Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 186 Her Jing, Chapter [-] is Coming Soon

Chapter 186 Her Ah Jing is coming back soon
Prince Mingjing and Princess Rongle have never been found, probably because Rong Ke felt bored, thinking that the two children might have died in a corner where no one found them, or they were eaten by something.

On the tenth day of the wanted man in the city, Rong Ke asked someone to remove Rong Jin's head hanging on the city gate.

However, the matter was far from ending so quickly. In the following three years, Rong Ke had been sending people to secretly search for the whereabouts of Prince Mingjing and Princess Rongle.

Anyone who looks like Crown Prince Ming Jing and Princess Rong Le will be shot to death.

I would rather kill a hundred by mistake than let one go!
Let the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be endless troubles, Rong Ke knows this truth very well.

A boy in his teens, with a little girl he picked up, traveled all the way.

It is said that Ming Jing takes care of Rong Le, but in fact it is Rong Le who takes care of Ming Jing more often, the little girl is not noisy, she can tell what Ming Jing wants to do at a glance, and will seriously follow his instructions to do things , and would silently give Mingjing medicine after he was beaten.

When Ming Jing was 11 years old, he was found by Fu Yangxiu's men and brought back to the Nether Garden.

This year, Rong Le was ten years old.

As a newcomer, the little girl still didn't speak much, and would just silently follow behind Ming Jing.

After training day and night in the garden of the underworld, the boy finally grew up.

Fifteen or sixteen years old, but he was born with a fierce look, which made people shudder and awe.

"Ah Jing, are you going out to fight?"

Ming Jing learns martial arts, Rong Le also learns to dance.

It seems that no matter what time, Rong Le always looks the same as before, quiet as the warm sun in winter, but it also gives people a bit of desolation and coldness.

Putting down the halberd in his hand, Ming Jing stood there, waiting for the little girl to come and hug him.

Everyone in Mingyuan said that as soon as Miss Rong came, Mingjing would definitely smile.

that's the truth.

This was the first year of the war. Her Ajing became famous in three battles and took over three cities one after another, but because of this, she became a thorn in the side of the other vassal states.

There were quite a few people who wanted him dead, and some even paid for his head, but before those people could get close, Ming Jing's body was killed, and they didn't even know how he died.

As for those corpses, they were naturally thrown on the street, and they were treated in the same way as others. Ming Jing returned them one by one as Rong Ke treated Rong Le's father back then.

It's not that he has forgotten the revenge of killing his father, it's just that he has to calculate it slowly.

"Well, Ale, give me another year and this war will end soon."

The young man stands facing the light, and his words are sonorous, which is the most sincere promise.

Later, Ming Jing did it. It took more than a year, and Rong Le would see Fu Yangxiu receive battle reports from the front line from time to time, saying that Prince Ming Jing had won the battle again.

Fu Yangxiu couldn't be happier, and Rong Le was also happy in his heart.

Her Ah Jing is coming back soon.

Like a tiger playing with a mouse, Ming Jing captured all the surrounding cities of Long City one by one, and did not choose to take advantage of the victory to pursue it, but left it standing there alone.

The meaning of humiliation could not be simpler.

It is said to humiliate Rong Ke, but in fact it is more for recuperation. He has been fighting outside for more than a year, and the soldiers have long been exhausted. Mingjing knows Rong Ke's strength. There is no chance of winning, and I am afraid that both sides will suffer.

 Mark it, Rongle ( yue ), four tones.

(End of this chapter)

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