Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 164 If I'm Angry to Death

Chapter 164 If I am mad to death
"Master, the screenwriter teacher has already negotiated, so let's follow the first version."

"Yeah," Sheng Lan replied without expression.

Zhong Shuo said again: "There is also Dr. Zhao, she sent me a message just now, asking me if you have time to have a meal together at noon?"

"I..." Sheng Lan just wanted to say that he had time, but he realized a more serious problem, "Why did she tell you or not me?"

Frowning together, Sheng Lan stared at Zhong Shuo.

So angry!

This look made the hairs on Zhong Shuo's body stand on end, "Maybe Dr. Zhao thinks you are busy."

Zhong Shuo whispered, and took a peek at Sheng Lan's face, "Then, sir, do you have time? I'll give you a reply."

"That's my wife, do you need me?" Sheng Lan scoffed unceremoniously, and angrily called Zhao Qiaosheng back with her mobile phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Zhao Qiaosheng's ears were violently attacked.

Sheng Lan's voice was a bit loud, as if he was yelling at her, "Zhao Qiaosheng, if I get mad, you will be the first to get rid of it!"

The man's voice gritted his teeth, wishing he could come over and bite her right away, Zhao Qiaosheng frowned when he heard it, she raised her hand to pick her ears, "Why are you crazy?"

"What's wrong with me, you don't send me a message when you send Zhong Shuo, and you don't call me when you call him!"

At the end, the man's voice on the phone suddenly became aggrieved, and Sheng Lan took a deep breath, "I'm really aggrieved by being a husband."

".Aren't I worried about disturbing you?" Zhao Qiaosheng pursed his lips and smoothed his hair helplessly. "That's just right. Since you called, I'll ask again. You are noon."


Before Zhao Qiaosheng finished asking questions, Sheng Lan's answer came out.

Mouth opened, Zhao Qiaosheng was stunned for a moment, Sheng Lan thought she didn't hear clearly, and then answered again: "I said I do, I have time at noon, I can have a meal with you."

What a childish ghost!

The corner of Zhao Qiaosheng's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but raise a little bit, "Oh, I see."

Raising his wrist, Sheng Lan glanced at his watch, it was already eleven o'clock, and it would be twelve o'clock soon.

"Where are you now, are you still in Yunting Clubhouse?"

"What do you want to do, come now?" Zhao Qiaosheng seemed to have a premonition of something.

Sheng Lan: "Well, I'll go pick you up now."

"Ah, why don't I go find you?"

Thinking of the last time Sheng Lan came to the Yunting clubhouse, Zhao Qiaosheng felt a headache.

"Why?" Sheng Lan didn't understand, he had already changed his clothes, and was about to go outside with the car keys.

Zhao Qiaosheng faltered a few words, "Anyway, you are not bad. After you came last time, they all asked me to see your photo."

The eyebrows twitched abruptly, Sheng Lan smiled slightly, "There is such a thing?"

"Yeah." Zhao Qiaosheng nodded, "So let me go find you, you sure don't want to be surrounded by people, do you?"

"Yeah..." Sheng Lan trailed off, and thought for a while, "I'm actually fine, I'm used to it, but I don't know what Sheng Bao is thinking."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

"Well, if Sheng Bao doesn't want me to be seen by other people, I won't go." With a faint tone, Sheng Lan added after finishing speaking: "Actually, I really don't care. It mainly depends on you, Sheng Bao." wishes."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

It's started again, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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