it’s still with Lin Jingyue]

Zhao Qiaosheng didn't ask any more questions or say anything, so Zhong Shuo assumed that she understood.

"Zhong Shuo, you go first!"

In the dressing room, there was a man's low growl.

Sheng Lan's voice sounded very irritable.

Zhong Shuo hesitated for a while, but followed what Sheng Lan said.

Ten minutes later, Zhong Shuo drove to the clubhouse where Zhao Qiaosheng had dinner.

"Doctor Zhao, I'm here, come down."

"Are you here?" Zhao Qiaosheng pressed the elevator button, "Where is Sheng Lan?"

"Mr. Sheng still has something to do. He asked me to come first." Zhong Shuo said, "Don't worry, Doctor Zhao. Let's go back to the hotel first, and Mr. Sheng will arrive later."

"Okay, okay, let him do it," Zhao Qiaosheng replied, still feeling a little bit lost in his heart.

It was he himself who said that he insisted on coming to pick her up, but now only Zhong Shuo is here.

you lied!
The black Volkswagen car was galloping in the dark night, Zhao Qiaosheng was sitting in the back seat, Sheng Lan didn't send her a word, he didn't mean anything at all!

Feeling bored, Zhao Qiaosheng put away his phone.

Followed by a most common taxi.

After parking the car, Zhong Shuo opened the door for Zhao Qiaosheng, "Doctor Zhao, let's go."

Before getting out of the car, Zhao Qiaosheng checked his phone again, but Sheng Lan still didn't send a word.


Silently, Zhao Qiaosheng sighed, "Let's go."

The two entered the hotel lobby one after another.

At the same time, a person got off from the taxi that had been following him all the time.

The man was wearing the most simple clothes, even a bit rough, with a black peaked cap on his head.

When the door lock was locked, Zhong Shuo watched Zhao Qiaosheng go in before he felt relieved.

He returned to the crew by himself.

The moment he pressed the elevator, Zhong Shuo passed the man. Not knowing if it was because of his first instinct, Zhong Shuo turned to look at the man.

The man went straight towards the corner at the end of the corridor.

Is he thinking too much?
Finally, frowning and hesitating for a moment, the elevator had already arrived, and he glanced back to confirm that the man had not returned before getting on the elevator.

On the screen of the mobile phone, the simplest video surveillance was connected. Watching Zhong Shuo get on the elevator, Wei Zhuoyu took another mobile phone and dialed a number to go out.

"Zhong Shuo has already gone back, so your people can do it."

"Well, where are you?"

On the other end of the phone is the man's clear voice, still so clear and smooth.

"The monitoring is all set up, you can cut whatever you want when the time comes," Wei Zhuoyu finished speaking, and hung up the phone.

In the production crew, Sheng Lan was still fighting with him in the dressing room, blood was wiped out on his waist and abdomen, and the circle of blood marks was very eye-catching and frightening, making people more and more frightened as they watched, but the attackers still didn't seem to want to stop Meaning, rubbing that place heavily one after another.

Every time, the tingling pain stimulated his nerves, making people more envious and heartbeat.

On the floor, miscellaneous wet wipes and cotton pads were scattered all around, all stained with red.

"Master, I have brought Dr. Zhao back, how are you?"

Outside the dressing room, Zhong Shuo asked Sheng Lan over and over again, but there was no reply inside.

Walking back and forth at the door, Zhong Shuo always felt that something was wrong, so he patted the door twice, "Master, if you don't open the door, I'm going in right now?"



After thinking about it, Zhong Shuo still made up his mind and kicked the door straight in.

 Let's update a chapter early this morning, I'm saving the manuscript, I can't bear to post it every day <(`^)>
  Ps: Guess who Wei Zhuoyu is\^O^/
(End of this chapter)

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