Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 135 My wife told me to go to bed

Chapter 135 My wife told me to go to bed
"Well, grandpa, dad, mom, brother, Sheng Lan and I think about the same thing. Since the other party asked someone to take pictures, they must want to embarrass Sheng Lan. If we still deny it at this time, maybe we are really facing each other. Got pregnant."

Not in a hurry, Zhao Qiaosheng analyzed carefully, "According to the general public relations strategy, after being photographed, many celebrities immediately publicized that they made out of nothing, and then sent a lawyer's letter as a warning."

"But the effect at this time does not seem to be that good. Believe it or not."

Beside him, Sheng Lan tilted his head and glanced at her. The corners of his eyes were slightly bent, and he didn't say anything, but just touched Zhao Qiaosheng's ten fingers.

The meaning couldn't be simpler.

"So, instead of hiding it, it's better to be open and frank. Time will tell everything."

"Well, what Shengsheng said makes sense." Sheng Nanhe nodded at the main seat, expressing deep agreement, "As early as the day of my birthday party, I had planned to disclose your marriage to Sheng Lan, but on that day you and Sheng Lan Lan didn't come, Xiao Ye said you two couldn't come because of something, and he didn't confess to us until today, saying that Sheng Lan had a car accident that day."

Sheng Nanhe sighed as he spoke, and Sheng Ye quickly admitted his mistake, "Grandpa, I was wrong, isn't this to make you worry?"


The old man glared at Sheng Ye angrily, "Won't I be worried if you tell me now?"

Sheng Ye: "."

Through the phone screen, the old man asked Sheng Lan to take another full-body photo before giving up.

Yu He and Sheng Tingguang didn't say anything. As the saying goes, "An old family is like a treasure." Now that Sheng Nanhe is getting older, sometimes he behaves more like a child.

"Grandpa, Sheng Lan is fine, so you don't have to worry." Zhao Qiaosheng smiled.

Sheng Lan echoed, "Well, my wife took care of me."

Looks very proud.

Yu He looked at his silly son, shook his head in disgust, and didn't look at him.

Sheng Tingguang didn't even look at him, and just said coldly: "Are you quite proud?"

Sheng Lan clicked his tongue, "No, just state the facts."

Everyone: "."

Zhao Qiaosheng tugged Sheng Lan's clothes from below, signaling him to stop talking nonsense.

Sheng Lan glanced at Zhao Qiaosheng, then looked at the phone screen very calmly, "Ah, my wife told me to go to bed, do you have anything else to say?"

Everyone on the other side of the phone: "."

Zhao Qiaosheng's face turned red in an instant, and he was in hot torment.

"No, Grandpa, Mom and Dad, I don't, I..."

"Understand, understand, young man!"

Yu He waved his hand, smiled and signaled Zhao Qiaosheng to sit down first, don't worry.

The more it was drawn, the darker it became, Zhao Qiaosheng really wanted to find a hole for himself to slip in.

But at this time, the man forcefully pressed her shoulders to make her sit back. Zhao Qiaosheng stepped on Sheng Lan's foot, and Sheng Lan just smiled with his arms around his lips, without making any further moves.

At the same time, Sheng Tingguang and Yu He looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

The interaction between the two was noticed by Sheng Nanhe, who turned his head to look at Sheng Ye, and couldn't help but wonder, "When did the relationship between the two of them get so good?"

Sheng Ye glanced at the person on the phone, tilted his head and said to Sheng Nanhe in a low voice, "As for this car accident, your grandson caught up with your precious granddaughter-in-law only after stalking her."

Sheng Nanhe understood and nodded knowingly.

Sheng Ye saw that the time was almost up, so he said, "That's fine, since the two of you have already made up your own minds about this matter, let's do as you said."

 good morning(﹃)
(End of this chapter)

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