Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 157 Do You Want To Be My Heroine?

Chapter 157 Do You Want To Be My Heroine?

"No, no, Mrs. Sheng is naturally beautiful and has an excellent temperament. At first glance, she has the demeanor of a heroine, but..."

Chen Qifeng said a lot of praises to Zhao Qiaosheng in a row, and at the end he couldn't help but look at her, as if asking for help, asking Zhao Qiaosheng to help with a word or something.

Silently, Zhao Qiaosheng tugged at the corner of Sheng Lan's clothes, and she shook her head at him.

It's true that Sheng Lan's behavior seems to be forcing people to submit, which is quite disgraceful.

Silently, Sheng Lan turned his gaze around Zhao Qiaosheng's fingertips pulling at the corner of his clothes, and then looked at Chen Qifeng, "Just what?"

There was a sharp sharpness between his brows and eyes, as if Chen Qifeng would be cut in the next second if he made a mistake.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. If Madam Sheng wants to enter the entertainment industry, she still needs to hone her skills from a small role first." Chen Qifeng said, and looked at Zhao Qiaosheng at the right time.

Why are you looking at her again?
Zhao Qiaosheng pursed his lips, and uncomfortably picked up the glass of water in front of him and took two sips.

On the opposite side, Chen Qifeng noticed Zhao Qiaosheng's little tricks, paused for a moment, he narrowed his eyes, turned to look at Sheng Lan, and the two smiled almost tacitly.

Zhao Qiaosheng couldn't understand, Sheng Lan was still losing his temper with someone just now, why did he suddenly laugh?

Chen Qifeng saw the doubt and incomprehension in Zhao Qiaosheng's eyes, and he explained: "Madam Sheng, it was just a small test just now, don't worry."

"Little test? That was just in"

"That's right, this was also arranged by Master Sheng, who said he wanted me to test you."

test?Test her?

Her brain was stunned for a while, Zhao Qiaosheng's mouth was open, and she couldn't find her voice for a long time. She looked at Sheng Lan, and then at Chen Qifeng, feeling a little unreal.

"Mrs. Sheng, don't be too nervous. Master Sheng greeted me before coming."

Chen Qifeng smiled kindly, and the creases on his face somewhat appeared.

I knew it before I came, so...
It started when Zhong Shuo called her?

Involuntarily, Zhao Qiaosheng turned his attention to Sheng Lan, feeling indescribably complicated, ".So?"

Sheng Lan curled his lips, his black pupils became deeper and deeper, he imitated her ignorance, and wanted to laugh a little.

"So. Do you want to be my heroine?"

In a word, Zhao Qiaosheng's eyelids twitched suddenly, she blinked, and Sheng Lan's words just now echoed in her mind.

"Do you want to be my heroine?"

"Do you want to be my heroine?"

"you in the end"

His cheeks were stained a little blush, Zhao Qiaosheng felt that he didn't have a brain now, why did he have to think about a very simple question for so long?
"I am not already?"

Hesitatingly, after Zhao Qiaosheng finished speaking, he heard Sheng Lan's low laugh after a few seconds.

"Sheng Bao, why are you so cute?"


It was good that Sheng Lan didn't say this, Zhao Qiaosheng couldn't hold back when he opened his mouth and smiled, especially when there were not only the two of them present, but also Chen Qifeng.

The bases of the ears turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, so Zhao Qiaosheng lowered his head even lower at the back.

Sheng Lan smiled so that her eyes were half-closed, with a long-lasting pampering.

Gently squeezed Zhao Qiaosheng's shoulder with his palm, Sheng Lan let her relax, "Yes, it has been a long time ago, but what I'm talking about now is in a film and television drama, do you think about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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