Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 165 Men's Minefield

Chapter 165 Men's Minefield

"So Sheng Bao, have you made up your mind? Do you want me to go?"

Zhao Qiaosheng felt that her ears were once again being poisoned by the smell of tea. She took two deep breaths, "If you like to come, if you don't come, you won't come. Can I control you?"

Tsk, my little wife doesn't play by the rules.

But this little temper is quite stubborn.

Sheng Lan chuckled a few times, "Okay, okay, then I'll wait, wait for Sheng Bao to come to me, okay?"

"You are so beautiful." Zhao Qiaosheng snorted, "You can drive here by yourself, I will wait for you at the gate of the clubhouse."

"Why are you willing to let me go again? Are you afraid that I will be seen?"

The man's tone was so awkward, Zhao Qiaosheng said to him directly: "Are you coming or not?"

"Come, come, I'll come right away, I don't listen to what my wife says, so am I still a person?"

Sheng Lan coaxed, lowered her head and whispered something to the person on the phone while walking, her brows and eyes were full of tenderness and smiles.

It makes people blush and heartbeat.

Very eye-catching!
Walking in a hurry, Sheng Lan stepped on the gas pedal to get out of the car.

The black Volkswagen drove across the road at an extremely fast speed, leaving gusts of howling wind behind.

Ten minutes later, Sheng Lan steadily parked the car at Zhao Qiaosheng's feet.

The car window moved down, Sheng Lan was sitting in the driver's seat, he tilted his head slightly, the cross earring on one side flickered suddenly, brushing past the light.

The man's smooth jaw line can be seen at a glance, and his eyebrows and eyes are exquisite and attractive.

Zhao Qiaosheng swallowed, and then got into the car.

Sheng Lan held the steering wheel with one hand, and his eyes shifted slightly. He glanced at the seat belt in front of Zhao Qiaosheng before he felt relieved, "There is a Xiangxie residence nearby, are you interested?"

"It's all right," Zhao Qiaosheng said, "You know, I'm not very picky."

"Yeah," Sheng Lan said, and started the engine.

He slowed down a lot for this meeting, and drove at a leisurely pace.

"Why isn't Zhong Shuo with you?"

After walking for a while, Zhao Qiaosheng realized that there were only the two of them in the car.

These two words seem to be a minefield for men.

When Sheng Lan heard the word Zhong Shuo from Zhao Qiaosheng's mouth, he became uneasy for a moment. He gritted his teeth and said in a cold voice, "You are in my car and asked me where the other men are?"


With a soft "heh", Sheng Lan glanced at Zhao Qiaosheng coldly, "If you have no eyesight, you really are my wife!"


Zhao Qiaosheng was silent for a while, feeling that he was just asking out of concern out of politeness, besides, Zhong Shuo had been with Sheng Lan for so long, Zhao Qiaosheng thought that he should not be an outsider.

"I'll just ask."

In a low voice, Zhao Qiaosheng muttered.

Sheng Lan didn't return her, but the speed of the car soared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

So, this is sulking?
Secretly, Zhao Qiaosheng grabbed the seat belt in front of him.

This little move was noticed by Sheng Lan, although she was angry because she was angry, Sheng Lan still slowed down the speed of the car slowly.

The strong visual impact was obviously weakened a lot, Zhao Qiaosheng turned his head to look at the man beside him, and felt an indescribable feeling, quite complicated.

But there is a feeling she can feel clearly, warm.

This feeling intensified, wrapping Zhao Qiaosheng's whole heart tightly.

Carefully and tentatively, Zhao Qiaosheng took a few deep breaths.

The man beside him was driving, his jaw was slightly tensed, he was meticulous and focused.

Zhao Qiaosheng took two more deep breaths, "Honey, don't be angry?"

Her voice was very soft and thin, and her cheeks blushed unconsciously as she spoke.

  I don't seem to have explained it before, Master Sheng has cross earrings and a bullet necklace, so let's put it in this chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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