Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 136 Ten thousand people bless, ten thousand people slander

Chapter 136

"Okay." Sheng Lan nodded, "There is one more thing, please take a photo for me."

Sheng Ye: "Photo?"

Sheng Lan: "Yes, my marriage certificate with Sheng Bao."

Yu He: "What do you want the photo of the marriage certificate for?"

Sheng Lan: "Official announcement."

One sentence is taken for granted, and people can't find a single fault.

After hanging up the phone, Sheng Ye sent the photo to Sheng Lan not long after.

Before Sheng Lan sent it, Zhao Qiaosheng asked him to think it over carefully and make sure before sending it.

She's very nervous.

"Sheng Bao, it's really not that important to me that thousands of people bless you and tens of thousands of people slander you. We're just the most ordinary of many couples in public. Is there something wrong with that?"


Holding Zhao Qiaosheng in his arms, Sheng Lan exhaled slowly. He tilted his head and kissed Zhao Qiaosheng's forehead, and then took away Zhao Qiaosheng's cell phone with one hand, "Good boy, don't look at it."

"Then have you thought about what to say?" Zhao Qiaosheng raised his head, his eyes still showing worry.

Sheng Lan's heart was touched, he bent his eyes and smiled, "Didn't you see it after I posted it?"

"Can't I watch it before posting?"

"...can't" Sheng Lan shook his head.

The little wife looks so cute now!

Still pathetic.

The tone is so light when talking to him! ! !
Over and over again, Sheng Lan told herself to be a person and calm down.

With her head down, Sheng Lan's fingertips quickly landed on the screen of the phone, and soon, a line of text was typed out.

A minute later, despite the raging rumors on the Internet, Sheng Lan successfully posted this Weibo.

After another minute, Sheng Lan's weibo successfully topped the top ten most searched. Half a minute later, this weibo reached the top of the list, followed closely by the weibo of "Detective Assistant" blog video.

@盛阎: [With the approval of the leader, you must hold a certificate to work in the future. 】

The picture below the copy is the marriage certificate.

【It's true, it's true, it's true! ! ! 】

[Hey, Mr. Sheng is too fast! 】

【Well, master Sheng's leadership thinking.jpg】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomore 】

[Today is the first day of envying Mrs. Sheng, I cried to death. 】

[Isn't Mrs. Sheng worthy of having a photo?The dog's head saves his life. 】

[Thousands of blood books, everyone raising funds, begging Mr. Sheng @盛兰 to put a photo of his wife. 】

[Seeking a photo of Madam! 】

【Seeking +10086】

Want to see pictures of the little wife?

Humph, there are no doors!

Probably after seeing the very cute and kind comments from netizens, Zhao Qiaosheng's mood suddenly improved a lot.

As soon as Zhao Qiaosheng looked up, he saw the corner of Sheng Lan's mouth raised evilly, "What are you laughing at?"

Sheng Lan: "I'm looking at all who want to see your photos."

Zhao Qiaosheng frowned, "Then what?

Sheng Lan: "I'll write it down."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "???"

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

What a vengeance!

In the private room of the bar, Wei Zhuoyu sat near the door, leaning against the backrest, looking boneless, while the man opposite was relatively calm.

The light setting in the private room is not very bright, the man lowers his head halfway, his chin is slightly closed, half of his face is hidden in the shadow, but his complexion is not very good-looking.

Even Wei Zhuoyu was a little surprised that a person who has never been happy would have a side of anger.

After a while, Wei Zhuoyu paused the video that was playing on the computer, but the thoughts of the man opposite him were still delayed.

 It was agreed that all members will assist, and now even the villains are here to assist! ! !

  There are two more, send out during the day.

  Babies, don’t worry, I’m saving the manuscript, and I’ll update it later ()
(End of this chapter)

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