Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 149 You Look Quite Experienced

Chapter 149 You Look Quite Experienced
"I hug my wife, who dares to say no?"

Sheng Lan's face was full of pride, he lowered his head, resting his chin on Zhao Qiaosheng's shoulder, "Sheng Bao, I'm serious, if one day I grow old, will you still like me?"


"Are you hesitating?!"

"No, I haven't, I don't dislike you, I am."

When the words came to her lips, Zhao Qiaosheng felt a little hypocritical, and she couldn't say it.

From Sheng Lan's point of view, this scene was disgusted by Zhao Qiaosheng, and he immediately became unhappy, and directly gnawed on Zhao Qiaosheng's shoulder.

The fine and dense teeth gnawed on them, itching and numb, Zhao Qiaosheng begged for mercy after a few strokes, "Yanyan! I'm talking about Yanyan!"

Sheng Chengyan, that brat?
Sheng Lan raised her head, and there was a bit of obvious sadness in her eyes.

Seeing the effect, Zhao Qiaosheng continued to follow his hair, "Yanyan likes you so much because he likes your face. If you get old and ugly, your son will definitely be the first to despise you!"


Sheng Lan was behind her, Zhao Qiaosheng couldn't see his face, and couldn't figure out what the man was feeling at the moment, she continued to coax, "But I'm different, I will grow old with you, don't you If you dislike me, then I will naturally not dislike you, that's the reason."


"do you understand?"

Sheng Lan didn't speak for a long time, Zhao Qiaosheng felt quite guilty inside, and even his voice became a lot softer.

"En." Sheng Lan said in a deep voice, "I understand."

"Oh that's okay, let me go?"


"Ask you something?"

"There is one more question to discuss." Sheng Qian smacked his tongue and blew lightly into Zhao Qiaosheng's ear.

The tone is understated and irrelevant, and it appears playful.

Zhao Qiaosheng tensed up, subconsciously bit the corner of his lips, "Which one?"

"I'm in good shape."

"Men are all the same."

One word at a time, Zhao Qiaosheng's heart thumped violently with his fine voice biting into his ears, and the red color spread from the base of his ears to his neck, revealing a beautiful scene.

Sheng Lan lowered his eyes slightly, and witnessed Zhao Qiaosheng's reaction, his fiery Adam's apple slid up and down, his eyes were clearly stained with some other colors, but his mouth remained calm, Sheng Lan continued to whisper in Zhao Qiaosheng's ear Grinding, "The waist is thin and the legs are long, and the eight-pack abs are the same."


"Sheng Bao, you seem quite experienced."


"Or, have you seen other men's bodies besides mine?"

For the next few words, the man obviously emphasized his tone, gnashing his teeth slightly.

The curvature of the corner of the mouth became more and more unpredictable, and a dangerous breath gradually spread.

Zhao Qiaosheng wanted to hit him straight away, "Where can I meet you?!"


"That's true." Sheng Lan nodded approvingly, "Follow me, I'm sorry you don't have the guts, just be your little wife."

Little wife?
Is this her new title?

"Wait" Zhao Qiaosheng seemed to have caught something, she pushed Sheng Lan's hand and turned around, "So what is your current identity?"

Seriously, Sheng Lan said in a deep voice, "National actor."

Zhao Qiaosheng stared at him blankly.

one second.
Two seconds
three seconds

After three seconds, Zhao Qiaosheng couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

Sheng Lan's face darkened, he didn't understand what Zhao Qiaosheng was laughing at, and he didn't know where her joke came from, but he always felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

He had no choice but to watch Zhao Qiaosheng laugh in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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