Chapter 156 This Is My Wife
"Where does she have a face?!!!"

"Didn't you just act as a servant girl twice for Master Sheng, what a fart!"

Not to mention Zhao Qiaosheng's side, even Xu Xiangxiang has started to poach her corner now, Lin Jingyue feels that she can't just sit like this.

She slammed the table and stood up, but was held down by Xu Hao the next second.


Lin Jingyue was panting heavily with anger, her chest heaving up and down.

"She won't be proud for long, just watch." Xu Hao only said a word lightly, his eyes had already seen everything.

Xu Hao entered the industry early, and she has brought many artists under her command. She can still tell who can be popular and who can only play supporting roles.

He gave Lin Jingyue a look, Xu Hao told her to calm down.

Lin Jingyue was devastated, and in the end could only listen to Xu Hao's words, put down the flags and drums, and waited to see Xu Xiangxiang's good show.

Zhao Qiaosheng followed Sheng Lan to the outside of Chen Qifeng's lounge.

Sheng Lan raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Within a few seconds, someone inside came to open the door.

Seeing that it was Sheng Lan, Chen Qifeng was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that Sheng Lan would look for him at this time, and then greeted him with a smile.

When someone went in, Chen Qifeng realized that Sheng Lan didn't come by himself, but also accompanied by a woman.

Zhao Qiaosheng glanced briefly at the furnishings in the house. Chen Qifeng's lounge was not too big or too small, but it was stylish.

Zhao Qiaosheng stood beside Sheng Lan very politely, but his mind was in a state of emptiness for a while.

Under Chen Qifeng's puzzled gaze, Sheng Lan pushed her forward, "Director Chen, this wife."

"Ahaha" Still didn't realize that there was something wrong, Chen Qifeng smiled, "Old."

wife? ! ! !
The unspoken words were stuck there, and even the smile on his face gradually froze, and Chen Qifeng's head exploded with a bang.

Zhao Qiaosheng took off his mask, and nodded to Chen Qifeng out of politeness, "Hello, Director Chen."

No less stunned and astonished than Chen Qifeng, Zhao Qiaosheng didn't expect Sheng Lan to be so direct and pushed himself out.

Reluctantly, Chen Qifeng looked at Zhao Qiaosheng for several seconds before recovering his voice. He quickly shook hands with Zhao Qiaosheng, "Sheng, Mrs. Sheng is polite."

Zhao Qiaosheng always felt a little embarrassed to be called that. She looked back at Sheng Lan, but the man was smiling at her.

Sheng Lan shook her head, signaling that she doesn't need to care about it.

After a few polite words, the three of them sat down.

"Master Sheng, I wonder why you brought your wife this time?"

"Sheng Bao is very interested in filming, I'll take her to see it." Sheng Lan said, his eyes turned towards Zhao Qiaosheng again.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that they like her, and Sheng Lan doesn't hide her love at all.

Chen Qifeng has filmed so many romance films anyway, so how could he not see Sheng Lan's liking for Zhao Qiaosheng.

What's more, this title is too much!

As an old single, he really can't listen.

Chen Qifeng suddenly understood, "Then I wonder if Mrs. Sheng has any acting experience before?"

"Performance experience." Zhao Qiaosheng pursed his lips and thought for a while, "Does that count in middle school? Stage plays."

"Of course it counts," Chen Qifeng said.

Throughout the whole process, Zhao Qiaosheng answered whatever Chen Qifeng asked, so that when Sheng Lan asked Chen Qifeng if she could act, Zhao Qiaosheng was a little dazed.

Chen Qifeng's answer is that he can start with a small role and take his time.

Sitting by the side, Sheng Lan frowned, "You mean, my Sheng Bao can't be the heroine?"

The voice was lowered, giving people a strong sense of oppression invisibly.

 There are five more chapters in a while~
  Thank you for your love and support, Erhe bows~
(End of this chapter)

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