Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 148 Have I Disasterd the Nation and the People?

Chapter 148 Have I Disasterd the Nation and the People?
"Sister, I just stated a fact, why are you so angry?"

As if addicted to playing, Sheng Lan put on a harmless face, looked at Zhao Qiaosheng affectionately, and looked very aggrieved.

It's really the tea mother who opened the door for the tea, and the tea has arrived!

Zhao Qiaosheng gritted her teeth, her voice was almost squeezed out between her teeth, she didn't even have the face to look at him, "Shut up!"

"elder sister."

"I don't want to hit you right now."



Driving in front, Zhong Shuo tried so hard to suppress his laughter that he almost lost his grip on the steering wheel.

This sound suddenly made the entire narrow space a little more awkward.

Zhao Qiaosheng only wanted to get out of the car.

The little wife was furious, and Sheng Lan's eyes showed a bit of complacency and pity, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore."


"My Shengbao is young!" Sheng Lan chuckled, raising her hand to rub Zhao Qiaosheng's long hair.

Over and over again, Sheng Lan's hand was mercilessly knocked off by Zhao Qiaosheng, and Sheng Lan took no trouble.

The more trouble Zhao Qiaosheng made, the happier he was, and the joy in his eyes was almost overflowing.

Back at the hotel, Zhao Qiaosheng got on the elevator slowly, without any intention of waiting for Sheng Lan.

Zhong Shuo followed behind with his things, blushing for a moment.

My grandfather really is
Cheng also has this face, and defeat also has this face.

After putting the things away, Zhong Shuo left.

Outside the bedroom, Sheng Lan stood at the door with a doting look on his face but he couldn't help the people inside, "Sheng Bao, can you open the door?"

"Sheng Bao, I think it's time for us to talk."


"Sheng Sheng?"


"Sheng Bao, you can't blame me for your looks, I can't control you, right?"

"Of course, if you think I'm too young, then I'll do the whole thing some other day, and I'll grow older?"

Also plastic surgery!
You should really fix your brain!
In the room, Zhao Qiaosheng glanced at the door angrily, and was amused by Sheng Lan's words.

"Sheng Bao, let's make an agreement, if I go for plastic surgery, you can't dislike me, you."

"What make-up?"

A breeze blew in front of him, before Sheng Lan finished speaking, Zhao Qiaosheng opened the door for him.

"I said that if I go to the whole body and grow older, I will be worthy of you," Sheng Lan said.

Pursing his lips, Zhao Qiaosheng looked up at him. The man's short, thin hair hung on his forehead, his breathtaking black pupils seemed to be so gentle anytime and anywhere, and his facial features were distinct.

Unhappily, Zhao Qiaosheng muttered: "Looking like this is enough to bring disaster to the country and the people. If you go for plastic surgery, will anyone dare to take you?"

Sheng Lan paused for a moment, then he smiled with his lips curled up, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Really? I've already brought disaster to the country and the people?"

Zhao Qiaosheng nodded at him, "Yes, sir, if you don't pay attention, you will be sent to the frontier for a kiss!"

The man's eyebrows and eyes were slightly raised, and there was a bit of surprise in it. Sheng Lan took a deep breath and wrinkled his forehead little by little, "Then Sheng Bao will be my dowry maid."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "???"

"You think beautiful!"

Glaring at him, Zhao Qiaosheng turned around angrily and was about to leave.

Arched, Sheng Lan smiled lowly, he stepped forward, and with a light flick of his arm, he held the person in his arms.

"Why are you hugging me again?" Twisted around, Zhao Qiaosheng didn't cooperate.

Sheng Lan didn't hug her too tightly, he was limited to the space where his little wife couldn't escape, he let her make trouble, but he was afraid of hurting her.

 Forget it, let's post a few more chapters.
  There will be ten more chapters during the day~
  Thank you for your support, Erhe bows~
(End of this chapter)

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