Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 159 You Stand Up For Me

Chapter 159 You Stand Up For Me

The long and narrow eye ends suddenly narrowed, accompanied by the man's tight jaw, and the corners of his mouth were slightly clenched.Sheng Lan tilted his head, his eyes showed a trace of scrutiny.

Looking at Zhao Qiaosheng's side cheeks, Sheng Lan snorted coldly, "Why him again?"

This sound is like a sigh, but it is more unwilling to be in it.

In the dark eyes, there is something clearly broken and fragmented bit by bit.

Zhao Qiaosheng looked distressed, but she was also very anxious, worried that Sheng Lan really misunderstood something, "No, I really have nothing to do with him, me."


Quietly, Sheng Lan let go of his hand, he stepped back a few steps, stood one meter away from Zhao Qiaosheng, looked at her quietly, and listened to her explanation

After a few seconds of psychological defense, Zhao Qiaosheng took a deep breath, walked over and hugged Sheng Lan's waist, and then stuck it on top of it, and she became more courageous in an instant.

She knew that Sheng Lan couldn't do anything with her, so she relied on this.

Zhao Qiaosheng felt that his skin had thickened a lot.

"Don't you know who I like and what I like? If I really like my senior brother, I still need to marry you? What are you jealous about?!"

Zhao Qiaosheng's voice was muffled, and there was a burst of grievance in his heart.

Inexplicably, Sheng Lan was almost dumbfounded by Zhao Qiaosheng's questions. After he realized it, he laughed coldly, "Is that still my fault?"


Nodding her head vigorously in the man's arms, Zhao Qiaosheng replied, "It's your fault!"

Sheng Lan: "."

Okay, Xiaojiao's wife doesn't know who to learn logic from.

Sighing helplessly, Sheng Lan poked Zhao Qiaosheng's shoulder lightly, "You stand still for me."

"I do not!"

Zhao Qiaosheng shook his head, and the arms around the man's waist tightened.

"Zhao Qiaosheng."

Rarely, Sheng Lan called her name.

Zhao Qiaosheng ignored Sheng Lan's words, but he had some small calculations in his heart.Probably, you refused to calm down, and I have been holding you today.

His fingers poked Zhao Qiaosheng's shoulder several times, and Sheng Lan pushed him.

Like a sloth, Zhao Qiaosheng clung to Sheng Lan.

In the end, Sheng Lan got angry all over himself, his body was tense, and his breathing gradually became hot.

He heard the man's heavy breathing, and Zhao Qiaosheng thought he was getting angrier, so he hugged him even tighter.

This time, Sheng Lan gasped in a "hissy" breath, and the veins on his forehead popped out.

Clenching his fists, Sheng Lan never hugged Zhao Qiaosheng, he tried his best to restrain some impulse in his body.

Tilting his head, Sheng Lan's eyes closed and his protruding Adam's apple slid up and down, "Let me go."

His voice was hoarse and his breathing was heavy.

Zhao Qiaosheng rubbed against Sheng Lan's arms again, "Then have you calmed down?"

Sheng Lan: "."

"How dare I be angry with you?" Sheng Lan snorted angrily when he was almost laughed at.

Zhao Qiaosheng's eyebrows jumped, "Then are you still jealous?"

Why is there still a problem?

Can you let go of your hand before asking?
With a heavy voice, Sheng Lan took several breaths, "Don't eat indiscriminately."

"That" raised his head, Zhao Qiaosheng wanted to get some response from Sheng Lan, but he didn't.

Sheng Lan kept turning her head to look at other places, not her!
"Why don't you look at me, are you still angry?"

The dissatisfied voice of the little wife came from the ear again.

Sheng Lan: "???"

Sheng Lan: "."


 There is no doubt about the nature of the little wife, hahahahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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