Chapter 151

"Oh..." The corners of his mouth moved, Zhao Qiaosheng really saw what it was like for Sheng Lan to hate someone.

Not a word of praise really.

A bit damaged.

The two just looked at each other for a while, without any emotion in it, quiet and down-to-earth.

Each other's appearance is reflected in each other's eyes, and every move is very clear.

Zhao Qiaosheng realized that he forgot something, he seemed to be angry just now
"Are you still angry?"

At the right time, Sheng Lan spoke with a warm voice, he only raised his eyebrows at Zhao Qiaosheng, with a slight curve between his lips.

The man was lying on his side, and the nightgown in front of him seemed to have been pushed aside intentionally or unintentionally, revealing a small section of cold white skin, and the bone socket was deeply sunken. Looking up, it was a beautiful landscape .

Leading to crime!

Zhao Qiaosheng didn't answer, but licked the corner of his lips.

Seeing Sheng Lan's deep and fiery pupils, Zhao Qiaosheng felt that something was wrong, she shrank under the quilt in time and swallowed.

Under the quilt, Zhao Qiaosheng's face turned red again and again, this feeling was too embarrassing.

However, Sheng Lan did not give her such a long buffer time.

"Is it not stuffy under the quilt?"

The man complained faintly, and then, the quilt covering Zhao Qiaosheng's head was torn off, and Zhao Qiaosheng subconsciously raised his arms to cover his blushing face.

Sheng Lan stared at her with puzzled eyes, "Your face is blushing, isn't it uncomfortable?"


"Show your face," Sheng Lan sighed, persuading her.

Zhao Qiaosheng worked hard and swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva before barely showing a pair of eyes from the crook of his arms.

Hei Lulu's eyes really made people look a little aggrieved.

"I'm telling you something serious, why are you blushing?"

Still puzzled, Sheng Lan asked quietly.

Zhao Qiaosheng drooped his brows and eyes in annoyance, "Can we turn off the lights?"

Sheng Lan: "Why?"

Zhao Qiaosheng: (╬▔皮▔)╯Because I don't want to see you, I have a bad intention for you, and I even want to plot against you, okay? !
With his eyes closed, Zhao Qiaosheng whispered, "Damn."

"That's right, then turn it off." Sheng Lan said, raising his hand to turn off the bedside lamp.

The thick curtains completely cut off the night outside, and there was no light in the room for a moment.

Zhao Qiaosheng let out a breath slowly from the bottom of his heart.

"Sheng Bao, why did you blush just now?"

In the darkness, all senses are infinitely magnified.

Normally, it would be nothing, but at this moment, Sheng Lan's voice hit Zhao Qiaosheng's ear word by word, like a Lingchi knife. Suddenly, the strange feeling that was suppressed just now knocked Zhao Qiaosheng back. The whole body was scorched all over.

Zhao Qiaosheng's body was tense, and he was worried that Sheng Lan would come over and touch him suddenly.

She coughed suddenly, Sheng Lan was taken aback, worried for Zhao Qiaosheng, "What's wrong?"

He got up quickly and turned on the bedside lamp again.

Zhao Qiaosheng was speechless for a moment, and some inexplicable and complicated feelings came to his heart.

If there was a pit on the spot, she would definitely jump into it without hesitation.

"It's all right, I just got choked, let's go to sleep." With his hands in front of him, Zhao Qiaosheng pretended to calm his breath.

Sheng Lan's face was sombre, she got up and got out of bed, brought Zhao Qiaosheng another glass of warm water, and watched her drink it before giving up.

After going back and forth like this, Zhao Qiaosheng felt refreshed unknowingly.

 Well, good night, continue tomorrow~
  The new book is on the shelves, I hope everyone will support the genuine reading, I love you, I will work hard to code!
(End of this chapter)

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