Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 158 Hey, are you angry?

Chapter 158 Hey, are you angry?

She thinks about it?

Are you considering it now?
still is
"I'm also talking about the current film and television dramas."

Probably seeing her entanglement at the moment, Sheng Lan explained it again, explaining the problem in detail.

"Now?" Zhao Qiaosheng was even more confused, "What do you mean?"

If Zhao Qiaosheng remembers correctly, this film and television drama has been filmed for a while, what does it mean to let her be the heroine?
Yes. Is that what she thought?

"Mrs. Sheng, Master Sheng's meaning is very clear. If you are willing, the heroine of this show can be replaced by you."


It really means what she thinks!

"No, no need." Zhao Qiaosheng waved his hands, "I'm just interested and want to know more about it. If I have a chance in the future, I can make a guest appearance. Besides, I'm here to study now, and I don't have enough time to arrange it."

"If I remember correctly, Mrs. Sheng is a doctor?"

"Yes, this time I came to Diancheng to represent our hospital."


After Chen Qifeng asked the question, he glanced at Sheng Lan.

It seems that he didn't get the answer he wanted, and someone's face didn't look very good.

Repeatedly, Sheng Lan was still rubbing Zhao Qiaosheng's shoulders.

Coming out of Chen Qifeng's room, Sheng Lan walked in front, Zhao Qiaosheng followed behind him, the two were still holding hands, but it was no longer like when they entered, Sheng Lan no longer protected Zhao Qiaosheng.

The gap between the front and rear is a bit large, which has attracted many people's speculation.

Xu Xiangxiang was rather proud, "Look, what I said, after waiting for the novelty, Lord Sheng still dumped her!"

"Sister Xiangxiang, do you know who that woman is?" Someone asked in a low voice.

Xu Xiangxiang only glanced at the person who asked this question, with sarcasm in his eyes, "Why do you know who she is? Don't worry, she won't be able to follow Master Sheng for a few days!"

Not far away, Zhong Shuo watched his grandfather and Zhao Qiaosheng come out of Chen Qifeng's room, and hurriedly put away his mobile phone to follow.

"Hey, are you angry?"

Zhao Qiaosheng was with Sheng Lan all the way. The man's face was always gloomy, and he didn't say a word to her, just pulling him forward.

Zhao Qiaosheng's words reached the man's ears, Sheng Lan stopped abruptly, he turned his head to look at Zhao Qiaosheng, there was something clear and moist without any emotion in it, "No."

"Liar" Zhao Qiaosheng exhaled, and his cheeks on both sides twitched, "The face is so stinky, and he said he is not angry!"

Sheng Lan: "."

Yes, he was angry. Sheng Lan thought that doing so would make Zhao Qiaosheng happy, and she could do what she was interested in, but he didn't expect it to embarrass her. It was because he didn't think carefully.

He is mad at himself.

Without further ado, Sheng Lan dragged Zhao Qiaosheng back to her dressing room.

The door was closed, and before Zhao Qiaosheng recovered, Sheng Lan had already pushed her against the door.

The man looked solemn, his forehead almost wrinkled into the word "Chuan", he gritted his teeth, "I thought you would agree."

Sheng Lan's figure almost covered Zhao Qiaosheng's entire body, and lowered his head, Zhao Qiaosheng looked at the tip of his shoe, "I want to agree, but I also have a mission to come to Diancheng this time, and it's hard to get a ticket for Teacher Lin's class. And if it wasn't for the senior brother and the director, I probably wouldn't be able to come here."

Pursing his lips, Zhao Qiaosheng could clearly feel Sheng Lan's low air pressure.

He must have done this to take care of her feelings, but the fact is that fact, she really doesn't have that much time.

(End of this chapter)

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