Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 150 "The National Film King's Little Wife"

Chapter 150 "The National Film King's Little Wife"

The eyes were full of water, Zhao Qiaosheng laughed so hard that she could hardly breathe, she coughed twice, and grabbed Sheng Lan's cuff with one hand.

Seeing this, Sheng Lan frowned, and his face turned darker, "Is it that funny?"

".No, no. You are the funniest."


Zhao Qiaosheng coughed and waved his hands, his face turned red, "Let me guess, is your current script "The Little Wife of the National Film King"?"

"Script? What script? Are you interested in scripts?"

Sheng Lan's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he had discovered some secret about his little wife.

He thought he had seen through everything.

"No." Zhao Qiaosheng explained, "I mean the script in your mind right now."

Just skipping the "nonsense" in Zhao Qiaosheng's mouth, his eyes looked up and down Zhao Qiaosheng, Sheng Lan thought for a while, "Although you entered the entertainment circle a little late at your age, you still look good. There is a chance to be very popular."

"My age?" Sheng Lan took her away from her thoughts in an instant, and Zhao Qiaosheng snorted, "What's wrong, you're already 26!"

"Yes, yes, my Sheng Bao is still young." With a smile in his eyes, Sheng Lan coaxed.

Seeing him laugh, Zhao Qiaosheng didn't buy it at all, and was even more unhappy, "I'm younger than you!"

The little wife was so angry that her cheeks were bulging, she looked cute and delicate, Sheng Lan felt like her heart was about to melt, what if she had a daughter in the future, she looked like the little wife.

Seeing that Xiaojiao's wife was about to turn into anger from embarrassment, Sheng Lan hurriedly coaxed, "Yes, she was younger than me in the first place, only three years old, so she won't grow up anyway."


Zhao Qiaosheng felt that he could no longer talk to Sheng Lan, this man was obviously just teasing her!

"Why are you still running away?"

With a swish, Zhao Qiaosheng turned around and walked towards the bedroom.

Sheng Lan shook his head helplessly, but could only follow closely.

The moment the door was closed by Zhao Qiaosheng, one of Sheng Lan's feet got stuck in the middle.

Zhao Qiaosheng lowered his head depressedly, staring at the foot stuck between the door and the door frame for a long time, very annoying.

After all, he couldn't bear to get Sheng Lan injured, so Zhao Qiaosheng only glanced at him, then turned around and swished back to the bed.

Putting on the quilt, she lay down with her back facing Sheng Lan.

The little wife was quite angry, Sheng Lan sighed, changed into her nightgown before lying down.

Sheng Lan knew that Zhao Qiaosheng was still asleep, so he turned on the bed lamp on one side, and the dim light filled the whole room.

Sheng Lan put one hand behind his head and leaned against the head of the bed, "Sheng Bao, if you are interested in the entertainment industry, I will take you to see it some other day?"

"I know you haven't slept. If you don't answer... I'll keep asking."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

"The script you mentioned just now is quite good, I like it very much, but the premise is that the person must be you."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "???"

Which script?

"The Little Wife of the National Film King"?
Fuck your uncle, how good is it?It's obviously bloody, okay? ! ! !
"What I'm filming now is a historical drama about love. Do you have any ideas? Or I can discuss it with the director."

"Huh?" Zhao Qiaosheng frowned, and then turned around, "Didn't you already shoot it, what about the current actress?"

Look, my little wife is really interested in the entertainment industry!
Sheng Lan frowned, "An old and ugly woman, I don't like her."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

Already forgetting that he was still angry with someone, Zhao Qiaosheng laughed unknowingly, "Why do you say that about him?"

"The main reason is that she is really old, one year older than me, maybe she is taller. She is not in the same class as you, so it can't be compared."

Sheng Lan didn't have a general impression of Lin Jingyue in his mind, he only knew that she was a woman he hated.

(End of this chapter)

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