Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 160 Coke Kills Sperm, It Should Be Helpful to You.

Chapter 160 Coke Kills Sperm, It Should Be Helpful to You.

The corners of the eyes are red, Sheng Lan's eyes are drooping, the intention in the eyes could not be more obvious.

The color in Zhao Qiaosheng's eyes was suddenly enlarged, she opened her mouth, and then slowly withdrew her arms around Sheng Lan's waist.

Immediately afterwards, he also stood up straight, and took more than one step back.


Sheng Lan looked at her motionlessly, really laughed out of anger.

Really, it's cheap and good-looking.

"Why, stop hugging?"

Faintly, the corners of Sheng Lan's mouth twitched coldly.

Zhao Qiaosheng leaned back against the door panel, she shook her head, the cheekiness she had just now was completely gone.

"Ah, no more hugs."

After staring at her for a while, Sheng Lan turned around and sat back on the sofa with some stiff movements.

He needs to slow down.

Zhao Qiaosheng looked at Sheng Lan's back, and then glanced at the refrigerator beside him.

One minute later, Zhao Qiaosheng took a can of iced Coke and handed it to Sheng Lan, "Here, Coke kills sperm, it should be quite helpful to you."

At that moment, Sheng Lan couldn't tell what was going on in his heart, but he clearly knew that there was only one thought in his mind - strangle her to death!

Really strangled her heart.

Almost having a heart attack, Sheng Lan stared at the can of iced Coke handed to him for five or six seconds.

The black pupils were full of murderous intent.

Seeing that Sheng Lan didn't move for a long time, Zhao Qiaosheng thought that he was so uncomfortable that he had no strength, so she mercifully pulled the ring for him.

"Here, drink it."

Sheng Lan: "."

Sheng Lan: "."

Is this my daughter-in-law?
Is it is it?

The anger in Sheng Lan's heart surged, he simply closed his eyes and leaned back.

Seeing Sheng Lan's ungrateful expression, Zhao Qiaosheng frowned, "Are you still angry with me?"

Sheng Lan: "No."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "Then why don't you drink?"

Sheng Lan: "."

Can he drink it?

Can he really drink it?

Xiaojiao's wife's brain is not working well, he has seen it today.

Gently, Zhao Qiaosheng sighed, "Look, you are still angry with me."

From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Zhao Qiaosheng's direction, and Sheng Lan's Adam's apple moved slightly, "I, no, I can't drink cold ones these days. You put it away first, and I'll drink it later."

"Can't drink cold these days?" Suddenly, Zhao Qiaosheng looked at Sheng Lan with a strange color in her eyes, and she swallowed subconsciously, "Why, did you come to relatives?"

Sheng Lan: "???"

Sheng Lan: "???"

Do you really want this brain?

"My stomach hurts!"

The last two words were almost squeezed out between the teeth, and Sheng Lan was very angry.

Zhao Qiaosheng smiled, "I know, just kidding you!"

Sheng Lan: "."

"Okay, if you don't want to drink, I won't force you, I will drink it myself." Zhao Qiaosheng smiled, raised his head and put it into his mouth.

Sheng Lan raised her hand and snatched her Coke.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Qiaosheng looked at him, frowning, "If you don't drink it yourself, why don't you let me drink it?"

Sheng Lan only glanced at her, and said angrily: "I didn't come to visit relatives, but someone is coming to visit soon."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

Standing up, Sheng Lan stuffed the can of iced Coke back into the refrigerator.

Inside the refrigerator, a short burst of cold air blows towards the face, which makes the heat on Sheng Lan's body a lot less.

He stood there with his head down, Zhao Qiaosheng thought he was picking a drink, so he didn't think much about it.

After a while, Sheng Lan came back.

 Sheng Bao: "Coke kills sperm, it should be helpful to you ( ̄︶ ̄)"

  Master Sheng: "Thank you. (___)ノ|"

(End of this chapter)

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