Chapter 183
"Sister-in-law Yang, go and call Mr. Lin." After all, he is also his little nephew. Sheng Ye felt uncomfortable looking at it, so he turned around and ordered, "Speaking words, I won't be in class for a few days. , and let her rest at home, and her salary will be settled as normal."

"Oh, by the way, Eldest Young Master, I forgot to tell you this too." Patting her forehead, Aunt Yang suddenly remembered what Lin Yuening told her yesterday, "Ms. Lin called me yesterday and said yes She needs to take half a month's leave, her mother seems to be ill, and she wants to go back to her hometown to have a look."

"I'm on leave." Sheng Ye paused before nodding. Behind the thin lenses, those black eyes narrowed slightly, "Okay, let her take good care of her mother."

In the crew, according to what Chen Qifeng said before, Zhao Qiaosheng will play the role of Rong Le Yi, who is Sheng Lan's favorite concubine in the play.

The screenwriter teacher is also working overtime to write the lines of the prequel.

The modified script becomes:
Ten years ago, the Xihan Kingdom was destroyed. The little prince of the Xihan Kingdom, Prince Mingjing, picked up a doll during his escape, which was Rong Le. In the darkest moment of Prince Mingjing's life, it was Rong Le who gave him warmth. .Seven years later, the Xihan Kingdom was revived again. Prince Mingjing was assisted by Yang Xiu, the master of the dynasty, and worked hard to rule, becoming a generation of Mingjun.

And Rong Le was the only one in his harem from beginning to end.Everyone said that Emperor Jing was devoted to love, but only Emperor Ming Jing knew best in his heart that Rong Le was the daughter of an enemy, he could not make her a queen, he could only give her the title of concubine, hide her and raise her. In the deep palace.

In the third year of Mingjing, another rebellion broke out in the dynasty, Rong Le defended against the arrows and protected Emperor Mingjing.

At this point, Emperor Ming Jing was furious, and the entire Jingyang Palace was washed with blood, and half of the sky was soaked in red.

The rebellion subsided, but there was no more joy in the world.

In the sixth year of Mingjing, the three-year period of mourning for Concubine Rong expired.

With the assistance of Yang Xiu, the master of the country, Emperor Ming Jing rectified the administration of officials, developed the economy, and opened up the Yuan culture. All aspects of the country recovered and developed together. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment, but they did not close their doors at night.

In the eighth year of Mingjing, the Xihan Kingdom had become the head of the eight kingdoms at that time, and no country could match it in national strength, and it was called the rule of Mingjing in history.

Also in the same year, a new draft girl entered the palace. Ouyang Man, the daughter of the Minister of Rites, performed outstandingly and was received by Emperor Ming Jing. One of the many concubines.

So far, the main drama part has been opened, and the connection is not bad.

On the second day after handing in the script, a large sum of money was deposited into the accounts of every screenwriting teacher.

Everyone knows who gave it.

It's obvious to all that Master Sheng spent a lot of money for his wife. From the point of view of persuasion, which one is not the best!

Some people are greedy, but they can only be envious.

"I have a doubt, does Rong Le know the fact that she is the daughter of Emperor Ming Jing's enemy?"

Being led by Sheng Lan to read the script, Zhao Qiaosheng put his hand on his chin and couldn't help asking a question in a low voice.

"Well, why do you ask that?" Sheng Lan leaned over, resting his hands on Zhao Qiaosheng's side, his eyelashes drooping slightly.

"I was thinking, what kind of mood did Rong Le take when defending Emperor Ming Jing? Did he love him and want to protect him, or did he want to make up for the damage his father caused to Emperor Ming Jing?"


"Rong Le has saved Emperor Ming Jing twice in total, but what she got in exchange was that Emperor Ming Jing married her."

Sheng Lan: "."

 Let me explain the background first, and then I will start~
  I’ll try my best to write the old sayings part well. The old account wrote it once before, so it can be regarded as having such a little bit of experience.
  Also, thank you Star Baby for the monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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