Chapter 190 Just Jealous!

"The crew has a small party tonight, do you have time?" Sheng Lan whispered as he dragged Zhao Qiaosheng into his arms.

This is the news he saw when he went upstairs just now, organized by Chen Qifeng, in a B&B.

He thought it should be fun.

"Is the crew also having a party?" Zhao Qiaosheng shook his head, "I'm afraid not, we agreed a few days ago that we will have a party too."


"Then you can help me to say sorry to Director Chen and the others, I'm very embarrassed not to go to the party."

Zhao Qiaosheng lowered his head, Sheng Lan pinched her arm and played with her fingers, not sure if he listened or not.

Finally, Zhao Qiaosheng poked Sheng Lan's shoulder with his fingertips, "Did you hear what I said?"

"What?" Lifting a pair of innocent eyes, Sheng Lan's eyelids moved up and down, "Kiss me and I'll tell you."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

"Why are you so shameless every day?"

Twisting his body, Zhao Qiaosheng was about to get off him.

Of course Sheng Lan didn't allow it, and kept him in his arms obediently, "Am I asking too much?"

Zhao Qiaosheng pursed his lips, lowered his head and touched Sheng Lan's face lightly without emotion, and just touched it, just touched it.

Before he had time to recollect, the lingering warmth on his cheeks disappeared, Sheng Lan only twitched his eyebrows, and snorted coldly, "So perfunctory?"

Zhao Qiaosheng stared at him, "You didn't say how to kiss beforehand, I kissed you all, so you can say it or not."

Looking at it like this, if you don't say it, the little wife will probably explode. Sheng Lan was subdued and just smiled, "Say, of course I will."


"If Sheng Bao doesn't go, it's boring for me to go alone, so I don't plan to go."

"You don't want to go."

Zhao Qiaosheng murmured, a little embarrassed.

Fingertips hooked a lock of hair dishonestly, Sheng Lan turned around, "Zhong Shuo should be there when the time comes, just ask him to give you a message."

"It's different!"

"Why is it different?"

Seeing that his little wife was getting anxious, Sheng Lan had a faint smile in his eyes, but his words became even more leisurely.

"Zhong Shuo is your manager, not me"

"Are you still so clearly distinguished from me?" Sheng Lan smiled, and pulled the corner of his mouth, "It's okay, he is mine, everyone understands."


Zhao Qiaosheng still felt that it was not appropriate.

Sheng Lan raised her eyebrows, "Huh?"

Puffing his cheeks, Zhao Qiaosheng drooped his shoulders, "If you don't go to the production party, I won't go either. Is this not a good influence?"

Sheng Lan followed Zhao Qiaosheng's words and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Qiaosheng: "Do you think that the two of us didn't go because of our own private affairs?"

"What about private matters?"


"The wife I married back aboveboard, can't she be a little selfish?"


"Sheng Bao, instead of worrying about what outsiders think, why don't you think about not going with me?"

"Are you jealous?"

Very keenly, Zhao Qiaosheng caught the sour smell spreading in the air, and then got the answer from the half-smiling face of the man.

Just jealous!

In an instant, Zhao Qiaosheng laughed.

Putting the palm on the woman's waist hard, Sheng Lan narrowed his brows and eyes slightly, and there was an inexplicable anger in his eyes.

After laughing a few times, Zhao Qiaosheng felt something was wrong, and there were bursts of itching in his waist, and the strange feeling became more and more clear.
Laughing out of breath, Zhao Qiaosheng's eyes were glistening, she raised her hand and pushed Sheng Lan's arm, telling him to let go, "I won't laugh at you anymore, I won't laugh at you anymore!"

Well, sure enough, you will be honest if you are bullied.

After stopping the movement of her hands, Sheng Lan held her little wife's chin and looked over.

The corners of the eyes were red, and there was already a lot of water color in the eyes, misty, and the pair of almond eyes were even more beautiful!
"So, do you want to consider going with me?"

After asking this question, Sheng Lan continued without waiting for Zhao Qiaosheng's answer, "Or I can go with you, think about it."

Slowly coming back to his senses, Zhao Qiaosheng pushed him, "Put me down and I'll give you the answer."

Staring at Zhao Qiaosheng for a few seconds, Sheng Lan was stunned for a moment, and then released him generously, with a helpless smile on his face, "You're a quick learner!"

(End of this chapter)

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