Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 185 You Really Don't Spare A Child!

Chapter 185 You Really Don't Spare A Child!

"Ah Jing, you know, I just hope you are safe, if you can't regain Longcheng this time"

"You think I can't take back Longcheng?"

Suddenly, the man's face has become completely different.

There was bursts of pain from the strangled wrist, Rong Le's eyelashes trembled slightly, and there was a little water in the eyes looking towards Ming Jing.

There was a sharp flash in his eyes, and afterward, Ming Jing also realized his emotional agitation, and he let go of his hand subconsciously.

There was obviously a circle of red marks where he strangled just now, which contrasted with the girl's fair skin and looked particularly glaring.


"I'm fine." Rong Le smiled, she moved her wrist joints to show Ming Jing, telling him not to worry.


"Longcheng. The general of Longcheng is brave and good at fighting, and he is even more insidious. If you fight him, I am really worried. There is no other reason."

Forcibly hiding the pain in his eyes, Ming Jing only touched the girl's face, "Okay, I will pay attention."

There was no more unnecessary words, Rong Le stood where he was, watching Ming Jing get on the horse.

The army marched northward, followed by the mighty soldiers, with uniform steps.

Solemn and solemn.

From now on, the person Ming Jing wants to fight is none other than Rong Ke, Rong Le's uncle.

Back then, Rong Le's father, Rong Jin, rebelled and successfully overthrew the Xihan Dynasty.But who knows, the day when the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind, and Rong Jin returns from a great victory, it is the time when Rong Ke washes the world with blood.

Rong Jin's troops were ambushed and captured.

In the barracks, Rong Ke personally beheaded Rong Jin.

In a panic, being protected by a nanny, Rong Le escaped, and the nanny hid her in the stable, telling Rong Le not to go out, she went to find food.

But Mammy didn't come back after going out for a few days and nights, so Rong Le hid in the haystack and didn't dare to go out for a few days and nights.

Finally one day, Rong Le was so hungry that she felt that she was going to die, and she seemed to see a figure of a young boy in a vague way.

When he woke up again, Rong Le found himself in a mess.

Before she could see the surrounding environment clearly, the boy she vaguely saw before fainting appeared.

Ming Jing's body was no better than Rong Le's, and he even had more injuries.

Both of them were embarrassed.

The young boy opened a bag in his arms, took a piece of steamed bun from it and handed it to Rong Le, "Here, eat."

Without saying a word, Rong Le only reached out to take it.

The little boy went to sit down on the haystack on the other side.

Because they were worried that people would find someone inside, they didn't light a fire, and they didn't dare to light it.

Ming Jing is the prince of the enemy country, who escaped during the process of being escorted, and is the most wanted criminal by Rong Ke.

Rong Jin died tragically, Princess Rong Le disappeared, her whereabouts were unknown, and she was even searched by the whole city.

The identities of the two are not simple.

Of course, this is what Ming Jing accidentally discovered when he went out to look for food.

Rong Jin killed his father, emperor and mother, and even caused the destruction of the Xihan Kingdom, Ming Jing couldn't swallow this breath.

He didn't want to care about this little girl at first, but he also accidentally saw the portrait of her being wanted. It was said to be to find the missing princess, and it was nothing more than to kill people and silence them.

Rong Ke, Rong Ke, you really don't let a child go!

Gritting his teeth, Ming Jing chose to take care of this little girl for a while longer.

On the other side, Rong Le squatted on the ground, took a bite of the steamed bun in his hand.

She couldn't remember how long she hadn't eaten, she just thought it was the most delicious food in the world.

  Thank you Fengqi.The tearful monthly ticket, Erhe bows~
(End of this chapter)

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