Chapter 182 Awake Up
After feeding the medicine at noon, Song Yuzheng checked Sheng Chengyan again, and he was relieved after confirming that there was nothing serious for the time being.

The little grandson of the Sheng family was born with a golden key in his mouth, gold is very precious!
If something really happened to this, who could bear the responsibility?

The first thing Yu He did after waking up was to ask about Sheng Chengyan. Sheng Tingguang was watching over her, "Yanyan is fine. Doctor Song gave him medicine at noon, and he should be able to wake up in the afternoon or evening."

"You said this kid, he didn't eat anything indiscriminately, and we all looked at him. How could he have a sudden food allergy?"

Not to mention that Yu He didn't understand, even Sheng Tingguang didn't think it was that simple.

"Then don't worry about it, Xiao Ye and Dr. Song are still there."

"Why don't I worry, that's my own grandson! I'm just such a precious grandson, can I not worry, how do you talk?!"

Sheng Tingguang: "."

"Yes, yes, all mistakes are my fault, okay?"


"This is the soup made by Mrs. Yang, you drink some first, we'll go and see Yanyan later," Sheng Tingguang said, and brought a small bowl of chicken soup to Yu He.

Sullen, Yu He drank the bowl of chicken soup, and Sheng Tingguang cushioned her back, "I just woke up with no strength, you rest, I'll go over there and have a look, and I'll call you over when Yan Yan wakes up."

"I'd better go with you." Yu He called to stop him, "I'm always uneasy in my heart."

"Can you do it?"

Thinking of how Yu He was frightened when she heard that Sheng Chengyan was in anaphylactic shock not long ago, Sheng Tingguang was quite worried about her.

Yu He only gave him a cold look, stepped on her slippers and got out of bed.

In Sheng Chengyan's room, the little guy hadn't woken up yet, and his little nostrils moved slightly, slowly rising and falling with the rhythm of breathing.

The whole family surrounded the little guy.

"Have you notified Sheng Lan and Sheng Sheng?"

Yu He asked.

Sheng Ye shook his head, "The two of them are in Diancheng, and they are far away, so it is unrealistic to rush here, and Yanyan is basically nothing serious now, so don't worry them."

"Well, what Xiaoye said makes sense." Sheng Nanhe, who had been silent for a long time, nodded while holding his cane in one hand, "The two of them are just in a hurry to come back now, let's talk about it when they come back."

It was after one o'clock in the afternoon that Sheng Chengyan woke up.

"Yanyan, is there any discomfort? How do you feel? Are you still uncomfortable?"

Suddenly, Yu He's words seemed a little incoherent.Sheng Tingguang pressed her and shook his head at her, "Don't scare the child."

"Yeah, Mom, Yanyan just woke up, how can he care about you asking him so many questions?"

Gently, Sheng Ye also smiled.

"Young master, do you feel any discomfort?"

Leaning over, Song Yuzheng became a little kinder than usual, and no longer had a cold face.

The little guy's eyes were a little tired, and his dark eyes swept around the people around him.

He didn't see Sheng Lan, nor Zhao Qiaosheng, so he couldn't help but get hurt.

He hasn't seen his father and mother for a long time.

In silence, the little guy shook his head.

Song Yuzheng nodded towards Sheng Nanhe, reconfirming that Sheng Chengyan was fine.

He wasn't in a hurry to ask Sheng Chengyan what he had eaten, the days ahead would be long, and now that the villain just woke up, he probably couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't ask anything.

(End of this chapter)

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