Chapter 128 Wei Zhuoyu

After entering the door, Zhong Shuo was frightened by the scene in front of him.

He poked his eyes straight at Sheng Lan, at the things he threw away on the floor.

"Grandpa. What are you doing?!"

After rushing forward, Zhong Shuo grabbed Sheng Lan's arm.

"Go away!"

Tilting his head, Sheng Lan's brows were sharp, his eyes were bloodshot and there were already many beads of sweat on his forehead.

Zhong Shuo was terrified seeing Sheng Lan like this, "Master, what can't you think about?"

"I let you go!"

Being reprimanded by Sheng Lan again, Zhong Shuo hugged Sheng Lan even more tightly, "I won't let you go, sir, even if you beat me to death today, I won't let you go!"

Sheng Lan: "."

The two competed with each other, and no one would let the other. After a stalemate for about five or six minutes, Sheng Lan gradually calmed down.

"You let go," he said in a deep voice, the hostility in his eyes weakened a lot.

this sound.
Zhong Shuo heard that Sheng Lan's voice became more normal, and looked up at his face again.

The man held a great deal of impatience between his brows, and looked like he wanted to hit someone, but the person who wanted to hit him.
In the next second, Zhong Shuo let go.

He coughed violently to clear his throat.

Sheng Lan didn't bother to look at him, just now because he was hugged by Zhong Shuo, he hit the wound on his waist and abdomen, he gasped in pain, "Why are you rushing in when you have nothing to do?"

"I'm worried about you."

After walking two steps, Sheng Lan saw that Zhong Shuo hadn't followed, and looked over impatiently, "What are you still doing there? Let's go!"

"Oh oh oh, here we come."

In the car, Sheng Lan sat at the back with his eyes closed and rested.

He put one hand on his lower abdomen, and the place he wiped vigorously just now was burning and painful, as if a fire was burning.

"Master, do you want to go to the hospital?"

Zhong Shuo didn't see it too clearly, but looking at the clumps of bloody paper on the ground, it was really scary. Sheng Lan's wound should be quite serious.

"No need." The person in the back seat only moved his mouth without lifting his face and eyelids, "Go straight back to the hotel."

It would be too late to go to the hospital. He didn't go to pick up his little wife. If he went back later and his wife got angry, what would he do?
"Is your injury serious?" Zhong Shuo sighed.

Sheng Lan directly kicked him on the back, "I know what I know, go back to the hotel."

After that, Zhong Shuo didn't say anything more.

When he was about to arrive at the hotel, Sheng Lan thought of something again, he took his mobile phone and ordered a takeaway.

The lights in the stairwell were voice-activated, and Wei Zhuoyu was leaning against the wall on one side with a freshly lit cigarette in his mouth, and the blue light projected from the screen of his mobile phone hit his face, making his complexion cold .

With his eyes half-closed, he watched the characters in the surveillance video move, and then entered a certain room.

Swallowing hard, Wei Zhuoyu slowly exhaled clouds of white mist from his mouth and nose, rendered under the blue light.

He narrowed his eyes again. In the picture, Zhong Shuo sent Sheng Lan to him, then turned and left.

In the darkness, the scarlet smoke flickered on and off, changing with the strength of the man's mouth.

Just such a person, smoking a cigarette in a dark corner, he seems to have been used to this kind of life long ago, and he can't see the light.

A cigarette is quickly exhausted.

The cigarette butt was thrown at his feet, Wei Zhuoyu moved the toe of his shoe, and stomped out the cigarette butt on the ground.

With the dim light projected from the phone, the cigarette butts scattered all over the ground can be vaguely seen.

  I really don't know how to name this chapter, so let's use my personal name instead. In fact, the previous chapter has already appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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