Chapter 162 The Righteous Wife
"No, no, Master Sheng, I didn't mean that, I... I said nonsense, I..."

"I don't care if you mean it or not. If I hear these words again in the future, you can get out, understand?"

With the gentlest face and the harshest words, Sheng Lan only moved his brows, and a chill appeared in his eyes, which made people feel his anger clearly at the moment.

Xu Xiangxiang nodded tremblingly in fright, "Understood, Master Sheng, I won't talk nonsense next time."

"And" the corner of the man's mouth taunted ruthlessly, his piercing eyes looked around the crowd, Sheng Lan sneered, "The woman I brought today is none other than my legitimate wife , so, you'd better pray that these words of yours don't reach her ears, otherwise, I will definitely investigate to the end!"

If Sheng Lan's words at the beginning were scary, then the sentence just now is even more shocking.

Everyone present, without exception, seemed to be dumbfounded.

No matter how much she thought about it, she would never have imagined that Sheng Lan would bring his wife to the set, and hug her in such a flamboyant manner.

What is it if not true love?
A basin of cold water was poured down without warning, Xu Xiangxiang felt that he had become a target of public criticism, and the few people who flattered her at the beginning all clearly drew a line with her, without even saying a word.

In the pavilion not far away, Xu Hao and Lin Jingyue naturally saw this good show.

"What am I talking about, Xu Xiangxiang won't be jumping for a long time." Crossing her arms, Xu Hao sneered, "As early as when she was outspoken, Zhong Shuo had already recorded it there, and sooner or later the video will be recorded." Pass it to Master Sheng."

"You can see this?" Lin Jingyue sighed.

Xu Hao sighed at her, "Please sister, can you improve your eyesight and brain next time?"

"How can I care so much in that situation!"


"By the way, what is the meaning of Master Sheng bringing his wife to the set this time? He even went to find Chen Qifeng."

Lin Jingyue couldn't figure it out, and Xu Hao also wondered, "Let's take a look first," she said.

When Zhong Shuo sent Zhao Qiaosheng back, he heard about Sheng Lan looking for Xu Xiangxiang.

Sure enough, their master will definitely protect Dr. Zhao.

"Master, Dr. Zhao asked me to tell you that she is actually very interested in what you said, and she is very grateful, but it is also her own reason, so please don't be angry."

He is still angry?

Does he dare to be angry?
If she gets angry again, Xiaojiao's wife might come up with some tricks.

Sheng Lan only nodded in a muffled voice, "I see."


As soon as he entered the door, Zhong Shuo noticed that Sheng Lan's complexion was not right, "Master, I think your complexion is not very good, is there something wrong?"

Sheng Lan pursed her lips without even bothering to lift her eyelids, "It's okay."

"Oh, then I'm off to work." Zhong Shuo said to Sheng Lan, turned around and was about to leave.

Sheng Lan stopped him, "What are you busy with every day?"

Busier than him!
Zhong Shuo blushed, "It's not that you don't want to have any intimate scenes with Lin Jingyue, I have to discuss it with the screenwriter teacher."

Sheng Lan: "."

Little wife doesn't have enough time
not enough time
Sheng Lan's eyes were calm, and as she tapped the sofa with her fingertips, her pupils became darker.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his eyebrows relaxed a lot in an instant, "Why don't we do this first."

Sheng Lan looked up at Zhong Shuo, with a sly smile in his eyes.

Zhong Shuo was stunned for a moment, "Huh?"

Although he couldn't figure out what his father was thinking, Zhong Shuo didn't ask any more questions, and just said "Oh", "Okay, then I'll go tell the screenwriter teacher that he doesn't need to modify it for the time being."

 Ps: I remembered something, I recommend an article from a friend → "Please don't show your tail at the crime scene", Xiaoxiang seems to be able to read it too, author: St. Liangjiu.

  The suspenseful reasoning is very touching! ! !
  Here is the copy:
  [Mu Yunting, an ordinary museum curator, a stinky hooligan who always likes to walk around crime scenes in a black trench coat.

  And ever since he met Jin Beiyan, he vowed to find out all the secrets of this man!
  So far, some people have seen him smoking a cigarette, some people have seen him wipe the blood from his hands indifferently, but they will never forget the way he broke through the fire and rushed to another person anxiously...
  But Jin Beiyan was different.

  He is the youngest finance professor at Liancheng University, and he is also a retrograde who walks alone in the dark.

  He said, "I am not a good person, I hope you will become a hero admired by all people, with light in your eyes."

  【Please catch me if you can, Mister.】


(End of this chapter)

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