Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 141 Can You Do It Alone?

Chapter 141 Can You Do It Alone?

Sheng Lan thinks so, and he has long wanted to do this.

"Sheng Bao, it's so dark, why don't you turn on the light?"

With a murmur, Sheng Lan complained, and has already pressed the switch of the door casually.

In an instant, white light suddenly appeared in the room, bright and majestic.

At the same moment, the man's cloudy face became a little more calm and concerned, and the annoyance and anger just now disappeared.

Zhao Qiaosheng closed his eyes subconsciously to avoid the stimulation of the strong light.

After Zhao Qiaosheng came back to her senses and realized what Sheng Lan said just now, she carefully observed the expression of the man standing not far away for a long time.

With an innocent face, Sheng Lan looked at him, with a pair of Ruifeng eyes and their clarity.

With Sheng Lan's arrogant personality, if he really heard something just now, how could he still stand there so calmly? .

Shallowly, Zhao Qiaosheng exhaled a sigh of relief, and his heart immediately relaxed a lot.

She smiled, "Just as I was about to drive, you came in."

Hmph, don't talk about what happened just now, Xiaojiao's wife really has something to hide from him!
There was a cloud of anger in my heart, which was about to exhaust the man's reason.

Sheng Lan's eyes moved slightly, and then he spoke out his true inner thoughts calmly and undisguisedly, "Then don't open it, go to sleep."

Zhao Qiaosheng thought that Sheng Lan was the kind of sleeper who wanted to sleep when he was tired.

She didn't think much, just yawned in a timely manner.

But it wasn't until the man clasped her waist with his palm that Zhao Qiaosheng realized that things were far from as simple as she imagined.

He worked hard to implement his plan.

Love between men and women, your love and my wish, there is nothing to avoid, Zhao Qiaosheng's eyes are filled with layers of mist, her eyes are blurred, she closed her eyes, drowsy.

The man's low voice was slightly hoarse and full of magnetism. He leaned on Zhao Qiaosheng's ear, Sheng Lan said in a deep voice, "Sheng Bao, what did you say to Jian Moshen just now?"


After that sound, Zhao Qiaosheng didn't move anymore, as if he had completely fallen asleep.

Without asking a single word, Sheng Lan seemed a little unwilling to give up.

The next second, Zhao Qiaosheng frowned instantly when he was pushed to the ground.

Sheng Lan took the opportunity to ask the question again.

In a daze, Zhao Qiaosheng realized something belatedly, and his heart skipped a beat.

It turned out that Sheng Lan had heard her conversation with Jian Moshen, and it was really hard for him to resist asking her.

What is "it's not that the time has not arrived", Zhao Qiaosheng has learned it.

It turns out that arrogant people can be so black-bellied, so Zhao Qiaosheng simply pretended to be asleep.

The limp fist landed on the man's chest, without any lethality at all.

"Can you do it alone??"

"I'm tired, I want to sleep~"

I don't know if Xiaojiao's wife is really unconscious or deliberately avoiding his questions, but Sheng Lan was quite depressed in the end.

After helping Zhao Qiaosheng clean up, Sheng Lan got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

Facing the mirror, Sheng Lanzai stared at his own face carefully for a long time, but still couldn't figure out why.

What is there that Xiaojiao's wife wants to discuss with Jian Moshen without telling him?

Or is it that Jian Moshen is encouraging his little wife to run away? !
For a moment, Sheng Lan was frightened by his own thoughts. Looking at himself in the mirror, he felt more and more that things could not go on like this.

Damn it, he made it official, why is Jian Moshen still thinking about his little wife? It seems that he didn't have enough dog food!
 Another chapter tonight(**)
  Thank you for your votes, Erhe bows~

(End of this chapter)

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