Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 142 I'm Going to Class Today

Chapter 142 I'm Going to Class Today

Early the next morning, Zhao Qiaosheng was woken up by the alarm clock.

She has been in Diancheng for a while, and she has enough time to play, eat, and rest. Starting today, she will start her formal classes.

But Sheng Lan made a fuss for a long time last night, and she didn't remember it at all!
Half an hour later, Zhao Qiaosheng yawned, and her eyes kept splashing. She appeared in the living room with a pair of dark circles under her eyes.

Both Zhong Shuo and Sheng Lan were there, and there were two complete breakfasts on the coffee table.

Seeing Zhao Qiaosheng coming out, Zhong Shuo paused his conversation with Sheng Lan, and politely greeted Zhao Qiaosheng: "Doctor Zhao."

Zhao Qiaosheng gave a weak "hmm", she sat down on the seat next to Sheng Lan, picked up one of the breakfasts and started eating.

After Zhao Qiaosheng came out, Zhong Shuo saw some dark traces on her body, and couldn't help but blushed, and Zhong Shuo shifted his gaze elsewhere.

Zhao Qiaosheng didn't know it, and didn't feel that something was wrong.

After eating for a while, Zhao Qiaosheng noticed that Sheng Lan had been staring at her. She twitched her eyebrows, her eyes seemed not to be fully opened, "What's wrong?"

However, Sheng Lan smiled, and restrained the gloomy gaze in his eyes, "See if you're thirsty?"

Zhao Qiaosheng shook his head, pointed to a can of milk in front of him and showed him, "There is this."

"So sleepy, why don't you sleep more?" Sheng Lan could see that Zhao Qiaosheng didn't get enough sleep, so he couldn't help laughing.

He leaned forward, helped Zhao Qiaosheng unscrew the can of milk in front of him and put it in order, then pushed her towards him, "Wake up so early to have breakfast with me?"

"No." Zhao Qiaosheng only glanced at him, his eye circles were slightly red, "I have to go to class today, so I can't be late."

"Class?" Sheng Lan's brain reacted, and then he remembered something.

Xiaojiao's wife came to Diancheng to study, not to simply accompany him.

"Do you have to go every day?" Sheng Lan asked again.

Zhao Qiaosheng: "Almost, the director helped to apply. It's a rare opportunity. I don't want to let him down."

After a moment of silence, Sheng Lan asked again: "Then can I still see you every day?"

"Why do you ask that?" Zhao Qiaosheng didn't understand, she just went to attend a class, why did it look like she was going away for a long time.

Sheng Lan: "I heard that some classes require students to do experiments all night."

"Where did you hear all this?" Zhao Qiaosheng pursed his lips and drank the milk in front of him.

Sheng Lan twitched his eyebrows and looked in Zhong Shuo's direction.

Eyes widened in an instant, Zhong Shuo smiled at his father, and then explained to Zhao Qiaosheng: "Dr. Zhao, you don't know something. Master Sheng has read a lot of medical books recently, all for you!"

what this said
Zhao Qiaosheng couldn't help but cast a glance at the man sitting beside him, "Really?"

Sheng Lan raised the eyebrows on one side, and the proud look could not be concealed between the brows, "Why don't you guess?"

Suspiciously, Zhao Qiaosheng shook his head, "It's not like something you can do. In your eyes, medical books are probably just like heavenly books."

Sheng Lan: "."

Zhong Shuo: "."

In terms of his ability to tear down the stage, Dr. Zhao is still very good.

"Haha", Zhong Shuo laughed dryly, "Doctor Zhao, although this medical book is not easy to read, at least Master Sheng has read it."

Actually saw it.
Casually, Zhao Qiaosheng raised his eyebrows, "Oh, do you remember that?"

Sheng Lan: "."

Zhong Shuo: "Ah, remember, remember, Mr. Sheng can recite his lines quickly, so these are naturally not a problem."

 It's on the shelves today, I still hope everyone will support the genuine reading, let's hold hands together!

  5 or 6 coins per chapter, very cheap~
  Erhe bow ψ(._.)>
(End of this chapter)

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