Chapter 181 Anaphylactic Shock

"Relax now?"

Seeing that he went out angrily and then came back happily, Xu Hao knew something good was going on.

Sure enough, Lin Jingyue told her what she had just said to Chen Qifeng.

"Sister, let me just say, I am so beautiful, can that woman compare with me?"

Humming a song, Lin Jingyue arrived at the dressing table, and the hair stylist was already waiting.

At the same time, the Sheng family in Mingcheng made a fuss.

Sheng Chengyan passed out without knowing what happened, but it scared Sheng Tingguang and Yu He.

Sheng Ye was originally in a meeting, and hurried back after receiving the news.

"What's going on, why did Yanyan faint for no reason?"

Sheng Nanhe stood by his great-grandson's bedside with a sullen face.

The family doctor has just arrived and is still checking.

The little man on the bed had his eyes closed, motionless as if he was asleep.

But everyone knew that this was not falling asleep, but fainting.

Yu He kept moaning and worrying, "Just about an hour ago, Yan Yan said he wanted to eat grapes, so I went down with Mrs. Yang to wash him. Who knows. When we came up, he fell to the ground."

"Oh, I shouldn't go down, if I don't go down, I can still look at the words, I..."

"Madam, don't say that, I am also responsible for not being optimistic about the young master."

"Everyone be quiet." Sheng Nanhe leaned on the crutch in his hand, and his complexion was not very good, "See what the doctor said."

"Yeah, Mom, you and Mrs. Yang don't blame yourself too much. This matter is not entirely your responsibility. Let's listen to what the doctor has to say."

Standing beside Yu He, Sheng Ye comforted her in a low voice, then turned his gaze to the family doctor.

The person who had been bending over to check just happened to raise his head. Song Yuzheng first looked at Sheng Nanhe, then looked around at the people in the room, and finally fixed his gaze on Sheng Nanhe, "Master, looking at it now, what did the young master eat by mistake?" induced anaphylactic shock."

"What? Shock"


Quickly, Sheng Ye supported Yu He, and Sheng Tingguang also hurried up to help him.

Yu He fainted from fright, Sheng Ye and Sheng Tingguang took her down to rest.

In the room, only Sheng Nanhe, Song Yuzheng and Mrs. Yang were left guarding.

In a hurry, Song Yuzheng didn't dare to delay at all, first injected Sheng Chengyan with normal saline intravenously, and then called someone to deliver the medicine.

"Doctor Song, can you find out what allergy is now?" Sheng Nanhe asked.

Sheng Chengyan's allergy was discovered for the first time. No one had ever known about it before, let alone paid attention to it.

"When I checked the young master just now, I found that there were some inconspicuous little red spots on his arms and stomach. It must have been a while. It's just that they haven't been discovered before, so I was negligent."

"It's been a while?" Sheng Nanhe pondered for a while, lifted the quilt, and really saw a lot of little red dots on the little guy's arms, but these little red dots were about to go down, no It's not very obvious when you look closely.

It looks like small bags bitten by mosquitoes.

"Yes, food allergies are not easy to find out, why don't we wait until the young master wakes up," Song Yuzheng said.

Indeed, when Sheng Chengyan wakes up and asks him what he has eaten in the past few days, he should be able to compare them.

(End of this chapter)

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