Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 161 I heard... You cursed me for divorce?

Chapter 161 I Heard You Curse Me For Divorce?

"Zhong Shuo will take you back later, don't delay the afternoon class." Sheng Lan said, stuffing a handful of lollipops into Zhao Qiaosheng's arms.

Zhao Qiaosheng looked down and wondered, when did he like to eat such sweet and greasy food?

As soon as he looked up, he saw Sheng Lan also had one in his mouth.

Sheng Lan's face was flat, and even the fingertips that passed by were tinged with air-conditioning.

It must have blown in the fridge just now.

Zhao Qiaosheng said "Oh", and tore off a candy wrapper for himself, biting the lollipop in his mouth.

"Then what are you going to tell Director Chen later?"

After thinking about it, Sheng Lan "lied" herself to come here for this matter, and even Chen Qifeng followed suit, but Zhao Qiaosheng couldn't come here, which delayed the matter.

"What to say, what to say, you don't have to worry." With the lollipop in his mouth, Sheng Lan answered vaguely.

Zhao Qiaosheng puffed his cheeks, "Did I. Disrespect you?"

"No, you don't have to give me face." The corners of Sheng Lan's eyes were slightly bent, and Sheng Lan squinted at Zhao Qiaosheng, probably because he had no choice but to pamper her, "Besides, I'm not bad this time."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

Did she really, so disrespect him?

After driving Zhao Qiaosheng back, Zhong Shuoshun sent the video he recorded to Sheng Lan.

【Master, these women are speaking ill of Dr. Zhao behind his back. 】

Sheng Lan glanced at Zhong Shuo's message, then clicked on the video he sent.

【"In this circle, do you think Mr. Sheng is a vegetarian?"

"If it wasn't for being photographed by paparazzi that night, do you think Master Sheng would make it public?"

"At the end of the day, men don't always like the new and dislike the old. You just have to wait and see. When the limelight passes, I bet that Master Sheng will get a divorce!"]

【"What's wrong with showing affection on Weibo?"

"Those are just for publicity! Besides, Lord Sheng has been alone for so many years. Have you ever seen any women around him? Has there been any scandal?"

"So, Mr. Sheng's wife is a nominal one!"

"It doesn't matter, I just cooperated two or three times. Oh, it's really nothing, don't think about it, it will be bad for Master Sheng's reputation!"】

In the video, the images of a group of gossiping women are perfectly recorded.

Sheng Lan finished watching those videos without expression.

He stood up abruptly and walked outside.

In the rest area not far away, several women were sitting there chatting, Sheng Lan narrowed his eyes slightly, and Xu Xiangxiang was there.

"Hey, sister Xiangxiang, is Master Sheng looking at you?"

Someone tugged the corner of Xu Xiangxiang's clothes and reminded her in a low voice.

The eyes of several people were attracted, and when they approached, someone exclaimed again: "Yes, yes, Master Sheng is still walking towards us!"

Xu Xiangxiang looked sideways, and as expected, Sheng Lan was really walking in their direction.

The man's steps were not too fast or slow, and the corners of his eyes were slightly raised with a bit of willful flamboyance.

Sheng Lan bit her lips slightly, but there was a frightening coldness in her eyes.

"Master Sheng Sheng"

It was a rare opportunity to have such a close contact with Sheng Lan, Xu Xiangxiang almost couldn't breathe all of a sudden.

Sheng Lan's eyes blinked, recalling the scene in the video just now in his mind, he couldn't help but sneered, the disgust in his eyes couldn't be more obvious, "I heard... you cursed me for divorce?"


The first sentence Sheng Lan spoke, Xu Xiangxiang was beaten with a stick, her mouth was open, and she faltered and couldn't speak.

Not only Xu Xiangxiang, but also the group of people who originally complimented her were really taken aback, and no one dared to speak out.

Unhurriedly, Sheng Lan continued to ask, "And you said...my wife is a celebrity?"

"What is your relationship with me?"

"Do you know that I have every reason to sue you for infringing my right of reputation?"

Being questioned a series of times, Xu Xiangxiang stood there in a daze. She realized something belatedly. All these words Sheng Lan said came from his mouth.

 He's coming, he's coming, he's really coming! ! !

  Today's update has been delivered, thank you for your support and likes, Erhe bows~
  Continue tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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